- 中文名:顏學慶
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:教授,博士生導師
- 畢業院校:北京大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:強場物理、醫學和材料中的套用研究。
- 主要成就:入選科學中國人年度人物
- 1994.10-1999.7,清華大學工程物理系
- 1999.9-2002.9, 2003.11-2004.6,北京大學物理學院重離子物理研究所
- 2002.9-2003.11,德國法蘭克福大學套用物理研究所
- 2004年,北京大學粒子物理博士學位,講師
- 2006年,北京大學物理學院,副教授
- 2011年,北京大學教授(物理學院、工學院)
- 2017年,北京大學重離子物理所,所長
高能量密度物理(HEDP)是研究能量密度超過10^11焦耳/米^3的極端條件下物質結構與特性及變化規律的科學, 是近年發展起來的重要交叉前沿領域,HEDP的研究對慣性約束聚變、材料物理、天體物理、加速器物理、國防等具有極其重要的意義。主要開展基於超強雷射與電漿相互作用中的粒子加速和輻射等相關物理問題的研究,具體方向如下: 1.強場物理(雷射電漿相互作用);2. 雷射加速器;3. 雷射加速與輻射在生物、醫學和材料中的套用研究。
- 國際超高功率雷射科學與技術中心(IZEST)委員
- 中國物理學會加速器物理常務理事&電漿加速專業組組長
- 中國物理學會高能量密度物理專業委員會委員
- 中國物理學會秋季物理會議組委&核物理與加速器物理召集人
- 中國光學工程學會理事
- 亞洲雷射電漿暑期學校教員
- 全球華人物理學會加速器專題學校(OCPA-ATS)本地組委會主席、教員
- 國際加速器大會(IPAC)程式委員會成員(SAB)
- 2005年獲得北京大學優秀青年加速器工作者獎
- 2007年獲得中國核物理學會胡濟民教育科學獎
- 2008年獲得“北京大學鐘盛標物理教育基金”教師獎
- 2008年獲得中國粒子加速器學會希望杯青年優秀論文獎 二等獎
- 2009年獲得第十屆北京市青年優秀科技論文獎 一等獎
- 2010年獲得國家傑出青年基金
- 2011年獲得霍英東青年基金
- 2014年入選科技部創新人才推進計畫青年領軍人才
- 2015年入選中組部萬人計畫
- 2015年入選科學中國人年度人物
1、國家自然科學基金重點項目、11535001,新型高效雷射電漿加速機制的理論和實驗研究, 370萬、2016/01-2020/01、在研,主持
- H.Y.Wang, C. Lin, Z. M. Sheng, B. Liu, S. Zhao, Z.Y. Guo, Y. R. Lu, X. T. He, J. E. Chen, andX. Q Yan*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 265002 (2011)
- B. Liu, H. Y. Wang, J. Liu, L. B Fu,X. Q Yan*, and X. T He,, Phys. Rev. Lett., (110, 045002 (2013))
- X. Q. Yan*, H. C. Wu, Z. M. Sheng, J. E. Chen and J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, Self-organizing GeV nano-Coulomb collimated proton beam from laser foil interaction at 7 × 10^21 W/cm^2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 135001 (2009)
- X. Q. Yan*, C. Lin, Z. M. Sheng, Z. Y. Guo, B. C. Liu,Y. R. Lu, J. X. Fang, and J. E. Chen,,Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 135003(2008)
- A. Henig, S. Steinke, M.Schnuerer, T. Sokollik, P.V. Nickles,D. Jung, D. Kiefer,J. Schreiber, T. Tajima,X. Q. Yan*, M. Hegelich, W. Sandner, and D. Habs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 245003 (2009)
- Z. Gong, R. H. Hu, Y. R. Shou, B. Qiao, C. E. Chen, X. T. He, S. S. Bulanov, T. Zh. Esirkepov, S. V. Bulanov, and X. Q. Yan* ,High-efficiencyγ-ray flash generation via multiple-laser scattering in ponderomotive potential well PHYSICAL REVIEW E 95, 013210 (2017)
- Ronghao Hu, Haiyang Lu,* Yinren Shou, Chen Lin, Hongbin Zhuo,Chia-erh Chen, and Xueqing Yan*, Brilliant GeV electron beam with narrow energy spread generated by a laser plasma accelerator, PHYSICAL REVIEW ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS 19, 091301 (2016)
- M. L. Zhou, B. Liu, R. H. Hu, Y. R. Shou, C. Lin, H. Y. Lu, Y. R. Lu, Y. Q. Gu, W. J. Ma, and X. Q. Yan*, Stable radiation pressure acceleration of ions by suppressing transverse Rayleigh-Taylor instability with multiple Gaussian pulses,Citation: Physics of Plasmas 23, 083109 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4960312
- B. Liu, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, K-U. Bamberg, W. J. Ma, J. Liu, X. T. He,X. Q. Yan, and H. Ruhl, Ion wave breaking acceleration, PHYSICAL REVIEW ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS 19, 073401 (2016)
- T.Tonician, C.Wang, E.McGary,A.Meadows,A.V.Arefiev, J.Blakeniev, J.Blakeney, K.Serratto, D.Kuk, C.Chester, R.Roycroft, L.Gao, H.Fu, X.Q.Yan, J.Schreiber,…, B.M.Hegelich,Non- Maxwellian electron distributions resulting from DLA in near-critical plasmas, Matter and Radiation at Extremes 1 (2016) 82-87
- M.L. Zhou, X.Q. Yan, G. Mourou, J.A. Wheeler, J.H. Bin, J. Schreiber and T. Tajima, Proton Acceleration by Single-Cycle Laser Pulses Offers a Novel Monoenergetic and Stable Operating Regime, Physics of Plasmas, 2016
- YINREN SHOU, HAIYANG LU, RONGHAO HU, CHEN LIN, HONGYONG WANG, MEILIN ZHOU, XIANTU HE,JIA ERH CHEN, AND XUEQING YAN, Near-diffraction-limited laser focusing with a near-critical density plasma lens, Vol. 41, No. 1 / January 1 2016 / Optics Letters 139
