- 中文名:馬昌喜
- 國籍:中國
- 出生地:湖北漢川
- 學位:博士
[1] Ma Changxi, Ma Cunrui, Ye Qing, He Ruichun, Song Jieyan. An improved genetic algorithm for the large-scale rural highway network layout, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 267851, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/267851(SCI期刊)
[2] Zhu Chengming, Chen Yanyan, Ma Changxi. The theory of dynamic public transit priority with dynamic stochastic park and ride. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 525460, 2014.doi:10.1155/2014/525460(SCI期刊)
[3] 麻存瑞,馬昌喜(通信作者).不確定環境中危險品運輸路徑魯棒最佳化.中國安全科學學報,2014.(CSCD核心庫期刊)
[4] 麻存瑞,馬昌喜(通信作者).不確定旅行商問題的魯棒模型與算法.計算機套用,2014(CSCD核心庫期刊)
[3] 麻存瑞,馬昌喜(通信作者).不確定環境中危險品運輸路徑魯棒最佳化.中國安全科學學報,2014.(CSCD核心庫期刊)
[4] 麻存瑞,馬昌喜(通信作者).不確定旅行商問題的魯棒模型與算法.計算機套用,2014(CSCD核心庫期刊)
[1] Ma Changxi, Li Yinzhen, He Ruichun, Wu Fang, Qi Bo, Ye Qing. Route optimization models and algorithms for hazardous materials transportation under different environments, International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation,2013,5(4):252-265(SCI期刊)
[2] Ma Changxi , Li Yinzhen, He Ruichun, Qi Bo, Wu Fang, Diao Aixia and Ma Cunrui. Latent ringlike road traffic control system based on compound mechanism particle swarm optimization algorithm, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2013,18(1):47-53.(EI期刊)
[3] He Ruichun,Ma Changxi*,Li Yinzhen. Study on multi-objective traveling salesman problem for hazardous materials transportation based on improved genetic algorithm, International Journal of Computing Science, 2013,4(2):131-139 (EI期刊)
[4] Ma Changxi, Li Yinzhen, He Ruichun, Wu Fang, Sun li and Qi Bo. Multi-objective fuzzy optimization method for emergency evacuation based on hybrid intelligence algorithm under fuzzy environment, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2013,46(3):228-235.(EI期刊)
[5] Ma Changxi , Li Yinzhen, He Ruichun, Qi Bo, Diao Aixia. Study on the decision-making method of transportation route for hazardous materials under the hybrid language environment, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing,2013, 6(3):215–220. (EI期刊)
[6] Ma Changxi, Wu Fang, Qi Bo, Gong Liang, Wang Li, An Xinlei.Study on urban three-lane mixed traffic flow with buses based on the Nagel-Schreckenberg model, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing,2013, 6(6):615–620. (EI期刊)
[3] He Ruichun,Ma Changxi*,Li Yinzhen. Study on multi-objective traveling salesman problem for hazardous materials transportation based on improved genetic algorithm, International Journal of Computing Science, 2013,4(2):131-139 (EI期刊)
[4] Ma Changxi, Li Yinzhen, He Ruichun, Wu Fang, Sun li and Qi Bo. Multi-objective fuzzy optimization method for emergency evacuation based on hybrid intelligence algorithm under fuzzy environment, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2013,46(3):228-235.(EI期刊)
[5] Ma Changxi , Li Yinzhen, He Ruichun, Qi Bo, Diao Aixia. Study on the decision-making method of transportation route for hazardous materials under the hybrid language environment, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing,2013, 6(3):215–220. (EI期刊)
[6] Ma Changxi, Wu Fang, Qi Bo, Gong Liang, Wang Li, An Xinlei.Study on urban three-lane mixed traffic flow with buses based on the Nagel-Schreckenberg model, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing,2013, 6(6):615–620. (EI期刊)
[1] Ma Changxi, et al.Bus-priority signal control system based on wireless sensor network and improved particle swarm optimization algorithm [J]. Sensor Letters.2012,10(8):1823-1829 (SCI和EI雙檢索期刊)
[2]Ma Changxi, el al.A new chaos particle swarm optimisation algorithm and its applications for transportation continuous network design problem [J]. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering.2012, 7( 2):100–107. (EI期刊)
[3] Ma Changxi, et al.Research on location problem of emergency service facilities based on genetic-simulated annealing algorithm[J]. International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing,2012, 5(2):206-211.(EI期刊)
[4] Ma Changxi, et al. New optimization model and fuzzy adaptive weighted genetic algorithm for hazardous material transportation[J]. International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics, 2012, 3(4):341-352.(EI檢索)
[1] Ma Changxi,et al.The application of improved ant colony algorithm for emergency logistics vehicle routing problem [J]. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2011,3(10):307-314. (EI期刊)
[2] Ma Changxi,et al. An improved cusp catastrophic particle swarm optimization algorithm and its application for expressway ramp fuzzy control[J]. Journal of Information and Computational Science. 2011,8(14):3249-3256.(EI期刊)
[2] Ma Changxi,et al. An improved cusp catastrophic particle swarm optimization algorithm and its application for expressway ramp fuzzy control[J]. Journal of Information and Computational Science. 2011,8(14):3249-3256.(EI期刊)
[3] Ma Changxi,et al.Transportation route decision-making of hazardous material based on entropy model. Communication in Computer and Information Science, 2011(EI檢索)
[4] Ma Changxi,et al.Study on the hazardous blocking synthetic value and the optimization route of hazardous material transportation network based on A-star algorithm. 2011 Seventh International Conference on Natural Computation , 2011(EI檢索)
[2] Study on Urban Loop-road Traffic Coordination Control System based on Spit-layer Parallel Cusp Catastrophe Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm, CAR 2010 .
