- 中文名:馬坤嶺
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 畢業院校:倫敦大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師、醫生
- 專業方向:糖、脂代謝紊亂的基礎與臨床研究(糖尿病腎病、動脈粥樣硬化等)
- 任職院校:浙江大學醫學院
- 任職醫院:浙江大學醫學院附屬第二醫院
(1). *Ma KL, Liu L, Zhang Y, Wang GH, Hu ZB, Chen PP, Lu J, Lu CC,Gong TK, Gong YX, Liu BC. Aspirin attenuates podocyte injury in diabetic ratsthrough overriding cyclooxygenase-2-mediated dysregulation of LDL receptorpathway. Int Urol Nephrol. 2019 Jan 2. doi: 10.1007/s11255-018-2059-7. (IF=1.692)
(2). Wang GH, *Ma KL, Zhang Y, Hu ZB, Liu L, Lu J, Chen PP, Lu CC,Ruan XZ, Liu BC. Caspase 3/ROCK1 pathway mediates high glucose-induced plateletmicroparticles shedding. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019 Feb 5;509(2):596-602.doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2018.12.166. Epub 2018 Dec 31. (IF=2.559)
(3).Wang GH,*Ma KL, Zhang Y, Hu ZB, Liu L, Lu J, Chen PP, Lu CC, Ruan XZ, LiuBC.Platelet microparticles contribute to aorticvascular endothelial injury in diabetes via the mTORC1 pathway.Acta Pharmacol Sin.2018 Nov 16. doi: 10.1038/s41401-018-0186-4. (IF=3.562).
(4) Wang GH, Lu J,*Ma KL, ZhangY, Hu ZB, Chen PP, Lu CC, Zhang XL, Liu BC.TheRelease of Monocyte-Derived Tissue Factor-Positive Microparticles Contributesto a Hypercoagulable State in Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy.J Atheroscler Thromb.2018 Nov 15. doi: 10.5551/jat.46284.(IF=3.042).
(5) Zhang Y,*Ma KL, Gong YX,Wang GH, Hu ZB, Liu L, Lu J, Chen PP, Lu CC, Ruan XZ, Liu BC.Platelet Microparticles Mediate Glomerular Endothelial Injury in EarlyDiabetic Nephropathy.J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018;29(11):2671-2695.(IF=8.655).
(6). *Ma KL, GongTK, Hu ZB, Zhang Y, Wang GH, Liu L, Chen PP, Lu J, Lu CC, Liu BC.Lipoprotein(a) accelerated the progression of atherosclerosis in patients withend-stage renal disease. BMC Nephrol. 2018;19(1):192.(IF=2.395).
(7) *Ma KL, Wu Y, Zhang Y, Wang GH, Hu ZB,Ruan XZ. Activation of the CXCL16/CXCR6 pathway promotes lipid deposition infatty livers of apolipoprotein E knockout mice and HepG2 cells. Am J Transl Res.2018;10(6):1802-1816. (IF=3.061).
(8) Lu CC, *Ma KL, Ruan XZ, Liu BC. Intestinal dysbiosis activatesrenal renin-angiotensin system contributing to incipient diabetic nephropathy.Int J Med Sci. 2018;15(8):816-822. (IF=2.284).
(9) Hu ZB, *Ma KL, Zhang Y, Wang GH, Liu L, Lu J, Chen PP, Lu CC,Liu BC. Inflammation-activated CXCL16 pathway contributes to tubulointerstitialinjury in mouse diabetic nephropathy. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2018;39(6):1022-1033.(IF=3.562).
(10) Lu CC, *Ma KL, Ruan XZ, Liu BC. The Emerging Roles ofMicroparticles in Diabetic Nephropathy. Int J Biol Sci. 2017;13(9):1118-1125. (IF=4.057).
(11) Hu ZB, Chen Y,Gong YX, Gao M, Zhang Y, Wang GH, Tang RN, Liu H, Liu BC, *Ma KL. Activation of the CXCL16/CXCR6 Pathway byInflammation Contributes to Atherosclerosis in Patients with End-stage RenalDisease. Int J Med Sci. 2016;13(11):858-867. (IF=2.284).