- Characterization of magnetic reconnection in the high-energy-density regime, Z. Xu, B. Qiao, H. X. Chang, W. P. Yao, S. Z. Wu, X. Q. Yan, C. T. Zhou, X. G. Wang, and X. T. He, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 93, 033206 (2016)
- Generation of overdense and high-energy electron-positron-pair plasmas by irradiation of a thin foil with two ultraintense lasers, H. X. Chang, B. Qiao, Z. Xu, X. R. Xu, C. T. Zhou, X. Q. Yan, S. Z. Wu,M. Borghesi, M. Zepf, and X. T. He, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 92, 053107 (2015)
- Collimated proton acceleration in light sail regime with a tailored pinhole target, H. Y. Wang, X. Q. Yan, and M. Zepf , Physics of Plasmas (1994-present) 21, 063113 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4886143
- J. H. Bin, W.J. Ma, K. Allinger, H.Y. Wang, D. Kiefer, S. Reinhardt, P. Hilz, K.Khrennikov, S. Karsch, X.Q. Yan, F. Krausz, T. Tajima, D. Habs, and J. Schreiber , Ion Acceleration Using Relativistic Pulse Shaping in Near-Critical-Density Plasmas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 064801 (2015)
- Dense Helical Electron Bunch Generation in Near-Critical Density Plasmas with Ultrarelativistic Laser Intensities, Ronghao Hu, Bin Liu,, Haiyang Lu, Meilin Zhou, Chen Lin, Zhengming Sheng, Chia-erh Chen, Xiantu He, & Xueqing Yan, Scientific Reports | 5:15499 | DOI: 10.1038/srep15499, 2015
- B S. Zhao, C. Lin, H. Y. Wang, H. Y. Lu, X. T. He, J. E. Chen, T. E. Cowan, and X. Q. Yan*,Ion acceleration enhanced by target ablation,Physics of Plasmas 22, 073106 (2015), SCI
- H. Y. Wang, X. Q. Yan,* and M. Zepf,High-energy monoenergetic proton beams from two stage acceleration with a slow laser pulse, PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS – ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS 18, 021302 (2015)
- B. Liu, R. H. Hu, H. Y. Wang, D. Wu, J. Liu, C. E. Chen, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, X. Q. Yan, and X. T. He, Quasimonoenergetic electron beam and brilliant gamma-ray radiation generated from near critical density plasma due to relativistic resonant phase locking, Physics of Plasmas 22, 080704 (2015)
- Instability-free ion acceleration by two laser pulses,Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 223, 1031–1035 (2014), M.L. Zhou, S. Zhao, H.Y. Wang, C. Lin, H.Y. Lu, Y.R. Lu, T. Tajima, X.T. He, C.E. Chen, Y.Q. Gu, and X.Q. Yan
- Collimated proton acceleration in light sail regime with a tailored pinhole target,PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 21, 063113 (2014),H. Y. Wang, X. Q. Yan, and M. Zepf
- Laser-driven three-stage heavy-ion acceleration from relativistic laser-plasma interaction,PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 013107 (2014), H. Y. Wang, C. Lin,* B. Liu, Z. M. Sheng, H. Y. Lu, W. J. Ma, J. H. Bin, J. Schreiber, X. T. He, J. E. Chen, M. Zepf, and X. Q. Yan*
- Dong Wu, C. Y. Zheng, B. Qiao, C. T. Zhou, X. Q. Yan, M. Y. Yu and X. T. He, “Suppression of transverse ablative Rayleigh-Taylor-like instability in the hole-boring radiation pressure acceleration by using elliptically polarized laser pulses”, Phys. Rev. E, 90, 023101 (2014). 1
- Laser-driven collimated tens-GeV monoenergetic protons from mass masslimited target plus preformed channel, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 20, 013107 (2013),F. L. Zheng, S. Z. Wu, H. C. Wu, C. T. Zhou, H. B. Cai,M. Y. Yu, T. Tajima, X. Q. Yan*, and X. T. He*
- H. Y. Wang, X. Q. Yan, J. E. Chen, X. T. He, W. J. Ma, J. H. Bin, J. Schreiber, T. Tajima, and D. Habs,Efficient and stable proton acceleration by irradiating a two-layer target with a linearly polarized laser pulse, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 20, 013101 (2013)
- B. Liu, H. Y. Wang, J. Liu, L. B Fu, X. Q Yan, and X. T He, Generating Overcritical Dense Relativistic Electron Beams via Self-Matching, Resonance Acceleration, Phys. Rev. Lett., (110, 045002 (2013))
