- 中文名:餐廳的故事
- 遊戲類型:模擬經營遊戲
- 系 統 : IOS 遊戲
- 開發商:TeamLava, LLC.
大 小 : 15.90M
最新版本 : V1.0.1
開發商: TeamLava, LLC.
類 型 : 模擬經營
系 統 : IOS 遊戲
關鍵字 : 模擬經營 其他 2.5D 自由拖動 Q版 即時制

Restaurant Live is a game for restaurant lovers to play with their friends.Establish a five-star restaurant of your dreams and build up the reputation of your restaurant to bring in more customers and unlock bigger and better items!Customers will bustle around your restaurant, finding their seats, eating their food. Don‘t forget to make sure your customers are happy and well-fed by choosing stunning decoration and tasty new dishes!Game Features:
Design and build a five-star restaurant with visually stunning decoration
Visit friends‘ restaurants and leave them tips
Earn coins in real-time, even while away from the game
FREE update
- 設計和建立一個具有獨特創意的餐館;
- 自定義選擇選單,以滿足你的喜好;
- 通過要求朋友參觀你的餐館以獲取小費;
- 邀請你的Facebook好友成為你的鄰居;
- 出售你的秘密菜譜;
- 每星期遊戲官方都會推出新的菜餚、裝飾、主題等免費套用。