(12).WuY, *Ma KL, Zhang Y, Wen Y, Wang GH, Hu ZB, Liu L, Lu J, Chen PP, RuanXZ, Liu BC. Lipid disorder and intrahepatic renin-angiotensin system activationsynergistically contributes to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Liver Int. 2016;36(10):1525-34.(IF=4.5)
(13).ZhangY, *Ma KL, Ruan XZ, Liu BC. Dysregulation of the Low-Density LipoproteinReceptor Pathway Is Involved in Lipid Disorder-Mediated Organ Injury. Int JBiol Sci. 2016; 12(5):569-79. (IF=4.057)
(14). *Ma KL, Zhang Y, Liu J, Wu Y, Hu ZB,Liu L, Liu BC. Inflammatory stress induces lipid accumulation in multi-organsof db/db mice. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2015; 47(10): 767-74. (IF=2.224).
(15).Zhang Y,*Ma KL, Liu J, Wu Y, Hu ZB, Liu L,Liu BC. Dysregulation of low-density lipoprotein receptor contributes topodocyte injuries in diabetic nephropathy. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2015;308(12):E1140-8. (IF=4.018).
(16).Zhang Y, *Ma KL, Liu J, Wu Y, Hu ZB, Liu L, Lu J, Zhang XL, LiuBC. Inflammatory stress exacerbates lipid accumulation and podocyte injuries indiabetic nephropathy. Acta Diabetol. 2015; 52(6):1045-56. (IF=3.126).
(17).Liu J, *Ma KL, Zhang Y, Wu Y, Hu ZB, Lv LL, Tang RN, Liu H, Ruan XZ, LiuBC.Activation of mTORC1disrupted LDL receptor pathway: a potential new mechanism for the progressionof non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2015; 61:8-19.(IF=3.247)
(18). *Ma KL, Zhang Y,Liu J, Wu Y, Hu ZB, Ruan XZ, Liu BC. Establishment of an Inflamed Animal Modelof Diabetic Nephropathy.Int J Biol Sci2014; 10(2):149-159.(IF=4.057)
(19).Ma KL,LiuJ, Gao M, Wang CX, Ni J,Zhang Y,Zhang XL, Liu H, Wang YL, *Liu BC.Activation of mTOR contributes to foam cell formation in the radialarteries of patients with end-stage renal disease.ClinNephrol. 2014; 81(6):396-404.(IF=1.352)
(20).Ma KL, Ni J,Wang CX, Liu J, Zhang Y, Wu Y, Lv LL, Ruan XZ, *Liu BC. Interaction of RASActivation and Lipid Disorders Accelerates the Progression ofGlomerulosclerosis.Int JMed Sci 2013; 10(12):1615-24. (IF=2.284)
(21).Ma KL, Liu J,Wang CX, Ni J, Zhang Y, Wu Y, Lv LL, Ruan XZ, Liu BC. Activation of mTORmodulates SREBP-2 to induce foam cell formation through increasedretinoblastoma protein phosphorylation.Cardiovasc Res 2013; 100(3):450-60. (IF=6.29).
(22). Ni J, *Ma KL,Wang CX, Liu J, Zhang Y, Lv LL, Ni HF, Chen YX, Ruan XZ, Liu BC. Activation of renin-angiotensinsystem is involved in dyslipidemia-mediated renal injuries in apolipoprotein Eknockout mice and HK-2 cells.Lipids Health Dis 2013; 12(1):49. (IF=2.663).
(23).Ma KL, Liu J, NiJ, Zhang Y, Lv LL, Tang RN, Ni HF, Ruan XZ, *Liu BC. Inflammatory stressexacerbates the progression of cardiac fibrosis in high-fat-fed apolipoproteinE knockout mice via endothelial-mesenchymal transition. Int JMed Sci 2013; 10(4):420-6. (IF=2.284).
(24). *Ma KL, Wang CX.Analysis of the spectrum and antibiotic resistance of uropathogens in vitro:results based on a retrospective study from a tertiary hospital.Am J Infect Control2013; 41(7):601-6. (IF=1.929)
(25). Liu J, *Ma KL,Gao M, Wang CX, Ni J, Zhang Y, Zhang XL, Liu H, Wang YL, Liu BC. Inflammationdisrupts the LDL receptor pathway and accelerates the progression of vascularcalcification in ESRD patients. PLoS One 2012;7(10):e47217.(IF=2.766).
