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  • 中文名:饒輝
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1969年9月
  • 職業:教授
  • 主要成就:獲理學博士學位
  • 專業機率論專業



1985--1989: 四川大學數學系本科學習 (機率論專業),獲理學學士學位;
1989--1992: 武漢大學數學系碩士學習 (分形幾何),獲理學碩士學位;
1992--1995: 武漢大學數學系博士學習 (分形幾何), 獲理學博士學位。


1995.11--1997.07: 南京大學,博士後。
1997.11--1998.06: 香港中文大學,博士後。
1998.07—2001.01: 武漢大學數學系,副教授。
2001.02--2003.02: 日本學術振興會(津田塾大學),研究員。
2003.03--2003.09: 法國Montpellier大學“計算機、機器人及微電子實驗室”,訪問。
2004.02--2004-08: 德國Greifswald大學數學系,訪問。
2009.05-- 至今: 華中師範大學,教授。




1. Qu, Yan-hui; Rao, Hui; Wen, Zhi-ying; Xue, Yu-mei: Maximal pattern complexity of higher dimensional words. J. Combin. Theory. Ser. A 117 (2010), 489—506.
2. Hui Rao; Li-jun Zhang: Integral self-affine tiles of Bandt’s model. Acta Math. Appl. Sinica (English Series), 26 (2010), no. 1, 169--176.
3. Maki Furukado, Shunji Ito and Hui Rao: Geometric realizations of hyperbolic unimodular substitutions. (in Fractal Geometry and Stochastics IV. Edited by Christoph Bandt and Martina Zahle.) Progress in Probability, Vol 61, pp 251—268. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2009.
4. Teturo Kamae, Hui Rao, Bo Tan and Yumei Xue: Super-stationary sets, subwords problem and the complexity. Discrete math. 309 (2009), 4417-4427.
5. Hui Rao, Huojun Ruan and Yamin Yang: Gap sequence, Lipschitz equivalence and box dimension of fractal sets. Nonlinearity 21 (2008) no. 6, 1339-1347.
6. Valerie Berthe, Hiromi Ei, Shunji Ito and Hui Rao: On substitution invariant sturmian words: An application of rauzy fractals. Rairo-Theoretical informatics and applications 41 (2007) no. 3, 329--349 2007.
7. Christoph Bandt and Hui Rao: Topology and separation of self-similar fractals in the plane. Nonlinearity 20 (2007), no. 6, 1463--1474.
8. Shunji Ito and Hui Rao: Atomic surfaces, tilings and coincidence I: Irreducible case. Israel J. Math. 153 (2006), 129--156.
9. Hiromi Ei, Shunji Ito and Hui Rao: Atomic surfaces, tilings and coincidences. II. Reducible case. Numération, pavages, substitutions. Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 56 (2006), no. 7, 2285--2313.
10. Teturo Kamae, Hui Rao and Yumei Xue: Maximal pattern complexity of two dimensional words. Theoretical Computer Science 359 (2006) , 15-27.
11. Teturo Kamae, Hui Rao, Bo Tan and Yemei Xue: Language structure of pattern Sturmian words. Discrete Mathematics 306 (2006), 1651-1668.
12. Hui Rao and Yumei Xue: Tiling $\Bbb Z\sp 2$ with translations of one set. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 8 (2006), no.1, 129--140 (electronic).
13. Hui Rao, Huojun Ruan and Lifeng Xi: Lipschitz equivalence of self-similar sets. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I 342 (2006), 191--196.
14. Teturo Kamae and Hui Rao: Maximal pattern complexity over $\ell$ letters. European J. Combin. 27 (2006), no. 1, 125--137.
15. Christoph Bandt, NguyenViet Hung and Hui Rao: On open set condition for self-similar sets. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 134 (2006), 1369-1374.


