



  • 中文名:顏承初
  • 出生日期:1983年
  • 畢業院校:香港理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 職務:南京工業大學暖通工程研究所所長
  • 職稱:教授
  • 性別:男


2001.09-2005.07南京理工大學 建築環境與設備工程專業,獲學士學位
2005.08-2008.07 清華大學,建築技術科學系,獲工學碩士學位
2008.08-2009.11 北京建築設計研究院,助理工程師
2009.12-2013.01 香港理工大學屋宇設備工程學系,獲博士學位
2013.01-2013.10 香港理工大學屋宇設備工程學系, Research Associate
2013.10-2016.04 香港理工大學屋宇設備工程學系,博士後
2016.04-2017.03 香港理工大學屋宇設備工程學系,研究員(Research Fellow)
2017.03-2018.05 南京工業大學城建學院,教授
2018.05- 至今 南京工業大學城建學院,教授,暖通工程研究所所長




近年來發表學術論文40餘篇,其中27篇被Applied Energy、Energy and Buildings等SCI雜誌收錄,SCI他引500餘次,已有7篇論文入選ESI高被引用論文,10餘個SCI期刊或國際會議的特邀審稿人;主持1項國家自然科學基金和1項江蘇省自然科學基金,作為核心成員參與2項香港研究資助局(RGC)基金項目、3項工業資助項目和2項校內資助項目;申請國家發明專利16項;申請中國專利12項;作為節能項目負責人,承擔14項建築節能診斷及改造項目,包括香港第一高樓-“環球貿易廣場”、香港貨運航站樓、香港捷運沿線商業建築、北京奧運村“微能耗”等重大項目,獲得了社會效益(節能率20-25%)。
Main Research Area/Interests:Lifecycle Optimization and Multiple System integration for Sustainable Building development and application. Our research mainly focuses on how to develop sustainable building energy systems through lifecycle optimization and multiple system integration. The Main Research Area/Interests include the following three categories:
A.New Building Design Optimization: The design optimization aims at searching for optimal design configurations and energy efficient components that ensure the systems to consume the least energy during their whole life cycle with a reasonable initial cost. We mainly address how to integrate different types of renewable energy systems that have very poor reliability and controllability in a building, particularly for Low Energy /Zero Energy Buildings. We have developed a systematic methodology for the design optimization of such building energy systems, which currently are financially supported by two funds, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Jiangsu Province respectively.
B.Existing Building Diagnosis &Retrofitting: For existing buildings, the energy optimization aims to find out the possible energy saving opportunities by performance assessment and fault diagnosis. Our major contribution is to develop simple and effective methods for building-level energy assessment and diagnosis of information-poor buildings.
C.Smart Building towards Smart Grids: Being Energy Flexible should be one of the most important features for smart Buildings. As a result, we establish the interactive relationships between buildings and smart grid. We make buildings with more flexibility and elasticity in energy use, by which effect control of building HVAC system can be used for power demand response towards smart grids.
  • 科研項目
1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(51708287):基於供需互配的多能互補建築能源系統最佳化集成機制研究.(負責人);
2. 江蘇省自然科學基金青年基金項目(BK20171003):供需互適應匹配的建築混合能源系統耦合機制研究.(負責人);
3. 南京工業大學科研啟動項目:基於生命周期的建築能源系統最佳化.(負責人);
4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:基於超材料光譜選擇性膜的輻射致冷機理及其建築集成機制研究(51878342). (主要完成人);
5. 香港RGC/GRF項目:Robust Optimal Design of Energy Systems for Grid-connected and Stand-alone Zero Energy Buildings(2016-2018), Design and Control Optimizations of Net-Zero Energy Buildings Integrated with Micro-Grid(2013-2015);
6. 香港捷運公司資助的校企合作研究項目:Life-cycle commissioning and optimization of ECS system in TKW (2014-2018), Energy optimization for air conditioning system for maritime square extension (2014-2018);
7. 香港理工大學校園可持續發展基金項目:Energy Performance Assessment and Optimization on Existing Campus Buildings (2015-2018)
8. 香港理工大學可持續城市發展研究中心的Strategic Focus Area Scheme:Development of Smart, Grid-friendly and Grid-Responsive Buildings (2017-2020)
  • 代表性論文:
1.Chengchu Yan, Wenjie Gang, Xiaofeng Niu, Xujian Peng, Shengwei Wang. Quantitative evaluation of the impact of building load characteristics on energy performance of district cooling systems.Applied Energy, 2017, 205: 635-643. (JCR1區,IF:7.182)
