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  • 中文名:韓文霞 
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:青海西寧
  • 出生日期:1982年12月
  • 畢業院校蘭州大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:鹽湖環境變化與成礦研究,熟悉新生代長序列氣候環境演變研究
  • 職稱:教授


1999/09 – 2003/06,蘭州大學,自然地理專業,獲學士學位;
2003/09 – 2008/12,蘭州大學,自然地理專業,獲博士學位;
2008/12 – 2009/07,加拿大UVIC大學,合作交流;



Han, W., Lü, S., Appel, E., Berger, A., Madsen, D., Vandenberghe, J., et al., 2019. Dust storm outbreak in central Asia after ~3.5 kyr BP. Geophysical Research Letters, 46.
Zhang, T., Han, W.X., Fang, X.M., Miao, Y.F., Zhang, W.L. et al., 2018. Tectonic Control of a Change in Sedimentary Environment at ~10 Ma in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 45.
Yang, Y.B., Yang, R.S., Li, X.Y., Han, W.X., Zan, J.B., et al., 2017. Glacial-interglacial climate change on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau over the last 600 kyr. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 476, 181–191.
Zhang, T., Han, W.X., Fang, X.M., Zhang, W.L., Song, C.H., Yan, M.D., 2016. Intensified tectonic deformation and uplift of the Altyn Tagh range recorded by rock magnetism and growth strata studies of the western Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 137, 54–68, doi. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.12.017
Han, W.X., Fang, X.M., Ye, C.C., Teng, X.H. and Zhang, T. 2014. Tibet forcing Quaternary stepwise enhancement of westerly jet and central Asian aridification: carbonate isotope records from deep drilling in the Qaidam salt playa, NE Tibet. Global and Planetary Change, 116, 68–75.
Han, W.X., Yu, L.P.,* Lai, Z.P., Madsen, D., Yang, S.L., 2014. The earliest well-dated archeological site in the hyper-arid Tarim Basin and its implications for prehistoric human migration and climatic change. Quaternary Research, 82, 66–72.
Han, W.X., Ma, Z.B., Lai, Z.P., Fang, X.M. * and Erwin, A., 2014. Wind erosion on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau: constraints from OSL and U-Th dating of playa salt crust in the Qaidam Basin. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39, 779–789.
Song, C.H., Hu, S.H., Han, W.X., Zhang, T., Fang, X.M.*, et al., 2014. Middle Miocene to earliest Pliocene sedimentological and geochemical records of climate change in the western Qaidam Basin on the NE Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 395, 67–76.
Zhang, Z.G., Han, W.X., Fang, X.M.*, Song, C.H., Li, X.Y., 2013. Late Miocene-Pleistocene aridification of Asian inland revealed by geochemical records of lacustrine-fan delta sediments from the western Tarim Basin, NW China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 377, 52-61.
Han, W.X., Fang, X.M.*, Berger, A., 2012. Tibet forcing of mid-Pleistocene synchronous enhancement of East Asian winter and summer monsoons revealed by Chinese loess record. Quaternary Research, 78, 174–184.
Han, W.X., Fang, X.M.*, Berger, A. and Yin, Q.Z., 2011. An astronomically tuned 8.1 Ma eolian record from the Chinese Loess Plateau and its implication on the evolution of Asian monsoon. Journal of Geophysical research,Atmosphere, 116, D24114. (Nature index期刊)
Han, W.X., Fang, X.M.*, Yang, S.L., An, Z.S. and King, J., 2010. Differences between East Asian and Indian Monsoon climate records during MIS3 attributed to differences in their driving mechanisms: evidence from the loess record in the Sichuan basin, southwestern China and other continental and marine climate records. Quaternary International, 218, 94–103.
呂爽,韓文霞*,張濤, 韓鳳清, 盧勝城, 馬學海, 2019. 塔里木盆地南緣8.5 ka以來的黃土岩石磁學特徵及其磁化率變化機制. 地球物理學報,待刊中。
滕曉華,韓文霞*, 葉程程, 張志高, 彭文彬, 方小敏, 2013. 柴達木盆地SG-1孔1.0Ma以來碳酸鹽同位素記錄的亞洲內陸乾旱化及成因. 第四紀研究, 33(5), 866–875.
方小敏,吳福莉,韓文霞,王亞東,張璽正,張偉林,2008. 上新世-第四紀亞洲內陸乾旱化過程 —— 來自柴達木盆地中部鴨湖剖面孢粉和鹽類化學指標證據。第四紀研究, 28(5), 874–882.
苗運法, 方小敏, 宋之琛, 吳福莉, 韓文霞, 2008. 青藏高原北部始新世孢粉記錄與古環境變化. 中國科學(D), 38(2), 187–196.
[Miao, Y.F., Fang, X.M., Song, Z.C., Wu, F.L. and Han, W.X., 2008. Late Eocene pollen records and palaeoenvironmental changes in northern Tibetan Plateau. Sci. in China, 51, 1089–1098.]
陳秀玲, 方小敏, 安芷生, 韓文霞, 王鑫, 白艷, 洪漜, 2007. 黃土高原8.1Ma以來方解石記錄的夏季風演化,中國科學(D), 38(2), 187–196.


國家自然科學基金面上項目:柴達木盆地西部晚中新世以來乾旱氣候與古湖水演化研究,2016.1-2019.12,經費:95.60 萬元。負責人,在研。
國家自然科學基金青年項目:柴達木盆地西部第四紀乾旱氣候的演化及鹽類資源的形成規律,2014.1-2016.12,經費:28.00 萬元。負責人,已結題。
承擔專題:國家973重點基礎研究發展計畫項目 《中國西部大陸剝蝕風化與青藏高原隆升和全球變化的關係》(項目編號:2013CB956400),2013.1–2017.12,經費:50.00 萬元。負責人,已結題。
中國科學院青年促進會人才項目,2014.01-2017.10,經費:50.00 萬元,已結題。
中國科學院“西部之光”面上項目:柴達木盆地千年尺度極端乾旱氣候的發生規律及其對鹽類資源形成的控制,2011.4-2014.4,經費:25.00 萬元。負責人,已結題。
承擔專題:中國陸塊漂移與乾旱‐極端乾旱氣候事件及其對成鉀控制(項目編號:2011CB403004),國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫)子課題,2010.11-2014.12,經費:50.00 萬元。負責人,已結題。
青海省套用基礎項目:青海囊謙盆地鹽泉水化學特徵及形成條件研究,2014.3-2016.12, 經費:25.00 萬元。負責人,已結題。
承擔子課題:中國科學院國際合作項目《青藏高原驅動的晚新生代亞洲內陸乾旱化-來自柴達木1500米中德聯合深鑽記錄》,(項目編號:40920114001),2010.1-2012.12,經費:30.00 萬元。負責人,已結題。
博士後面上項目:青海可可西里西金烏蘭湖成鹽時代及鹽類資源的發生規律研究,2011.05-2014.05,經費:15.00 萬元。負責人,已結題。


2017年 獲“青海省優秀專業技術人才”併入選青海省優秀專家庫。


