Maxcy-Rosenau-Lastpublichealth&preventivemedicine自1913年首次出版以來已有百年歷史。《TEXTBOOK OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 預防醫學(英文改編版)》不僅涵蓋了20世紀公共衛生與預防醫學的大量知識,而且還包含了21世紀以來的新進展。我們發現,在每一次修訂時選擇恰當的內容變得越來越困難。傳統的公共衛生與預防醫學問題仍然存在,公共衛生與預防醫學領域新的知識、研究成果和實踐信息日新月異,新發疾病的出現也在不斷更新和拓展我們的知識構架;新發微生物帶來的重要公共衛生學意義已經凸顯;行為科學在健康促進、衛生行為規範和健康宣教中發揮越來越重要的作用;新材料、新化學物和新技術的出現,在帶來科技的進步的同時也造成了職業環境和其他環境的污染;預期壽命的延長使得退行性疾病預防、綜合的醫療保健計畫和其他疾病預防變得越來越重要;對於人口增長和生態脆弱可能導致的公共衛生困境還不能完全預期;同時,低出生率和人口老齡化正在挑戰當前的公共衛生和預防醫學體系。人類衝突目前也成為一個公共衛生問題,社會和“非自然因素”在其中所起的作用越來越受到人們的關注;加強公共衛生實踐和臨床衛生服務的融合應該受到更多的重視。
本改寫版在McGraw-Hill Education出版的第15版Maxcy-Rosenau-Last public health & preventive medicine的基礎上完成,我們盡一切努力更新信息,獲取新知識。
Chapter 1 Public Health and Preventive Medicine: Trends and Guideposts 1
SECTION 1 Increased incorporation of business and administrative practices into prevention and public health service delivery 1
SECTION 2 Changes in the definition of the group or population, the fundamental unit of public health 2
SECTION 3 Enhanced conceptualization and measurement of personal health status 2
SECTION 4 Increased codification and interpretation of scientific findings relevant to prevention and public health 2
SECTION 5 Establishment of goals for communities to attain improvement in health status 2
Chapter 2 Epidemiology and Public Health 4
SECTION 1 History 4
SECTION 2 Definition 5
SECTION 3 Foundations of epidemiological practice 9
SECTION 4 Surveillance 10
SECTION 5 Investigation 17
SECTION 6 Analysis 23
SECTION 7 Evaluation 29
SECTION 8 Applying epidemiology to public health 30
Chapter 3 Public Health Informatics 32
SECTION 1 Historical context 32
SECTION 2 Public health system needs for informatics 33
SECTION 3 Enterprise architecture and data interchange 33
SECTION 4 Public health worker needs 34
SECTION 5 Public health information system needs 34
SECTION 6 Medical care information system needs 36
SECTION 7 National health information system initiatives 36
SECTION 8 Lessons learned in developing health information systems to date 37
SECTION 9 Challenges for the future—implications for public health informatics 38
Chapter 4 Genetic Determinants of Disease and Genetics in Public Health 40
SECTION 1 Genes in populations 41
SECTION 2 Incidence and prevalence of genetic disease 43
SECTION 3 Categories of genetic disease 44
SECTION 4 The human gene map and gene sequencing 47
SECTION 5 Evidence for clustering in families 48
SECTION 6 Screening, prenatal diagnosis and genetic services 50
SECTION 7 Summary and conclusions 54
Chapter 5 Communicable Diseases 55
SECTION 1 Control of communicable diseases 55
SECTION 2 Diseases controlled primarily by vaccination 61
SECTION 3 Epidemiology and trends in sexually transmitted infections 67
SECTION 4 The epidemiology and prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) 72
SECTION 5 Infection spread by close personal contact 77
SECTION 6 Diseases spread by food and water 98
SECTION 7 Diseases transmitted primarily from animals to humans (ZOONOSES) 102
SECTION 8 Control of infections in institutions: health care-associated infections 108
Chapter 6 Noncommunicable and Chronic Disabling Conditions 113
SECTION 1 Screening for early and asymptomatic conditions 113
SECTION 2 Cancer 115
SECTION 3 Heart disease 127
SECTION 4 Diabetes 142
SECTION 5 Nutrition in public health and preventive medicine 152
Chapter 7 Toxicology 162
SECTION 1 Branches of toxicology 162
SECTION 2 Toxic agents and toxicology 163
SECTION 3 Chemicals in the environment 165
SECTION 4 Exposure to toxic substances and change in the body 166
SECTION 5 Acute and chronic exposure and toxicity 170
SECTION 6 Toxicological effects and pharmacodynamics 171
SECTION 7 Mechanisms of toxicity 173
SECTION 8 Carcinogenesis: initiation and promotion 177
SECTION 9 Mixtures and interactions 178
SECTION 10 Clinical evaluation of toxicity 179
SECTION 11 Biomarkers 179
SECTION 12 Causality: environmental chemical exposure and health effects 181
SECTION 13 Toxicity testing 182
SECTION 14 Animal welfare and animal rights 182
SECTION 15 Measures to reduce toxicity hazards 183
SECTION 16 Future directions 184
SECTION 17 Old directions 185
Chapter 8 Pneumoconiosis 186
SECTION 1 Asbestos-associated diseases 186
SECTION 2 Coal workers’ lung disease 193
SECTION 3 Silicosis 197
Chapter 9 Health Significance of Metal Exposures 205
SECTION 1 Aluminum 206
SECTION 2 Antimony 208
SECTION 3 Arsenic 208
SECTION 4 Beryllium 210
SECTION 5 Cadmium 210
SECTION 6 Chromium 212
SECTION 7 Cobalt 213
SECTION 8 Copper 214
SECTION 9 Iron 214
SECTION 10 Lead 215
SECTION 11 Manganese 217
SECTION 12 Mercury 218
SECTION 13 Molybdenum 221
SECTION 14 Nickel 221
SECTION 15 Selenium 222
SECTION 16 Thallium 223
SECTION 17 Tin 224
SECTION 18 Uranium 224
SECTION 19 Vanadium 225
SECTION 20 Zinc 225
Chapter 10 Disease Associated with Exposure to Chemical Substances: Organic Compound 227
SECTION 1 Organic solvents 227
SECTION 2 Aromatic nitro- and amino-compounds 247
Chapter 11 Pulmonary Responses to Gases and Particles 250
SECTION 1 Functional zones of human lung 250
SECTION 2 Occupational polluted air 251
SECTION 3 Environmental air pollution 258
SECTION 4 Indoor air pollution 260