

霍文哲,武漢大學基礎醫學院教授,博導、武漢大學動物實驗中心/ABSL-Ⅲ實驗室主任、美國天普大學醫學院病理系 終身正教授,解剖及細胞生物學系正教授,學科專業:病原生物學系。


  • 中文名:霍文哲
  • 外文名:Ho WZ
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職稱:教授


霍文哲:美國賓夕法尼亞大學Wistar研究所分子病毒學博士後,美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院兒科系正教授,美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院費城兒童醫院傳染及免疫科病毒室主任 ;現任武漢大學基礎醫學院教授,博導、武漢大學動物實驗中心/ABSL-Ⅲ實驗室主任、美國天普大學醫學院病理系 終身正教授,解剖及細胞生物學系正教授。學科專業:病原生物學系。


2004-2006:美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院醫學衛生碩士/ M.P.H., University of Pennsylvania School
of Medicine
1988-1991:美國賓夕法尼亞大學Wistar研究所分子病毒學博士後/ Postdoctoral Fellow, Molecular
Virology, Wistar Institute, University of Pennsylvania
Fellow, Division of Infectious Diseases, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Department of Pediatrics,University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
1983-1986:武漢大學人民醫院兒科住院醫生/ Resident, Wuhan University Renmin Hospital
1980-1983:武漢大學醫學院(湖北醫學院)兒科系醫學碩士/ M.S., Wuhan University School of Medicine (Hubei Medical College), China
1975-1979:武漢大學醫學院(湖北醫學院)醫學學士/ B.S., Wuhan University School of Medicine
(Hubei Medical College), China


2010.09-至今:武漢大學動物實驗中心/ABSL-III實驗室主任、教授/ Director and Professor, Center
for Animal Experiment of Wuhan University/ABSL-ⅢLaboratory of Wuhan University, China
2009-至今: 美國天普大學醫學院病理系終身正教授,博士生導師/ Professor(Tenure), Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Temple University, USA
2009-至今: 美國天普大學醫學院解剖及細胞生物系正教授/ Professor, Department of Anatomy and Molecular Biology, Temple University, USA
2002-2009: 美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院費城兒童醫院傳染及免疫科病毒室主任/ Director, Virology Laboratory, Division of Infectious Diseases, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA
2005-2009: 美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院兒科系正教授/ Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA
1998-2005: 美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院兒科系副教授/ Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA
1993-1998: 美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院兒科系助理教授/ Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA
1991-1993: 美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院兒科系科研研究員/ Research Associate, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA


1. 天然免疫與病毒感染機制的研究/ Innate Immunity and Viral Infections
2. 吸毒與HIV、HCV感染的研究/ Drugs of Abuse and HIV/HCV Infection
3. 天然免疫與中樞神經系統保護機制的研究/ Innate Immunity and CNS Protection


1. Wang X, Ye L, Zhou Y, Liu MQ, Zhou DJ, Ho WZ. Inhibition of anti-HIV microRNA expression: a mechanism for opioid-mediated enhancement of HIV infection of monocytes. Am J Pathol. 2011;178:41-47.
2. Li J, Ye L, Cook DR, Wang X, Liu J, Kolson DL, Persidsky Y, Ho WZ. Soybean-derived Bowman-Birk inhibitor inhibits neurotoxicity of LPS-activated macrophages.
J Neuroinflammation; 2011;8:15.
3. Li J, Hu S, Zhou L, Ye L, Wang X, Ho J, Ho WZ. Interferon lambda inhibits herpes simplex virus type I infection of human astrocytes and neurons. Glia. 2011;59:58-67.
4. Ye, L., Wang, X., Metzger, D.S., Riedel, E., Montaner, L.J., Ho, WZ.: Upregulation of SOCS-3 and PIAS-3 impairs IL-12-mediated interferon-gamma response in CD56 T cells in HCV-infected heroin users. PLoS One5(3):e9602, 2010.
5. Zhou, Y., Wang, X., Liu, M., Hu, Q., Song, L., Ye, L., Zhou, D., Ho, WZ.:
A critical function of toll-like receptor-3 in the induction of anti-human immunodeficiency virus activities in macrophages. Immunology. 2010 Jul 16. [Epub ahead of print]
6. Ye L, Wang X, Wang SH, Wang YJ, Song L, Hou W, Zhou L, LI H, Ho WZ. CD56+ T cells inhibit hepatitis C virus replication in human hepatocytes.Hepatology 49:753-762. 2009.
7. Wang X, Ye L, Hou W, Zhou Y, Wang YJ, Metzger DS, Ho WZ.Intracellular restriction factors contribute to susceptibility of monocytes and macrophages to HIV-1 infection. Blood15; 113(3):671-674, 2009.
8.Hou W, Wang X, Ye L, Wang YJ, Zhou L, Yang ZQ, Riedel E, Ho WZ. Interferon lambda inhibits HIV-1 infection of macrophages. J Virol83:3834-3841, 2009.
9.Zhou L, He L, Wang X, Wang YJ, Zhou Y, Ye L, Hou W, Ho WZ. Expression, regulation and antiviral effect of IFN lambda in human neuronal cells. Neuroscience 17; 159(2):629-637, 2009.
10.Liang H,WangW, ChenH, SongL, YeL, Wang SH, Wang YJ, HoWZ. Methamphetamine enhances human immunodeficiency virus infection of human macrophage. Am J Pathol 172:1617-1624, 2008.
11.Wang X, Ye L, Zhou Y, Hou W, Metzger D, Ho WZ. Cellular microRNAs expression correlates with susceptibility of monocyte/macrophage to HIV-1 infection. Blood 113:671-674, 2008.
12.Li Y, Peng JS, Wang CQ, Zhang T, Wan Q, Ho WZ. Morphine inhibits intrahepatic interferon alpha expression coupled with full cycle HCV replication. J Infect Dis196:719-730, 2007.
13. Lai, J-P., Ho, WZ., Kilpatrick, L.E., Wang, X., Kolchak, H.M., and Douglas, S.D.: Full-Length and Truncated Neurokinin-1 Receptor (NK-1R) Expression during Monocyte-Macrophage Differentiation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 103:7771-7776, 2006.


