



  • 書名:電力英語
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:197頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:高等教育出版社
  • 作者:教育部電力英語教材編寫組
  • 出版日期:2000年7月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:7040087855




Unit 1 SpecificProucts inPlant Operations
Part Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:
Passage A: Through the IT Looking Glass Appears a New Kind of Company
Passage B: Use the Web to Manage Inventory
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing: Advertisement (1)
Part Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: Interview

Unit 2 Automation of the Analysis
Part Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:
Passage A: Automating the Analysis of Faults andPower Quality
Passage B: Analyzing the Trends
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing: Advertisement (2)
Part Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: Visiting aPowerPlant

Unit 3 Electronic Measuring Jnstruments
Part Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:
Passage A: Electronic Measuring Instruments
Passage B:Putting High Voltage Cables to the AC Test
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing: Inquiry and Quotation
Part Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: Fixing Meetings

Unit 4 ElectricPower Quality
Part Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:
Passage A: ElectricPower Quality
Passage B: Test and Survive
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing: Order
Part Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: Negotiation

Unit 5 ThePower to Cransform a Nation
Part Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:
Passage A: ThePower to Transform a Nation
Passage B: Control Circuits
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing: Instructions
Part Ⅲ Communicative Speaking:ProjectPlanner

Unit 6 How to Test Transformer
Part Ⅰ Technical andPracticalReading:
Passage A: How to Test A-4 Transformer
Passage B: Jordan Controls, Inc.
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing: Invitation for Bids
Part Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: Working with Your Foreign Colle

Unit 7 CircuitProtection
Part Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:
Passage A: Key to Safer Circuits
Passage B: Suppliers Lure Customers with NewPower Ser
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing: Form of Tender
Part Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: Technical Consultations and Exch

Unit 8 New Engine Design Technology
Part Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:
Passage A:Poppet-free Engine DesignPromises Higher
Generating Efficiency
Passage B: EC Aims for 20 000MW of RenewablePower
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing: Memo
Part Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: Training

Unit 9 Turbine Maintenance
Part Ⅰ Technical andPracticalReading:
Passage A: Turbines Require High Tech Maintenance
Passage B: InteractivePower System Simulation
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing: Agreement
Part Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: Business Consultations
Part Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:
Passage A: Sutter Receives 1st CEC Approval
Passage B: GE Energy Services Opportunities
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing: Contract
Part Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: Travelling Around


《電力英語》系專門用途英語系列教材中的一種, 旨在提高電類專業的學生和電力行業從業人員在其行業中的涉外業務英語交際能力,包括專業閱讀、翻譯、寫作和口頭交際的能力。
1. 第一部分為“專業閱讀”(Technical and Practical Reading),旨在培養學生閱讀電力類專業英語的能力。本部分包含A、B兩篇文章,所收入的文章既展示當今高新技術在電力企業的套用和前景,又涉及電力系統的各個專業。
2. 第二部分為“模擬套寫”(Simulated Writing),旨在培養學生參照範例用英語擬寫和翻譯商業信件、涉外契約、產品廣告等套用文的能力。
3. 第三部分為“交際會話”(Communicative Speaking),旨在培養學生的口語交際能力。內容涉及參觀電廠、制定計畫、談判及技術交流與諮詢等。
華北電力集團公司外事局董漢傑局長、北京戴爾特商務培訓中心(Beijing Delter Business Center)外籍教師 John Bell和Hugh Kay先生對全稿的交際會話部分進行了審校,有關專家及各校的專業教師為課文的譯文做了許多校訂工作,在此一併表示感謝。