(26).Ma KL, VargheseZ, Ku Y, Powis SH, Chen Y, Moorhead JF, *Ruan XZ. Sirolimus inhibits endogenouscholesterol synthesis induced by inflammatory stress in human vascular smoothmuscle cells. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2010; 298(6):H1646-51.(IF=3.569).
(27).Ma KL, RuanXZ, Powis SH, Chen YX, Moorhead JF, andVarghese Z. Inflammatory stress exacerbates lipid accumulation in hepatic cellsand fatty livers of apolipoprotein E knockout mice.Hepatology 2008; 48 (3):770-81.(IF=14.079).
(28).Ma KL, *Ruan XZ, Powis SH, Chen Y, Moorhead JF, Varghese Z.Sirolimusmodifies cholesterolhomeostasis in hepatic cells: a potential molecular mechanism forsirolimus-associated dyslipidemia. Transplantation 2007; 84(8):1029-36.(IF=2.869).
(29).Ma KL, *Ruan XZ, Powis SH, Moorhead JF,and Varghese Z. Anti-atherosclerotic effects of sirolimus on human vascularsmooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2007; 292 (6):H2721-8.(IF=3.569).
(30). Wu M,Wang SS, Cao JY, Tang TT, Gao M,Ma KL, Liu BC. Calcium-sensing receptormediates interleukin-1β-induced collagen expression in mouse collecting ductcells. J Cell Biochem. 2018 Dec 7. doi:10.1002/jcb.28010. (IF=2.959).
(31). ZhouLT, Qiu S, Lv LL, Li ZL, Liu H, Tang RN,Ma KL, Liu BC. IntegrativeBioinformatics Analysis Provides Insight into the Molecular Mechanisms ofChronic Kidney Disease. Kidney Blood Press Res.2018;43(2):568-581. (IF=3.0)
(32). Wen Y,Liu YR, Tang TT, Pan MM, Xu SC,Ma KL, Lv LL, Liu H, Liu BC. mROS-TXNIPaxis activates NLRP3 inflammasome to mediate renal injury during ischemic AKI. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2018;98:43-53. (IF=3.247).
(33). LiuHF, Liu H, Lv LL,Ma KL, Wen Y, Chen L, Liu BC. CCN3 suppressesTGF-β1-induced extracellular matrix accumulation in human mesangial cells invitro. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2018;39(2):222-229.(IF=3.562).
(34). #Zhou LT, Cao YH, Lv LL,Ma KL, Chen PS, Ni HF, Lei XD, *Liu BC. Feature selection andclassification of urinary mRNA microarray data by iterative random forest todiagnose renal fibrosis: a two-stage study. Sci Rep. 2017; 7:39832. (IF=4.122).
(35). #Wu M, Zhang JD, Tang RN, Crowley SD, Liu H, Lv LL,Ma KL, *Liu BC. Elevated PTH inducesendothelial to chondrogenic transition in aortic endothelial cells. Am JPhysiol Renal Physiol. 2017; 312(3):F436-F444. (IF=3.164).
(36). #Sun L, Zou LX, Han YC, Huang HM, Tan ZM, Gao M,Ma KL, Liu H,*Liu BC. Forecast of theincidence, prevalence and burden of end-stage renal disease in Nanjing, Chinato the Year 2025. BMC Nephrol. 2016;17(1):60. (IF=2.395).
(37). #Zhu DD, Tang RN, Lv LL, Wen Y, Liu H, Zhang XL,Ma KL, *Liu BC. Interleukin-1β mediates highglucose induced phenotypic transition in human aortic endothelial cells. CardiovascDiabetol. 2016;15:42. (IF=5.235).
(38) #Han YC, Huang HM, Sun L, Tan CM, Gao M, Liu H, Tang RN, Wang YL, WangB,Ma KL, *Liu BC.Epidemiological Study of RRT-Treated ESRD in Nanjing - A Ten-Year Experience inNearly Three Million Insurance Covered Population. PLoS One.2016;11(2):e0149038. (IF=2.766).
