


  • 中文名:韓書華
  • 性別:男
  • 民族:漢族
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生年月:1965年1月25日
  • 職業:教育 教授
  • 畢業院校:山東大學
  • 代表作品:《有序介孔二氧化矽/聚苯胺複合物》


1984年9月-1988年7月,山東大學化學系有機化學專業, 本科畢業。
1988年9月-1991年7月, 山東大學化學院, 膠體與界面化學專業,碩士畢業。留校工作,獲得物理化學專業博士學位。






1.Fluorescent hybrid with electron acceptor methylene viologen units inside the pore walls of mesoporous MCM-48 silica. Langmuir, 2010,26,3555.2. Ordered mesoporous tin oxide with crystallized pore walls: Preparation and thermal stability. Microporous Mesoporous Materials, 2010,130,1.3. A new strategy to fabricate mesoporous zirconium oxide with crystalline pore wall: Combining soft-templating with solide-liquid approach. Journal of pore materials, 已接受。4. Synthesis of highly ordered supermicroporous silica using short-chain cationic trimeric surfactant as structure-directing agent. Journal of pore materials, 已接受。5. Synthesis of mesoporous tungsten trioxide with crystalline pore wall at low hydrothermal temperature. Journal of dispersion science and technology, 2010, 31, 709.6. Gemini surfactant controlled preparation of well-ordered lamellar mesoporous molybdenum oxide. Journal of pore materials, 2010, 17, 99. 7. Thermally stable nanoporous nanocrystalline TiO2 with a bicrystalline(anatase-brookite) framework fabricate via combining the soft-templating with solid-liquid method. Journal of dispersion science and technology, 已接受。8.New strategy to synthesis of mesoporous nanocrystalline zirconia, Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin., 2010, 26, 2177.9. Synthesis of well-ordered lamellar mesoporous molybdenum oxide. Colloids & Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng.Aspects, 2009, 333, 194.10. 有序介孔二氧化矽/聚苯胺複合物,化學進展, 2008,1,26。11. Highly ordered supermicroporous silica. J. Phys. Chem.C, 2007, 111, 10955.12. Effect of concentration of nitric acid on transition of mesoporous silica struture.In Recent progress in mesostructured materials. Edited by D. Zhao, S. Qiu, Y. Tang and C. Yu. Elsevier, 2007, ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52178-1,101.13. Syhthesis of highly ordered mesoporous silica using trimeric surfactant as structure-directing agent. Colloids & Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng.Aspects, 2007, 303, 219.14. Synthesis and Characterization of Pm n Space Group of Cubic Mesoporous Silica, ChemPhysChem, 2006, 7,394-399.15. Synthesis of High -Quality MCM-48 Mesoporous Silica Using Gemini Surfactant Dimethylene-1,2-bis(dodecyldimethylammonium bromide). J Phys Chem B, 2004, 108, 15043-15048. 16. Synthesis of hollow spherical silica with MCM-41 mesoporous structure.Colloids & Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng.Aspects, 2004,282,1286.17. Synthesis of rod-like mesoporous silica with hexagonalappearance using sodium silicate as precursor.Colloid & Polymer Sci.,2004,282,761.18.助表面活性劑對介孔二氧化矽孔徑的影響。高等學校化學學報,2004,25,509。19. Synthesis of high-quality MCM-48mesoporous silica using cationic Gemini surfactant C12-2-12. Colloids & Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng.Aspects, 2004, 248, 75.20. Effect of Pentanol on Morphologies and Pore Structure of Mesoporous Silica. Langmuir 2003, 19, 4269-4271. 21. Coordination struture of aluminum in magnesium aluminum hydroxide studied by 27Al NMR. Chinses Chemical Letters, 2003,14, 605.22. Synthesis of rod-like mesoporous silica using mixed surfactants of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and cetyltrimethylammonium chloride as templates. Materials Letters, 57 (2003) 4520-4524.


主持科研項目:國家自然科學基金: 利用陽離子Gemini型表面活性劑調控二氧化矽介孔材料的結構與性質,負責人,27萬元。教育部重點項目:以陽離子Gemini型表面活性劑為模板製備二氧化矽介孔材料,負責人,8萬元。山東省重點自然科學基金:氧化矽介孔材料的製備與反應機理的研究,負責人,7萬元。山東省優秀中青年獎勵基金: 以低聚陽離子表面活性劑為模板製備二氧化矽介孔材料,負責人,10萬元。山東省重點科技攻關計畫:大位移水平井鑽井液關鍵技術研究,負責人,10萬元山東省科技攻關計畫:納米水滑石熱穩定劑的研製及在PVC中的套用,負責人,7萬元。濟南市科技明星計畫:聚氯乙稀納米熱穩定劑的研製,負責人,5萬元。橫向項目:新型抗溫抗鹽降濾失劑的研製,負責人,7萬元。


2001. 國家科技進步二等獎,多元金屬氫氧化物超微粉製備及套用研究。2000. 山東省科技進步一等獎,多元金屬氫氧化物超微粉製備及套用研究。