2.Chengchu Yan, Wenxing Shi, Xianting Li. Optimal Design and Application of a Compound Cold Storage System-Combining Seasonal Ice Storage and Chilled Water Storage.Applied Energy, 2016, 171: 1-11. (JCR1區,IF:7.182)
3.Chengchu Yan, Wenxing Shi, Xianting Li and Shengwei Wang. A Seasonal Cold Storage System Based on Separate Type Heat Pipe for Sustainable Building Cooling.Renewable Energy.2016, 85: 880-889. (JCR1區,IF:4.357) (ESI-高引用論文)*
4.Chengchu Yan, Shengwei Wang, Zhenjun Ma and Wenxing Shi. A Simplified Method for Optimal Design of Solar Water Heating Systems Based on Life-cycle Energy Analysis.Renewable Energy.2015,74 : 271-278 (JCR1區,IF:4.357)
5.Chengchu Yan, Xue Xue, Shengwei Wang and Borui Cui. A novel air-conditioning system for proactive power demand response to smart grid.Energy Conversion and Management. 2015, 102: 239-246.(JCR1區,IF:5.589)
6.Chengchu Yan, Shengwei Wang, Fu Xiao A Multi-level Energy Performance Diagnosis Method for Information-Poor Buildings.Energy.2015, 83: 189-203. (JCR1區,IF:4.520)
7.Chengchu Yan, Shengwei Wang, Kui Shan and Yuehong Lu. A Simplified Analytical Model to Evaluate the Impact of Radiant Heat on Building Cooling Load.Applied Thermal Engineering,2015, 77: 30-41. (JCR1區,IF:3.356)
8.Chengchu Yan, Shengwei Wang, Fu Xiao. A simplified energy performance assessment method for existing buildings based on energy bill disaggregation,Energy and Buildings, 2012, 55: 563-574. (JCR1區,IF:4.067)
9.Chengchu Yan, Shengwei Wang, Fu Xiao. Retrofitting Building Fire Protection Water Tanks as Chilled Water Storage for Power Demand Limiting.Building Services Engineering Research and Technology. 2017, 38 (1), 47-63. (JCR3區,IF:0.727)
10.Chengchu Yan*, Xiuxiu Yang and Yizhe Xu. Mathematical Explanation and Fault Diagnosis of Low Delta-T Syndrome in Building Chilled Water Systems.Buildings. 2018, 8, 84.
11. Shengwei Wang,Chengchu Yan, Fu Xiao. Quantitative energy performance assessment methods for existing buildings,Energy and Buildings, 2012, 55: 873-888. (JCR1區,IF:4.067). (ESI-高引用論文)*
12. Yuehong Lu, Shengwei Wang,Chengchu Yan. Optimal scheduling of buildings with energy generation and thermal storage under dynamic electricity pricing using mixed-integer nonlinear programming.Applied Energy, 2015, 147: 49-58. (JCR1區,IF:7.182) (ESI-高引用論文)*
13.Xue Xue, Shengwei Wang,Chengchu Yan, Borui Cui. A Fast Chiller Power Demand Response Control Strategy for Buildings Connected to Smart Grid.Applied Energy.2015, 137: 77-87. (JCR1區,IF:7.182)(ESI-高引用論文)*
14. Dian-ce Gao , Shengwei Wang, Kui Shan, andChengchu Yan. A System-level Fault Detection and Diagnosis Method for Low Delta-T Syndrome in the Complex HVAC Systems.Applied Energy. 2016, 164: 1028–1038. (JCR1區,IF:7.182) (ESI-高引用論文) *
15.Yuehong Lu, Shengwei Wang, Yang Zhao andChengchu Yan. Renewable Energy System Optimization of Low/Zero Energy Buildings Using Single-Objective and Multi-Objective Optimization Methods.Energy and Buildings, 2015, 89: 61-75. (JCR1區,IF:4.067) (ESI-高引用論文) *
16.Qi Cheng, Shengwei Wang,Chengchu Yan, Fu Xiao. Probabilistic Approach for Uncertainty-based Optimal Design of Chiller Plants in Buildings.Applied Energy. 2017,185:1613-1624 (JCR1區,IF:7.182)(ESI-高引用論文) *
17.Kui Shan, Yongjun Sun, Shengwei Wang,Chengchu Yan. Development and In-situ validation of a multi-zone demand-controlled ventilation strategy using a limited number of sensors,Building and Environment, 2012, 57: 28-37. (JCR1區,IF:4.053)
18.Xue Xue, Shengwei Wang,Chengchu Yan. Building Power Demand Response Methods towards Smart Grid.HVAC&R Research, 2014, 20(6): 665-687. (JCR2區,IF:0.928).
