雷射電纜打標機(Capris Laser Wire Marker)是英國光譜科技集團(Spectrum Technologies PLC.)生產的一種套用與航空航天電纜印製的設備。
- 中文名:雷射電纜打標機
- 外文名:Capris Laser Wire Marker
- 國家:英國
- 套用:套用與航空航天電纜印製
超過30年的紫外線雷射技術經驗,光譜科技公司是專業為高端製造業提供 一流的工業雷射套用解決方案的一家高端製造企業。
光譜科技是設計、研發和製造CAPRIS® &CAPRIS Nova™雷射電纜打標設備,NovaJet™電纜噴墨打標系統(套用於航空工業)以及SIENNA™紅外雷射剝線系統(套用於精密電子製造業)的全球市場領導者。
光譜科技其產品遍及全球40多個國家,超過600套雷射電纜打標系統在全球各地運轉。光譜科技的設備被全球各大飛機製造企業所使用,包括Airbus空中客車、BAE系統公司、Bell Helicopters貝爾直升機、Boeing波音、Bombardier龐巴迪、Cessna賽斯納、EADS歐洲宇航防務、Embraer巴西航空、Eurocopter歐洲直升機集團、Lockheed Martin洛克希德·馬丁、Northrop Grumman諾斯羅普·格魯曼集團、Sikorsky西科斯基飛行器公司、Sukhoi俄羅斯蘇霍伊等。在全球範圍內,我們亦是民用和軍用飛機維修機構的第一供應商,同時也是全球主要電子製造行業的第一供應商。
亞太地區銷售經理Adrian Thomas發表講話說:“在這樣一個重要而且高速發展的市場,為了給我們的客戶提供更好的專業技術支持,我們必須在該地區建立分公司。”他又補充到:“該辦事處的設立是我們正在進行的戰略擴展計畫的一部分,並且將進一步鞏固光譜科技作為全球最大的雷射電纜加工設備供應商的地位。”
From the highest volume production to lower volume production and maintenance and overhaul - whatever your application, there is a CAPRIS or Novawire marking product designed to meet your needs.
Low volume production & MRO work CAPRIS 50-100& Nova 800 Intermediate applications: Nova 840& Nova 820High volume production: Nova 860 & Nova 880 Produced originally for the aircraft industry CAPRISNova systems also have application to harness production for space systems, locomotives and rolling stock (LRS), military and specialist ground vehicles, yellow goods (construction and earth moving equipment) and other transportation, control systems and electrical products.
UV laser marking technology has been developed to meet the need for safe, non-damaging, permanent identification coding of high performance PTFE/Teflon and other "non-stick" wire insulation materials, particularly to meet the requirements of the aerospace and defence industry. We also offer ink jet wire marking technology and products for less difficult applications.
CAPRIS: CAble PRinting and Identification Systems is a Registered Trademark of Spectrum Technologies PLC.
CAPRIS 50-100 / C50-100PCS - Entry Level, Benchtop UV Laser Wire Marker
CAPRIS Nova 800 - Low-Medium Volume UV Laser Wire Marker
CAPRIS Nova 820 - Medium Volume UV Laser Wire Marker
CAPRIS Nova 840 - Medium-High Volume UV Laser Wire Marker
CAPRIS Nova 860 - High Volume UV Laser Wire Marker
CAPRIS Nova 880 - Ultra-High Volume UV Laser Wire Marker
CAPRIS NovaJet Ink-Jet Wire & Cable Marker