- Meng Wen, Luling Jin, Yuanrong Lu, Jiaer Chen, and X. Q Yan, Frequency tunable x-ray source via Thomson backscattering on flying mirror from laser foil interaction,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 101, 021102 (2012)
- M. Wen,L. L. Jin, H. Y. Wang, Z. Wang, B. F. Shen, Y. R. Lu, J. E. Chen, and X. Q. Yan, Determination of carrier-envelope phase of relativistic few-cycle laser pulses by Thomson backscattering spectroscopy ,PHYSICAL REVIEW E 85, 035401(R) (2012)
- Meng Wen, Haicheng Wu, Luling Jin, Yuanrong Lu, Jiaer Chen, X. Q Yan,Energy spread inhibition of compact electron bunch driven by circularly polarized laser pulse, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 19, 083112 (2012)
- Lingyuan Gao, Hongyong Wang, Chen Lin, Yubin Zou, and X. Q Yan,Efficient proton beam generation from a foam-carbon foil target using an intense circularly polarized laser, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 19, 083107 (2012)
- H. Y. Wang, C. Lin, F. L. Zheng, Y. R. Lu, Z. Y. Guo, X. T. He, J. E. Chen, and X. Q. Yan, High-quality proton bunch from laser interaction with a gas-filled cone target, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 18, 093105 (2011)
- F. L. Zheng, S. Z. Wu, C. T. Zhou, H. Y. Wang, X. Q. Yan and X. T. He, Euro.Phys.Lett, 95,55005 (2011)
- H.Y.Wang, C. Lin, Z. M. Sheng, B. Liu, S. Zhao, Z.Y. Guo, Y. R. Lu, X. T. He, J. E. Chen, and X. Q Yan, Laser Shaping of a Relativistic Intense, Short Gaussian Pulse by a Plasma Lens, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 265002 (2011)
- H. Y. Wang, X. Q. Yan, Y. R. Lu, F. L. Zheng, Z. Y. Guo, W. J. Ma, X. T. He,T. Tajima, D. Habs, and J. E. Chen, Autofocused, enhanced proton acceleration from a nanometer-scale bulged foil, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 17, 113111 (2010)
- X. Q. Yan, T. Tajima, M. Hegelich, L. Yin and D. Habs, Theory of ion acceleration from targets of nanometers, Appl. Phys. B, 98:711-721 (2009)
- X. Q. Yan, H. C. Wu, Z. M. Sheng, J. E. Chen and J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, Self-organizing GeV nano-Coulomb collimated proton beam from laser foil interaction at 7 × 10^21 W/cm^2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 135001 (2009)
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- A. Henig, S. Steinke, M.Schnuerer, T. Sokollik, P.V. Nickles,D. Jung, D. Kiefer,J. Schreiber, T. Tajima, X. Q. Yan, M. Hegelich, W. Sandner, and D. Habs, Radiation pressure acceleration of ion beams driven by circularly polarized laser pulses, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 245003 (2009)
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- X. Q. Yan, R.A. Jameson, Y.R. Lu, Z.Y. Guo, J.X. Fang, J.E. Chen,Matched and equipartitioned design method for modern high-intensity radio frequency quadrupole accelerators, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 577,402–408 (2007).
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- W. J. Ma, J. H. Bin, H. Y. Wang, M. Yeung, C. Kreuzer, M. Streeter, P. S. Foster, S. Cousens, D. Kiefer, B. Dromey, X. Q. Yan, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, M. Zepf, and J. Schreiber, Bright Subcycle Extreme Ultraviolet Bursts from a Single Dense Relativistic Electron Sheet,PRL 113, 235002 (2014).
- Yongsheng Huang, Naiyan Wang, Xiuzhang Tang, Yijin Shi, and X. Q Yan, Ultra-relativistic ion acceleration in the laser-plasma interactions, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 19, 093109 (2012)
- Ingo Hofmann, Juergen Meyer-ter-Vehn, X. Q Yan, HusamAl-Omari, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 681 ,44–54 (2012)
- D. Jung, L. Yin, B. J. Albright, D. C. Gautier, R. Ho¨rlein, D. Kiefer, A. Henig, R. Johnson, S. Letzring, S. Palaniyappan, R. Shah, T. Shimada, X. Q Yan, K. J. Bowers, T. Tajima, J. C. Ferna´ndez, D. Habs, and B. M. Hegelich,Monoenergetic Ion Beam Generation by Driving Ion Solitary Waves with Circularly Polarized Laser Light, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 115002 (2011)
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