University of Redlands,一所位於美國加州雷德蘭茲市的私立大學和文理學院。 雷德蘭茲大學致力於為學生提供高度個性化、相關性和跨學科教育。課程設定秉承文理課程和專業科目兼容,實際套用和理論學習並重,傳統專業和個性化內容同步的理念。例如,攻讀全球商業理科學士的學生可以選擇輔修經濟學、數學、或者創意寫作等作為第二專業,同時掌握一門外語或兩門外語;也有學生選擇藝術管理和生物管理兩個專業。雷德蘭茲大學
文理學院(liberal arts college)是美國高校的重要種類之一,以本科教育為主,特徵是注重全面綜合教育,設定課程包括藝術、人文、自然科學、社會科學等各門類。 在大部分美國人心目中,文理學院往往代表著經典、小規模、高質量的本科教育。許多文理學院的學術聲譽往往不亞於哈佛耶魯等名校,因而成為很多美國貴族教育子女的首選。
REDLANDS, Calif. (September 3, 2012) –August was a good month for University of Redlands. Theuniversity garnered an assortment of recognitions and honors during the monthand capped it by welcoming its 11th president, Dr. Ralph W. Kuncl and thelargest freshman incoming class in its history.
The month began when the university was named to the ForbesList of America's top colleges and then was included in the 2013 version of theFiske Guide to Colleges. Next, the university was listed among the "Best 377Colleges" in the Princeton Review.
Finally, Washington Monthly listed the University of Redlandsat No.30 among master's universities.
This ranking landed the university in the top 5 percentnationally for institutions noted for their contributions to the "publicgood."
"This high ranking for the University of Redlandsmakes it clear to all that serving others is an essential ingredient in the`cultural DNA' of the university," Kuncl said. "I'm proud to say thatour students and faculty are committed to making a positive difference in theworld through activities of both head and heart.”
ThePrinceton Review asks studentsattending the schools to rate their own schools on several issues - from theaccessibility of their professors to quality of campus food. University of Redlandswas listed at No.9 for institutions where class discussion is encouraged andNo.19 for great financial aid, which was a list based on students' assessmentsof how satisfied students were with their financial aid package.
The Fiske Guide is compiled by former New York Timeseducation editor Edward B. Fiske and is designed to give a selective,subjective and systematic look at 300-plus colleges and universities in the United States, Canadaand Great Britain.
The Forbes rankings recognize the top 15 percent of thenation's 4,000 colleges and universities, effectively putting the University of Redlandsin the top 5 percent of all colleges in the United States. The rankings,compiled for Forbes by the Washington, D.C.-based Center for CollegeAffordability and Productivity, focus on the things that matter the most tostudents: quality of teaching, career prospects, high graduation rates and lowlevels of debt.