

項征,男, 博士,北京大學教授,北京大學化學生物學與生物技術學院課題組長、特聘研究員。


  • 中文名:項征
  • 畢業院校:美國加利福尼亞大學舊金山分校
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:基因編碼擴增及其在生物學研究中的套用;二
  • 職務:課題組長、特聘研究員


2016- 北京大學深圳研究生院,特聘研究員
2014-2015 美國加利福尼亞大學舊金山分校,博士後
2008-2014 美國索爾克研究所,博士後
2002-2007 北京大學,理學博士
1998-2002 北京大學,理學學士




1. Xiaohua Chen,Zheng Xiang, Ying S. Hu, Vanessa Lacey, Hu Cang and Lei Wang. (2014). Genetically Encoding an Electrophilic Amino Acid for Protein Stapling and Covalent Binding to Native Receptors.ACS Chem Biol.9, 1956-61.
2.Zheng Xiang, Vanessa K. Lacey, Haiyan Ren, Jing Xu, David J. Burban, Patricia A. Jennings and Lei Wang. (2014). Proximity Enabled Protein Crosslinking via Genetically Encoding Haloalkane Unnatural Amino Acids.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.53, 2190-3.
3. Irene Coin, Vsevolod Katritch, Tingting Sun,Zheng Xiang, Fai Yiu Siu, Michael Beyermann, Raymond C. Stevens and Lei Wang. (2013). Genetically Encoded Chemical Probes in Cells Reveal the Binding Path of Urocortin-I to CRF Class B GPCR.Cell155, 1258-1269. Highlighted byNat. Methods2014,11, 10. Previewed byCell2013,155, 1207-8.
4. Ji-Yong Kang, Daichi Kawaguchi, Irene Coin,Zheng Xiang, Dennis D. M. O’Leary, Paul A. Slesinger and Lei Wang. (2013). In Vivo Expression of a Light-Activatable Potassium Channel Using Unnatural Amino Acids.Neuron80, 358-370.
5.Zheng Xiang, Haiyan Ren, Ying S. Hu, Irene Coin, Jing Wei, Hu Cang and Lei Wang. (2013) Add an unnatural covalent bond to proteins through proximity-enhanced bioreactivity.Nat. Methods.10, 885-8. Highlighted byChemical & Engineering News, 91(32), August 12,2013.
6. Angela R. Parrish, Xingyu She,Zheng Xiang, Irene Coin, Zhouxin Shen, Steven P. Briggs, Andrew Dillin and Lei Wang. (2012). Expanding the Genetic Code ofCaenorhabditis elegansUsing Bacterial aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase/tRNA Pairs.ACS Chem. Biol.7,1292-302.
7. David B. F. Johnson, Jianfeng Xu, Zhouxin Shen, Jeffrey K. Takimoto, Matthew D. Schultz, Robert J. Schmitz,Zheng Xiang, Joseph R. Ecker, Steven P. Briggs and Lei Wang. (2011). RF1 knockout allows ribosomal incorporation of unnatural amino acids at multiple sites.Nat. Chem. Biol.7, 779-86.
8.Zheng Xiangand Lei Wang. (2011). Enantiospecific Synthesis of Genetically Encodable Fluorescent Unnatural Amino Acid L-3-(6-Acetylnaphthalen-2-ylamino)-2-aminopropanoic Acid.J. Org. Chem.76, 6367-71.
9. Bin Shen,Zheng Xiang, Barbara Miller, Gordon Louie, Wenyuan Wang, Joseph P. Noel, Fred H. Gage, Lei Wang. (2011). Genetically Encoding Unnatural Amino Acids in Neural Stem Cells and Optically Reporting Voltage-Sensitive Domain Changes in Differentiated Neurons.Stem Cells29, 1231-40.
10. Jeffrey K. Takimoto,Zheng Xiang, Ji-Yong Kang and Lei Wang. (2010). Esterification of an Unnatural Amino Acid Stucturally Deviating from Canonical Amino Acids Promotes Its Uptake and Incorporation into Proteins in Mammalian Cells.ChemBioChem11, 2268-72.
11. Jeffrey K. Takimoto, Katrina L. Adams,Zheng Xiangand Lei Wang. (2009). Improving Orthogonal tRNA-synthetase Recognition for Efficient Unnatural Amino Acid Incorporation and Application in Mammalian Cells.Mol Biosyst.5, 931-4.