(39). #Ding LH, Liu D, Xu M,Wu M, Liu H, Tang RN,Ma KL, Chen PS, *Liu BC.TLR2-MyD88-NF-κB pathway is involved in tubulointerstitial inflammationcaused by proteinuria.Int JBiochem Cell Biol2015;69:114-120.(IF=3.247)
(40). #Liu D, Wen Y, TangTT, Lv LL, Tang RN, Liu H,Ma KL, Crowley SD, *Liu BC.Megalin/Cubulin-Lysosome-mediated AlbuminReabsorption Is Involved in the Tubular Cell Activation of NLRP3 Inflammasomeand Tubulointerstitial Inflammation.J Biol Chem. 2015; 290(29):18018-28.(IF=4.01)
(41). #Wang J, Wen Y, Lv LL, Liu H,Tang RN,Ma KL, *Liu BC. Involvement of endoplasmic reticulum stress inangiotensin II-induced NLRP3 inflammasome activation in human renal proximaltubular cells in vitro. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2015; 36(7):821-30.(IF=3.562)
(42). #XuM, Liu D, Ding LH,Ma KL, Wu M, Lv LL, Wen Y, Liu H, Tang RN, *Liu BC.FTY720 inhibits tubulointerstitial inflammation in albumin overload-inducednephropathy of rats via the Sphk1 pathway. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2014; 35(12):1537-45.(IF=3.562)
(43). #Liu D, Xu M, Ding LH, Lv LL, Liu H,MaKL, Zhang AH, Crowley SD, *Liu BC. Activation of the Nlrp3 inflammasome bymitochondrial reactive oxygen species: A novel mechanism of albumin-inducedtubulointerstitial inflammation. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2014; 57:7-19. (IF=3.247)
(44). #Ding LH, Liu D, Xu M, Liu H, Wu M,Tang RN, Lv LL,Ma KL, *Liu BC. Enalapril inhibits tubulointerstitialinflammation and NLRP3 inflammasome expression in BSA-overload nephropathy ofrats. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2014; 35(10):1293-301. (IF=3.562)
(45). #Wu M, Tang RN, Liu H,Ma KL,Lv LL, *Liu BC. Nuclear translocation of β-catenin mediates the parathyroidhormone-induced ndothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in human renal glomerularendothelial cells. J Cell Biochem 2014; 115(10):1692-701.(IF=2.959).
(46). #Lv LL, Cao YH, Pan MM, Liu H, Tang RN,Ma KL,Chen PS, *Liu BC.CD2AP mRNA in urinaryexosome as biomarker of kidney disease.Clin Chim Acta 2014; 428: 26-31.(IF=2.926)
(47). #Lv LL, Cao Y, Liu D, Xu M, Liu H, Tang RN,MaKL, *Liu BC. Isolation and Quantification of MicroRNAs from UrinaryExosomes/Microvesicles for Biomarker Discovery. Int J Biol Sci2013; 9(10):1021-31. (IF=4.057)
(48). #Ni HF, Chen JF, ZhangMH, Pan MM, Zhang JD, Liu H, Tang RN,Ma KL, *Liu BC. FTY720 attenuatestubulointerstitial inflammation and fibrosis in subtotally nephrectomized rats.Ren Fail 2013; 35(7):996-1004.(IF=1.44)
(49). #Yang LY, Ge X, Wang YL,Ma KL, Liu H,Zhang XL, *Liu BC. Angiotensin receptor blockers reduce left ventricularhypertrophy in dialysis patients: a meta-analysis. Am J MedSci 2013; 345(1):1-9.(IF=1.773)
(50). #Dai HY, Zheng M, TangRN,Ma KL, Ni J, *Liu BC. Inhibition of integrin-linked kinase byangiotensin II receptor antagonist, irbesartan attenuates podocyte injury indiabetic rats. Chin Med J (Engl) 2012; 125(5):888-93.(IF=1.596)
(51). #Dai HY, Zheng M, LvLL, Tang RN,Ma KL, Liu D, Wu M, *Liu BC. The roles of connective tissuegrowth factor and integrin-linked kinase in high glucose-induced phenotypicalterations of podocytes. J Cell Biochem 2012;113(1):293-301. (IF=2.959)