19.Yang Zhao, Yuehong Lu,Chengchu Yan, Shengwei Wang. MPC-Based Optimal Scheduling of Grid-Connected Low Energy Buildings with Thermal Energy Storage.Energy and Buildings. 2015, 86: 415-426.( JCR1區,IF:4.067)
20.Cheng Fan, Fu Xiao,Chengchu Yan. A Framework for Knowledge Discovery in Massive Building Automation Data and Its Application in Building Diagnostics.Automation in Construction.2015, 50: 81-90. (JCR1區,IF: 2.919).
21.Borui Cui, Shengwei Wang,Chengchu Yanand Xue Xue. Evaluation of a Fast Power Demand Response Strategy Using Active and Passive Building Cold Storages for Smart Grid Applications.Energy Conversion and Management.2015, 102: 227-238 (JCR1區,IF:5.589).
22.Yuehong Lu, Shengwei Wang,Chengchu Yanand Kui Shan. Impacts of Renewable Energy System Design Inputs on The Performance Robustness of Net Zero Energy Buildings.Energy.2015, 93: 1595-1606. (JCR1區,IF:4.292)
23.Wenjie Gang, Shengwei Wang,Chengchu Yan, Fu Xiao. Robust optimal design of building cooling systems concerning uncertainties using mini-max regret theory.Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2015, 21(6): 789-799. (JCR2區,IF:0.928).
24.Kui Shan, Shengwei Wang,Chengchu Yan& Fu Xiao. Building demand response and control methods for smart grids: A review.Science and Technology for the Built Environment.2016, 22(6): 692-704. (JCR2區,IF:0.928).
25.Qi Cheng, Shengwei Wang,Chengchu Yan. Robust Optimal Design of Chilled Water Systems in Buildings with Quantified Uncertainty and Reliability for Minimized Life-Cycle Cost.Energy and Buildings, 2016, 126: 159-169. (JCR1區,IF:4.067).
26.Qi Cheng, Shengwei Wang,Chengchu Yan. Sequential Monte Carlo simulation for robust optimal design of cooling water system with quantified uncertainty and reliability.Energy, 2017, 118: 489-501. (JCR1區,IF:4.520)
27.Yuehong Lu, Shengwei Wang,Chengchu Yan,et al. Robust optimal design of renewable energy system in nearly/net zero energy buildings under uncertainties.Applied Energy, 2017, 187: 62-71. (JCR1區,IF:7.182).
28.Rui Tang, Shengwei Wang,Chengchu Yan. A direct load control strategy of centralized air-conditioning systems for building fast demand response to urgent requests of smart grids. Automation in Construction, 2018, 87: 74-83. (JCR1區,IF:2.919).
  • 中文期刊論文
  1. 顏承初,劉燕華,石文星. 基於溫濕度獨立控制的水蓄冷空調系統[J]. 暖通空調, 2010 (06). pp.36-41.
  2. 顏承初,趙偉,石文星. 單元式空調機APF 性能評價中的兩個關鍵問題[J]. 中國電器, 2008 (05). pp 68-70.
  3. 石文星,顏承初, 李先庭等. 跨季節與夜間複合蓄冷系統設計與實踐[J]. 暖通空調, 2008(38). pp. 125-131.
  • 國際會議文章
32.Chengchu Yan, Shengwei Wang.Three-level Energy Performance Calculation and Assessment Method for Information Poor Buildings.10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning(ISHVAC 2017), Jinan, China, 19-22 October 2017.(EI收錄
  1. Chengchu Yan, Diance Gao, Shengwei Wang and Kui Shan. Mathematical Explanation and Fault Diagnosis of Low Delta-T Syndrome in Building Chilled Water Systems. Second International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization (ICSU 2015), Hong Kong, China, 7-9 January 2015.
  2. Chengchu Yan, Xue Xue and Shengwei Wang. A novel air-conditioning system for proactive power demand response to smart grid. The 6th International Conference on Applied Energy, Taiwan, 2014. (EI收錄
  3. Chengchu Yan, Shengwei Wang and Zhenjun Ma. Optimal Design of a Solar Water Heating System for Multiple Purposes in Low-Energy Buildings. The 12th International Conference on Sustainable Energy technologies, Hong Kong, 2013.
  4. Chengchu Yan, Wenxing Shi, Xianting Li. Charging performance of seasonal cold storage system with separate type heat pipes. International Congress of Refrigeration. Beijing, 2007.
  5. Qi Cheng, Chengchu Yan, Shengwei Wang. Robust optimal design of chiller plants based on uncertainties. The 7th International Conference on Applied Energy, Abu Dhabi, 2015. (EI收錄


