1948年,霍爾因為“陰謀教唆並支持用暴力和顛覆美國政府”被判入獄,而實質是因為他擁護馬克思主義的思想而被起訴。他起初被服刑五年。當他被釋放後,他升任美國共產黨的秘書長。當最高法院開始支持史密斯法案(The Smith Act),霍爾和另外三人從保釋中逃走並且轉入地下。霍爾去往莫斯科的計畫以他1951年10月在墨西哥城的被捕而告終。他又被判三年服刑。在監獄裡他分發傳單並且進行舉重訓練。
在詹森領導的攻擊狂潮之下,妄想戰時經濟繁榮的那些幻想,如“既有槍又有黃油(Gun and butter)”, “偉大新社會”的口號一般紛紛破滅。而人民為戰爭背負了沉重貸款,預算,國債包袱。聯邦政府預算中原計畫的用來抵抗通貨膨脹的6%的)超額累進所得稅的收入早已用於填補戰爭開支。重新建立的7%企業所得稅只是刺激了軍事工業的迅速擴展。暴漲的物價,租稅吞噬著工薪階層的每一分收入,使百萬人民在最低生存標準線下掙扎。戰爭需求加速了壟斷,沉重打擊非壟斷的小企業。僅僅占據基礎設施57%的區區二百多家軍事工業如今卻在掌握國家經濟各方面的命脈。
Peace can be won!, report to the 15th Convention, Communist Party, U.S.A., New York: New Century Publishers, 1951.
Our sights to the future: keynote report and concludingremarks at the 17th National Convention of the Communist Party, U.S.A., New York: New Century Publishers, 1960.
Which way U.S.A. 1964? The communist view., New York: New Century Publishers, 1964.
On course: the revolutionary process; report to the 19th National Convention of the Communist Party, U.S.A. by its general secretary., New York: New Outlook Publishers and Distributors, 1969.
Ecology: can we survive under capitalism?, International Publishers, New York 1972.
Imperialism today; an evaluation of major issues and events of our time., New York, International Publishers, 1972 ISBN 0-7178-0303-1
The energy rip-off: cause & cure., International Publishers, New York 1974, ISBN 0-7178-0421-6.
The crisis of U.S. capitalism and the fight-back : report to the 21st convention of the Communist Party, U.S.A., New York: International Publishers, 1975.
Labor up-front in the people's fight against the crisis : report to the 22nd convention of the Communist Party, USA., New York: International Publishers, 1979.
For peace, jobs, equality : prevent "The Day after," defeat Reaganism : report to the 23rd Convention of the Communist Party, U.S.A., New York, NY : New Outlook Publishers and Distributors, 1983. ISBN 0-87898-156-X
Karl Marx: beacon for our times, International Publishers, New York 1983, ISBN 0-7178-0607-3.
Fightingracism: selected writings, International Publishers, New York 1985, ISBN 0-7178-0634-0.
Workingclass USA: the power and the movement, International Publishers, New York 1987, ISBN 0-7178-0660-X.