

雲彩紅,北京大學基礎醫學院教授、博士導師 ,生物物理學系常務副主任(代主任),北京大學系統生物醫學研究所研究員。從事結構生物學和結構藥理學/三維結構指導理性藥物設計研究,研究興趣主要集中於腫瘤發病機理、耐藥機理和靶向性抗癌藥物的研發。



  • 中文名:雲彩紅
  • 外文名:Cai-Hong Yun
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:四川省宜賓縣
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院生物物理研究所
  • 職業:教師
  • 工作單位:北京大學基礎醫學院
  • 職稱:北京大學基礎醫學院教授






EGFR T790M與WZ-4002的複合物晶體結構


(17) Liang Y, Fu Y, Qi R, Wang M, Yang N, He L, Yu F, Zhang J, Yun CH,Wang X, Liu J, Kong W*, Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein is a natural inhibitorof thrombin, Blood, 2015, pii:blood-2015-01-621292. [Epub ahead of print]
(16) Ercan D, Choi HG, Yun CH, Capelletti M, Xie T, Eck MJ,Gray NS*, Janne PA*, EGFR mutations and resistance toIrreversible pyrimidine based EGFR inhibitors, Clin Cancer Res, 2015 May 6. pii:clincanres. 2789.2014. [Epub ahead of print] (Theseauthors contributed equally to this work.)
(15) Tan L, Wang J, Tanizaki J, Huang Z, Aref AR, Rusan M, Zhu SJ, Zhang Y, Ercan D, LiaoRG, Capelletti M, Zhou W, Hur W, Kim N, Sim T, Gaudet S, Barbie DA, Yeh JR, Yun CH, Hammerman PS*, Mohammadi M*,Jänne PA*, Gray NS*, Development of covalentinhibitors that can overcome resistance to first-generation FGFR kinaseinhibitors, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2014 Nov11;111(45):E4869-77. (These authors contributed equally to this work.)
(14) Yasuda H, Park E, Yun CH, Sng NJ, Lucena-Araujo AR, Yeo WL, Huberman MS,Cohen DW, Nakayama S, Ishioka K, Yamaguchi N, Hanna M, Oxnard GR, Lathan CS,Moran T, Sequist LV, Chaft JE, Riely GJ, Arcila ME, Soo RA, Meyerson M, Eck MJ*,Kobayashi SS*, Costa DB*, Structural, biochemical andclinical characterization of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) exon 20insertion mutations in lung cancer, Sci Transl Med, 2013 Dec18;5(216):216ra177. (These authors contributed equally to this work.)
(13) Red Brewera M, Yun CH, Laia D, Lemmon MA, Eck MJ, Pao W*,Mechanism for activation of mutated epidermal growthfactor receptors in lung cancer, ProcNatl Acad Sci USA,2013 Sep 17; 110(38):E3595-604.
(12) Zhang C, Lopez MS,Dar AC, Ladow E, Finkbeiner S, Yun CH,Eck MJ, Shokat KM*,Structure-Guided Inhibitor Design Expands the Scope ofAnalog-Sensitive Kinase Technology, ACS Chem Biol, 2013 Sep 20; 8(9):1931-8.
(11) Tu D, Zhu Z, Zhou AY, YunCH, Lee KE, Toms AV, Li Y, Dunn GP, Chan E, Thai T, Yang S, Ficarro SB,Marto JA, Jeon H, Hahn WC, Barbie DA*, Eck MJ*, CrystalStructure of Tank-binding Kinase 1, Cell Rep, 2013 Mar 28; 3(3):747-58.
(10) Greulich H*, Kaplan B, Mertins P, Chen TH, Tanaka K, Yun CH, Zhang X, Lee SH, Cho J, AmbrogioL, Liao R, Imielinski M, Banerji S, Berger AH, Lawrence MS, Zhang J, Pho NH,Walker SR, Winckler W, Getz G, Frank D, Hahn WC, Eck M, Mani DR, Jaffe JD, CarrSA, Wong KK, and Meyerson M, Functional analysis ofreceptor tyrosine kinase mutations in lung cancer identifies oncogenicextracellular domain mutations of ERBB2, ProcNatl Acad Sci USA,2012 Sep 4; 109(36):14476-81.
(9) HeM, Capelletti M, Nafa K, Yun CH, Arcila ME, Miller VA, GinsbergMS, Zhao B, Kris MG, Eck MJ, Janne PA, Ladanyi M*, Oxnard GR, EGFR Exon 19 Insertions: A New Family of Sensitizing EGFR Mutationsin Lung Adenocarcinoma, Clin Cancer Res, 2012 Mar 15; 18(6):1790-7.
(8) Eck MJ*, Yun CH, Structural and mechanistic underpinnings of the differentialdrug sensitivity of EGFR mutations in non-small cell lung cancer.Biochim Biophys Acta, 2010 Mar; 1804(3): 559-66. (Invited review)
(7) Zhou W, Ercan D,Chen L, Yun CH,Li D, Capelletti M, Cortot AB, Chirieac L, Iacob RE, Padera R, Engen JR, WongKK, Eck MJ, Gray NS*, Jänne PA*, Novelmutant-selective EGFR kinase inhibitors against EGFR T790M, Nature, 2009 Dec 24; 462(7276):1070-4. (These authors contributed equally to this work.)
(6) Yun CH,Mengwasser KE, Toms AV, Woo MS, Greulich H, Wong KK, Meyerson M, and Eck MJ*, The T790Mgatekeeper mutation in EGFR kinase causes drug resistance by increasing theaffinity for ATP, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2008Feb 12; 105(6):2070-5.
(5) Yun CH, BoggonTJ, Li Y, Woo MS, Greulich H, Meyerson M, and Eck MJ*, Structuresof Lung Cancer-Derived EGFR Mutants and Inhibitor Complexes: Mechanism ofActivation and Insights into Differential Inhibitor Sensitivity,Cancer Cell, 2007 Mar; 11(3):217-27. (Cover story)
(4) Blair JA, Rauh D, Kung C, YunCH, Fan QW, Rode H, Zhang C, Eck MJ, Weiss WA and Shokat KM*, Structure-guided development of affinity probes for tyrosinekinases using chemical genetics, Nat Chem Biol, 2007 Apr; 3(4):229-38.
(3) Wang T, Yun CH,Gu SY, Chang WR and Liang DC*, 1.88 Å crystalstructure of the C domain of hCyP33: A novel domain of peptidyl-prolyl cis-transisomerase, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2005 Aug 5; 333(3):845-9.
(2) Yun CH, TangYH, Feng YM, An XM, Chang WR and Liang DC*, 1.42 Åcrystal structure of mini-IGF-1(2): an analysis of the disulfide isomerizationproperty and receptor binding property of IGF-1 based on the three-dimensionalstructure, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2005 Jan 7; 326(1):52-9.
(1) Yun CH, Bai J,Sun DY, Cui DF, Chang WR and Liang DC*, Structure of potato calmodulin PCM6: thefirst report of the three-dimensional structure of a plant calmodulin,Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr,2004 Jul; 60(Pt 7):1214-9.