(52). #Zheng M, Lv LL, Cao YH, Zhang JD, Wu M,Ma KL,Phillips AO, *Liu BC. Urinary mRNA markers of epithelial-mesenchymal transitioncorrelate with progression of diabetic nephropathy. ClinEndocrinol (Oxf) 2012; 76(5):657-64. (IF=3.077)
(53). #Tang RN, Lv LL, ZhangJD, Dai HY, Li Q, Zheng M, Ni J,Ma KL, *Liu BC. Effects of angiotensinII receptor blocker on myocardial endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition indiabetic rats. Int J Cardiol 2013; 162(2):92-9. (IF=4.034)
(54). #Zheng M, Lv LL, Ni J,Ni HF, Li Q,Ma KL, *Liu BC. Urinary podocyte-associated mRNA profile invarious stages of diabetic nephropathy. PLoS One 2011;6(5):e20431. (IF=2.766)
(55). #Li Q, *Liu BC, Lv LL,MaKL, Zhang XL, Phillips AO. Monocytes induce proximal tubularepithelial-mesenchymal transition through NF-kappa B dependent upregulation ofICAM-1.J Cell Biochem2011; 112(6):1585-92. (IF=3.247)
(56).#Dai HY, Zheng M, Tang RN, Ni J,Ma KL, Li Q, *Liu BC.Effects of angiotensin receptor blocker onphenotypic alterations of podocytes in early diabetic nephropathy. Am J Med Sci 2011; 341(3):207-14. (IF=1.773)
(57). Tang RN, Li Q, Lv LL, Dai HY, Zheng M,Ma KL, Liu BC. Angiotensin II mediatesthe high-glucose-induced endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in human aorticendothelial cells. Cardiovasc Diabetol; 9: 31, 2010. (IF=5.235)
(58).#*Ruan XZ, Moorhead JF, Tao JL,Ma KL,Wheeler DC, Powis SH, Varghese Z. Mechanisms of dysregulation of low-densitylipoprotein receptor expression in vascular smooth muscle cells by inflammatorycytokines. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2006; 26 (5):1150-5. (IF=6.086)
(59). #*Liu BC, Huang HQ, LuoDD,Ma KL, Liu DG, Liu H. Connectivetissue growth factor is associated with the early renal hypertrophy inuninephrectomized diabetic rats. Chin Med J (Engl) 2006; 119 (12):1010-6. (IF=1.596)
(60).#*Liu BC, Xu Y,Ma KL, Huang HQ, YinLF, Liu DG. Effects of irbesartan on the expression of matrixmetalloproteinase-2/tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 instreptozotocin-induced diabetic rat kidney. Chin Med J (Engl) 2005; 118(12):1040-4.(IF=1.596).
(61).#*Liu BC, Sun J, Chen Q, Luo DD,Ma KL,Ruan XZ. Effect of irbesartan on angiotensin II-induced hypertrophy of humanproximal tubular cells. Chin Med J (Engl) 2004; 117 (4):547-51. (IF=1.596).
(62).#*Liu BC, Sun J, Chen Q,Ma KL, RuanXZ, Phillips AO. Role of connective tissue growth factor in mediatinghypertrophy of human proximal tubular cells induced by angiotensin II. Am JNephrol 2003; 23 (6):429-37. (IF=2.884)
(63).#*Liu BC,Ma KL, Ye YY, Liu NF, RuanXZ. Effects of L-arginine on the proliferation of human renal mesangial cellsand production of extracellular matrix. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2001; 22 (8):756-60.(IF=3.562)
先後主持國家自然科學基金課題3項,省部級課題6項。近年來獲先後獲得教育部自然科學獎一等獎、教育部科技進步獎二等獎、中華醫學科技獎三等獎、江蘇省科技進步獎二等獎、江蘇省醫學科技獎二等獎、南京市科技進步獎二等獎、浙江省科技進步獎一等獎等政府成果獎勵7項。多次受邀在國際學術會議做大會發言。截至目前,在J Am Soc Nephrol、Hepatology、Cardiovasc Res等國際雜誌累計發表SCI收錄論文63篇。