[3] Study on the Influence of Transit Parking Time on Traffic Flow Based on Cellular Automata Theory. Chinese Physics B ,2010.
[4] 基於灰色理論的中心城與衛星城之間客運模式決策,城市道橋與防洪,2010.
[1] 發達運輸網路環境下危險品公路運輸路徑多目標決策方法研究[J].交通運輸系統工程與信息,
[2] 不發達路網環境下基於神經網路理論的危險品公路運輸路徑多屬性決策[J].現代交通技術,2009,6(1):84-86.
[3] 確定環境下的危險品公路運輸路徑多屬性決策[J].蘭州交通大學學報.
[4] Analysis of the infuence of occupation rate of public transit vehicles on mixing traffic flow in two-lane system,Chinese Physics B,2009。
[5] 大城市居民出行方式決策方法研究[J].交通運輸工程與信息學報.2009。
[6] 基於改進的灰色-馬爾可夫鏈方法的公路貨運量預測[J].蘭州交通大學學報,2009。
[1] Research on the planning method and its application for the megalopolis public parking area based on neural network and genetic algorithm [J]. Proceeding of First International Conference of Modeling and Simulation. Nanjing 2008.
[2] Decision-making method of hazardous material transportation route based on particle swarm optimization algorithm and neural network [J]. IEEE PACIIA 2008.
[3] 長公路隧道交通安全研究[J].災害學,2008,23(1):82-87.
[4] 公車輛合理配置的模糊隨機機會約束規劃模型[J].交通運輸工程與信息學報.2008,6(1):97-100.
[5] 甘肅省高速公路網合理規模預測模型[J].蘭州交通大學學報.2008,27(3):78-80.
[1] 3項國家自然科學基金項目;
[2] 2項教育部人文社科項目;
[3] 1項甘肅省自然科學基金項目;
[4] 1項甘肅省白銀市科技計畫項目;
[5] 1項甘肅省建設科技攻關項目;
[6] 1教育部博士點新教師基金。
[1] 馬昌喜. 應急交通與物流系統最佳化[M],成都:西南交通大學出版社,2014.
[2] 馬昌喜,馬超群,交通影響評價[M],北京:機械工業出版社, 2014.
[3] 吳芳,顏月霞,馬昌喜, 等. 城市軌道交通運輸設備[M],北京:人民交通出版社,2012.
[4] 孫文紅,馬昌喜, 等.鐵路危險貨物運輸安全技術與管理[M],北京:中國鐵道出版社,2012.
[3] 吳芳,顏月霞,馬昌喜, 等. 城市軌道交通運輸設備[M],北京:人民交通出版社,2012.
[4] 孫文紅,馬昌喜, 等.鐵路危險貨物運輸安全技術與管理[M],北京:中國鐵道出版社,2012.
馬昌喜,男,博士,教授、碩導,兼任中國交通運輸協會青年科技工作者委員會委員、國家自然科學基金委函評專家、甘肅省智慧城市建設與管理專家、Transportation Research系列期刊論文審稿者。自2002年7月任教以來,出版英文專著1部,主編及副主編教材3部,在國內外學術期刊上發表SCI檢索論文8篇,EI(JA)檢索論文30餘篇;榮獲甘肅省建設科技進步一等獎、蘭州市科技進步一等獎等獎勵8次;榮獲蘭州交通大學青年教師講課競賽一等獎、蘭州交通大學科研先進個人等榮譽;主持國家自然科學基金項目1項、教育部人文社科基金項目2項及甘肅省碩導基金項目1項;參與國家自然科學基金項目2項,參與完成蘭州、天水、白銀和平涼等城市綜合交通調查、公交規劃、交通安全規劃及交通影響評價項目10餘項。指導學生參加全國大學生交通科技大賽,榮獲全國二等獎和三等獎各1項。