



  • 中文名:飛行人員陸空通話(英文版)
  • 定價:45元
  •  印次:1-1
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 作者:范海翔、李佩綺、杜麗娟、魏鵬程
  •  ISBN:9787302324782
  • 出版時間:2013-11-22





Communication error is the biggest causal factor in both level busts and runway incursions in the air traffic world. This document aims to provide Commercial Air Transport (CAT) pilots and other pilots flying Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) within controlled airspace with a quick reference guide to commonly used radiotelephony (RTF) phrases that may be encountered during a routine CAT flight. It also explains some of the rationales behind the use of certain words and phrases to aid understanding and reinforce the need for compliance with standard phraseology.
The goal is to improve safety by raising RTF standards. The need for clear and unambiguous communication between pilots and Air Traffic Control (ATC) is vital in assisting the safe and expeditious operation of aircraft. It is important, therefore, that due regard is given to the use of standard words and phrases and that all involved ensure that they maintain the highest professional standards when using RTF. This is especially important when operating within busy sectors with congested frequencies where any time wasted with verbose, nonstandard or ambiguous phrases could lead to flight safety incidents. Phraseology has evolved over time and has been carefully developed to provide maximum clarity and brevity in communications while ensuring that phrases are unambiguous. However, while standard phraseology is available to cover most routine situations, not every conceivable scenario will be catered for and RTF users should be prepared to use plain language when necessary following the principle of keeping phrases clear and concise.


UNIT 1 General Operating Procedures 1
1.1 Transmission of letters 1
1.2 Transmission of numbers 2
1.3 Standard words and phrases 5
1.4 Callsigns 8
1.5 Communications procedures 9
1.6 Transmitting technique 12
Unit check 1 13
UNIT 2 Pre-flight 16
2.1 Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) 16
2.2 Departure information 21
2.3 ATC clearance 22
2.4 Pushback 26
2.5 Start-up 30
2.6 Taxi 37
Unit check 2 46
UNIT 3 Departure and Takeoff 53
3.1 Line-up 53
3.2 Takeoff 56
3.3 Departure 62
3.4 Traffic circuit 68
Unit check 3 77
UNIT 4 Cruise and Descent 91
4.1 En route: Position report 91
4.2 En route: Traffic information 96
4.3 Flights joining, leaving, crossing airways and holding en-route 101
4.4 Descent 111
Unit check 4 116
UNIT 5 Approach and Landing 125
5.1 Approach 125
5.2 Final approach and landing 129
5.3 After landing 133
Unit check 5 137
UNIT 6 Emergency Communications 143
6.1 Urgency and communications failure 143
6.2 Distress 145
Unit check 6 148
UNIT 7 Radiotelephony Practice 154
7.1 Lamar TO Dodge (COMPLETE FLIGHT) 154
7.2 Detroit TO Atlanta (COMPLETE FLIGHT) 158
UNIT 8 Glossary 163
8.1 Definitions 163
8.2 Abbreviations 168
Answers and Transcript 173


