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  • 中文名:韓麗娟 
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1978年10月
  • 畢業院校同濟大學
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:配位聚合物的合成及結構分析;金屬有機骨架納米片的製備及性能表征;MOF基螢光材料的感測性能研究




● 配位聚合物的合成及結構分析
● 金屬有機骨架納米片的製備及性能表征
● MOF基螢光材料的感測性能研究




● 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目:具有螯合效應的MOF螢光感測器的合成及其檢測微量金屬離子的研究(項目編號:21701048),25萬,2018.01–2020.12,主持人,在研。
● 山東省自然科學基金面上項目:微納米MOF螢光感測器的設計合成及其檢測微量金屬離子的研究(項目編號:ZR2017MB047),16萬,2018.01–2020.12,主持人,在研。
● 山東省高校科研計畫項目:修飾調控型MOF螢光感測器的合成及其檢測金屬離子的研究(項目編號J17KB064),3萬,2017.07–2019.07,主持人,在研。
● 配位化學國家重點實驗室開放課題:新型二維金屬有機骨架納米片的製備及其螢光感測研究(項目編號:SKLCC1904),4萬,2019.01–2020.12,主持人,在研。
● 山東省自然科學基金:含氟金屬有機骨架的合成及捕集溫室氣體研究(項目編號:ZR2013BL004),2014.01–2016.12,主持人,已結項。


l Li-Juan Han, Fa-Yuan Ge, Guo-Hao Sun, Xiang-Jing Gao and He-Gen Zheng*. Effective adsorption of Congo red by a MOF-based magnetic material, Dalton Trans, 2019, 48, 4650–4656.
l Li-Juan Han, Dong Zheng, Shu-Guang Chen, He-Gen Zheng,* and Jing Ma*. A Highly Solvent-Stable Metal–Organic Framework Nanosheet: Morphology Control, Exfoliation, and Luminescent Property. Small, 2018, 14, 1703873.
l Li-Juan Han, Wei Yan, Shu-Guang Chen, Zhen-Zhen Shi, He-Gen Zheng*. Exploring the detection of metal ions by tailoring the coordination mode of V-shapedthienylpyridyl ligand in three MOFs. Inorg. Chem, 2017, 56, 2936–2940.
l Li-Juan Han, Ya-Jie Kong, Ting-Jiang Yan, Lu-Tong Fan, Qi Zhang, Hua-Jun Zhao, He-Gen Zheng*. A new five-coordinated copper compound for efficient degradation of methyl orange and Congo red in the absence of UV–visible radiation. Dalton Trans, 2016, 45, 18566–18571.
l Li-Juan Han, Ya-Jie Kong*, Ning Sheng, Xing-Ling Jiang. A new europium fluorous metal–organic framework with pentafluorobenzoate and 1, 10-phenanthroline ligands: Synthesis, structure and luminescent properties. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2014, 166, 122–126.
l Li-Juan Han*, Ya-Jie Kong, Pentafluorobenzoato-dimolybdenum(II) Solvate and Co-crystal Complexes with Benzene and Naphthalin, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2014, 640, 2007–2012.
l Li-Juan Han, Li Yan Fan, Miao Meng, Xuefeng Wang, Chun Y. Liu*. Supramolecular assemblies of dimolybdenum transoids built by the Mo2–enhanced perfluorophenyl- perfluorophenyl synthons. Dalton Trans, 2011, 40, 12832–12838.
l Zhong-Jie Wang, Li-Juan Han, Xiang-Jing Gao, and He-Gen Zheng*. Three Cd(II) MOFs with Different Functional Groups: Selective CO2 Capture and Metal Ions Detection. Inorg. Chem, 2018, 57, 5232–5239.
l Zhi-Zun Xiao, Li-Juan Han, Zhong-Jie Wang and He-Gen Zheng*. Three Zn(II)-based MOFs for luminescence sensing of Fe and Cr2O7 ions. Dalton Trans, 2018, 47, 3298–3402.
l Wei Yan, Li-Juan Han, Hai-Lang Jia, Kang Shen, Ting Wang, He-Gen Zheng*. Three Highly Stable Cobalt MOFs Based on “Y”-Shaped Carboxylic Acid: Synthesis and Absorption of Anionic Dyes. Inorg. Chem, 2016, 55, 8816–8821.
l Ya-Jie Kong, Li-Juan Han*, Lu-Tong Fan, Fan-Zhen Kong, Xiao Zhou. A bismuth-based fluorous metal-organic framework for efficient degradation of Congo red. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2016, 186, 40–44.
l Wei Yan, Chuanlei Zhang, Shuguang Chen, Li-Juan Han, Hegen Zheng*. Two Lanthanide MOFs as Remarkably Selective and Sensitive Bifunctional Luminescence Sensor for Metal Ions and Small Organic Molecules. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 1629–1634.


