雷振坤, 仇巍, 亢一瀾. 微拉曼光譜實驗力學. 科學出版社, 2015. 出版期刊和會議論文98篇,近年論文列表: 2010 1 Wang Can, Chen Hao-ran, Lei Zhenkun. Experimental investigation of interfacial fracture behavior in foam core sandwich beams with visco-elastic adhesive interface. Composites Structures. 2010, 92(5): 1085-1091. 2 雷振坤, 雲海. T應力對光彈性條紋影響的理論分析. 力學學報. 2010, 42(3): 482-490. 3 Lei Zhenkun, Wang Quan, Kang Yilan, Qiu Wei, Pan Xuemin. Stress transfer in microdroplet tensile test: PVC coated and uncoated Kevlar-29 single fiber. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2010, 48(11): 1089-1095. 4 Y. R. Zhao, Y. M. Xing, Z. K. Lei and F. C. Lang. Interfacial stress transfer behavior in a specially-shaped fiber/matrix pullout test. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2010, 26(1): 113-119. 5 Qiu Wei, Kang Yilan, Lei Zhenkun, Li Qiu, Deng Weilin. Carbon Nanotube Strain Sensor by Using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy. XXII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY. AIP Conf. Proc. 1267, 450-451 (2010). 6 Wei Qiu, Yi-Lan Kang, Zhen-Kun Lei, Qing-Hua Qin, Qiu Li, Quan Wang . Experimental study of the Raman strain rosette based on the carbon nanotube strain sensor. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 2010. 7 Wei Qiu, Qiu Li, Yilan Kang, Zhenkun Lei. Residual stress in porous silicon film with micro-Raman spectroscopy. Fourth International Conference on Experimental Mechanics. Proceedings of SPIE 7522, 75221M (2010). 8 雷振坤, 周降龍. 壓縮剪下測試中載荷傳遞行為的數字光彈性研究. 實驗力學,2010, 25(4): 379-385. 9 林曉平, 雷振坤, 劉增華, 武湛軍. 水下輸油管道中軸對稱導波的頻散特性. 力學與工程套用. 鄭州大學出版社(ISBN: 978-7-5645-0237-9), 2010, 13: 254-258.
2011 1 Lei Zhenkun, Fu Minrui, Yun Hai. Experimental study on interfacial shear transfer in partially-debonded aluminum/ epoxy joint. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2011, 31(2): 104-111. 2 Lei Zhenkun, Zhan Lechang, Bai Ruixiang, Yang Fujun. Inspection on buckling mode of crossed-rib reinforced composite laminates panel by fringe projection profilometry. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2011, 83: 168-173. 3 Lei Zhenkun, Li Xingmin. Experimental study on stress field parameters of an interface crack in aluminum/ epoxy. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2011. 70: 428-433. 4 李興民(研究生), 雷振坤, 王中昊. 雙材料界面端應力奇異性的數字光彈性分析. 工程力學. 2011, 28(12): 7-12+26. 5 詹樂昌, 雷振坤. 複合材料加筋板屈曲過程全場光學檢測分析. 固體力學學報, 2011, 32(S1), 37-41. 6 Bai Ruixiang, Wang Liang, Lei Zhenkun. Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Interfacial Fracture in Piezoelectric Composites. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 2011, 5(12), 1328-1335. 2012 1 林曉平(研究生), 劉增華, 雷振坤(通訊作者), 武湛軍. 水下帶粘彈性層輸油管道中縱嚮導波的傳播特性. 工程力學. 2012, 29 (In press). 2 雷振坤, 王權, 仇巍. 微拉曼光譜研究M55JB碳纖維/微滴的拉伸變形行為. 實驗力學. 2012, 27(1): 30-36. 3 Lei Zhenkun, Wang Zhulin, Qiu Wei. Experimental characterization of interlaminar shear failure in sandwich structures under three-point bending. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 2012, 1-13. 4 Lei Zhenkun, Qiu Wei, Deng Libo. Flexural Effects of Sandwich Beam with a Plate Insert under In-plane Bending. Optics & Lasers Technology. 2012, 44(5): 1223-1231. 5 Lei Zhenkun, Bai Ruixiang, Deng Libo, Qiu Wei. Noncontact optical measurement of CTOA and CTOD for interface crack in DCB test. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2012, 50(7): 964-970. 6 Lei Zhenkun, Bai Ruixiang, Qiu Wei, Zhan Lechang. Optical evaluation of the buckling behavior of stiffened composite laminates. Composites: Part A: applied science and manufacturing. 2012, 43(11): 1850-1859. 7 Lei Zhenkun, Wang Zhulin. Vibration testing parameters measured by sampling moire method. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012, 226-228: 1975-1980.2013 1 Wei Qiu, Qiu Li, Zhen-Kun Lei, Qing-Hua Qin, Wei-Lin Deng, Yi-Lan Kang, The use of a carbon nanotube sensor for measuring strain by micro-Raman spectroscopy, Carbon. 2013, 53:161-168. 2 Lei Zhenkun, Wang Quan, Qiu Wei. Micromechanics of fiber–crack interaction studied by micro-Raman spectroscopy: Bridging fiber. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2013, 51(4): 358-363. 3 Lei Zhenkun, Wang Quan, Qiu Wei. Stress transfer of kevlar 49 fiber pullout test studied by micro Raman spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy. 2013, 67(6): 600-605. 4 Lei Zhenkun, Wang Quan, Qiu Wei. Micromechanics of fiber-crack interaction studied by micro-Raman spectroscopy: Broken fiber. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2013, 51(9): 1085-1091. 5 雷振坤, 王權, 仇巍, 鄧立波. 單纖維與裂紋互動微力學: 完整粘接纖維. 實驗力學. 2013, 28(1): 49-55. 6 王竹林, 雷振坤, 趙燕茹. 高頻光柵節距誤差的採樣雲紋法分析. 實驗力學. 2013, 28(2): 158-165. 7 王雲峰, 雷振坤*. 頭髮纖維環氧樹脂微滴的拉出測試-鱗片效應. 實驗力學. 2013, 28(12): 40-45. 8 周燦林, 司書春, 高成勇, 雷振坤. 兩步廣義相移的投影柵輪廓術. 光電子.雷射. 2013, 24(9): 1784-1788. 9 白瑞祥, 王汝, 劉興宇, 雷振坤, 孫海鶴. 複合材料格柵加筋板屈曲試驗及有限元分析. 東北大學學報. 2013, 34(2): 224-228. 2014 1 Lei Zhenkun, Bai Ruixiang, Qiu Wei, Deng Libo, Huang Bochang. Flexural effects of sandwich beam with core junctions under in-plane bending. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2014, 52: 131-139. 2 Zhao Yanru, Lei Zhenkun, Xing YM, Hou XH, Bai PC. Fabricating parameters optimization of high frequency grating by multi-scanning electron beam method. Experimental Mechanics. 2014, 54(1): 45-55. 3 Lei Zhenkun, Li Xuan, Qin Fuyong, Qiu Wei. Interfacial micromechanics in fibrous composites: design, evaluation and models. The Scientific World Journal. 2014, (2014): 282436. 4 Iqbal K, Sha JJ, Lei Zhenkun, Maqsood A, Mujahid M. Numerical studies of infiltration dynamics of liquid-copper and silicon/solid-carbon system. JOM. 2014, 66(6): 953-959. 5 Gao Jiali, Chu Jinkui, Guan Le, Shang Haixin and Lei Zhenkun. Viscoelastic characterization of long-eared owl flight feather shaft and the damping ability analysis. Shock and Vibration. 2014, (2014): 709367. 6 Lei Zhenkun, Li Xuan, Zhang Fangxu. Calibration of elasto-optic constant in digital gradient sensing method. International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics . Proc. SPIE 9233: 92330F. 7 Lei Zhenkun, Zhang Fangxu, Li Xuan. FPGA implementation of 3D-displacement measurement based on 2D-DIC and FPP. International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics. Proc. SPIE 9233: 923304. 8 Liu Xingyu, Han Kecen, Bai Ruixiang, Lei Zhenkun, Wang Hai. Buckling measurement and numerical analysis of M-type ribs stiffened composite panel. Thin Wall Structures. 2014, 85: 117-124. 9 王春莉, 雷振坤. 非線性相位誤差補償的反相條紋投影法. 實驗力學. 2014, 29(4): 407-416. 10 趙煜乘, 李石磊, 仇巍, 雷振坤, 高頔, 亢一瀾. 碳納米管應變感測器的性能分析:感測介質與製備工藝. 實驗力學. 2014, 29(5): 527-536. 11 周燦林, 楊允鑫, 司書春, 徐建強, 雷振坤. 一種改進的消零頻傅立葉變換輪廓術. 光電子.雷射. 2014, 25(6): 1140-1145.
1 Lei Zhenkun, Wang Chunli, Zhou Canlin. Multi-frequency inverse-phase fringe projection profilometry for nonlinear phase error compensation. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2015, 66: 249-257.
2 Zhou Canlin, Liu Tongchuan, Si Shuchun, Xu Jianqiang, Liu Yepeng, Lei Zhenkun. An improved stair phase encoding method for absolute phase retrieval. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2015, 66: 269-278.
3 Liu Tongchuan, Zhou Canlin, Si Shuchun, Li Hui, Lei Zhenkun. Improved differential 3D shape retrieval. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2015, 73: 143-149.