



  • 中文名:靳明亮
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:南京農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士、研究生
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:空間微生物學 ,腸道微生物與免疫
  • 職稱:副教授






空間微生物學 ,腸道微生物與免疫




2. International Foundation for Science(F/5206-1), “Preparation, structural characterization and antiviral activities of sulfated polysaccharides fromAstragalus membranaceus”, 2012~2014。
3. 中國博士後科學基金面上項目(2011M501481),“模擬微重力環境下靈芝多糖硫酸酯化衍生物對腸道免疫功能的調控及其機理研究”,2011~2013。
4. 西北工業大學中央高校基本科研業務費科研資助項目( 3102014JKY15001 ),“腸道微生態在模擬失重誘導腸黏膜損傷中的作用及機制研究”,2014-2016。


1. Xie, J.H., Jin, M.L., Morris, G.A., Zha, X.Q., Chen, H.Q., Yi, Y., Li, J.E., Wang, Z.J., Gao, J., Nie, S.P., Shang, P., Xie, M.Y. Advances on Bioactive Polysaccharides from Medicinal Plants. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2015, DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2015.1069255.
2. Zhao, K., Jin, M.L., Chen, Q., Zheng, P.S. Polysaccharides produced by Enterobacter cloacae induce apoptosis in cervical cancer cells. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2015, 72: 960-964. (Co-first Author)
3. Yang, H., Tang, R.H., Li, J., Liu, Y.X., Ye, L.J., Shao, D.Y., Jin, M.L., Huang, Q.S., Shi, J.L. A new Ex Vivo method for effective expansion and activation of human natural killer cells for anti-tumor immunotherapy. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2015, 73: 723-729.
4. Yang, H., Liu, Y.X., Tang, R.H., Shao, D.Y., Li, J., Ye, L.J., Jin, M.L., Huang, Q.S., Shi, J.L. Cell signaling in the interaction between pathogenic bacteria and immune cells. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark. 2015, 20: 1029-1035.
5. Yang, H., Tang, R.H., Li, J., Li, J., Liu, Y.X., Ye, L.J., Shao, D.Y., Jin, M.L., Huang, Q.S., Shi, J.L. Changes of cytoskeleton affect T cell biological behaviors. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark. 2015, 20: 829-837.
6. Yang, H., Li, J., Tang, R.H., Li, J., Liu, Y.X., Ye, L.J., Shao, D.Y., Jin, M.L., Huang, Q.S., Shi, J.L. The aspartyl (asparaginyl) beta-hydroxylase in carcinomas. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark. 2015, 20: 902-909.
7. Jin, M.L., Wang, Y.M., Huang, M., Lu, Z.Q., Wang, Y.Z. Sulphation can enhance the antioxidant activity of polysaccharides produced by Enterobacter cloacae Z0206. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2014, 99: 624-629.
8. Jin, M.L., Zhao, K., Huang, Q.S., Shang, P. Structural features and biological activities of the polysaccharides from Astragalus membranaceus. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2014, 64: 257-266.
9. Huyan, T., Li, Q., Yang, H., Jin, M.L., Zhang, M.J., Ye, L.J., Li, J., Huang, Q.S., Yin, D.C. Protective effect of polysaccharides on simulated microgravity-induced functional inhibition of human NK cells. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2014, 101: 819-827.
10. Jin, M.L., Huang, Q.S., Zhao, K., Shang, P. Biological activities and potential health benefit effects of polysaccharides isolated from Lycium barbarum L. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2013, 54: 16-23.
11. Jin, M.L., Zhao, K., Huang, Q.S., Shang, P. Preparation, structure and biological activities of exopolysaccharides produced by Enterobacter cloacae. . 2013, 25: 9101-9104.
12. Lu, Z.Q., Jin, M.L., Huang, M., Wang, Y.M., Wang, Y.Z. Bioactivity of selenium-enriched exopolysaccharides produced by Enterobacter cloacae Z0206 in broilers. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2013, 96: 131-136.
13. Jin, M.L., Zhao, K., Huang, Q.S., Xu, C.L., Shang, P. Isolation, structure and bioactivities of the polysaccharides from Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels: A review. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2012, 89: 713-722.
14. Jin, M.L., Lu, Z.Q., Huang, M., Wang, Y.M., Wang, Y.Z. Effect of Se-enriched polysaccharides produced by Enterobacter cloacae Z0206 on alloxan-induced diabetic mice. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2012, 50: 348-352.
15. Jin, M.L., Lu, Z.Q., Huang, M., Wang, Y.M., Wang, Y.Z. Sulfated modification and antioxidant activity of exopolysaccahrides produced by Enterobacter cloacae Z0206. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2011, 48: 607-612.
16. Jin, M.L., Wang, Y.M., Huang, M., Lu, Z.Q., Wang, Y.Z. Optimization of culture medium for exo-polysaccharide production by Enterobacter cloacae Z0206 using response surface methodology. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 2011, 23: 3799-3802.
17. Jin, M.L., Wang, Y.M., Xu, C.L., Lu, Z.Q., Huang, M., Wang, Y.Z. Preparation and biological activities of an exopolysaccharide produced by Enterobacter cloacae Z0206. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2010, 81: 607-611.
18. Xu, C.L., Wang, Y.Z., Jin, M.L., Yang, X.Q. Preparation, characterization and immunomodulatory activity of selenium-enriched exopolysaccharide produced by bacterium Enterobacter cloacae Z0206. Bioresource Technology. 2009, 100: 2095-2097.
1. Jin, M.L., Shang, P. Effects of simulated weightlessness on the intestinal mucosal barrier functions of rats. Proceeding of the 19 International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) Humans in Space. Jul. 2013. Cologne, Germany.
2. Jin, M.L., Wang, Y.M., Lu, Z.Q., Huang, M., Xu, C.L., Wang, Y.Z. Isolation, characterization and antioxidant activity of an exopolysaccharide produced by Enterobacter cloacae Z0206. Proceedings of ADSA-CSAS-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting. Jul. 2010. Denver, USA.
3. Jin, M.L., Wang, Y.Z., Yang, X.Q., Xu, C.L., Lu, Z.Q. Protective effect of polysaccharide produced by Enterobacter cloacae Z0206 on cyclophosphamide-induced suppression of immune functions in mice. Proceedings of ADSA-CSAS-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting. Jul. 2009. Montreal, Canada.
4. Jin, M.L., Wang, Y.Z., Xu, C.L., Yang, X.Q. Effect of enriched-Selenium exopolysaccharide and exopolysaccharide produced by Enterobacter cloacae Z0206 on immune function of immunosuppressed mice. Proceeding of the 13th Animal Science Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies. Sep. 2008. Hanoi, Vietnam.



