



  • 中文名:離散系統網路化控制理論:傳輸速率定理
  • 作者:劉慶泉、金芳、丁國華、袁志華
  • 出版社:電子工業出版社
  • ISBN:9787121249792




1 Networked Control Schemes on The Basis of Information Theory
1.1 Stabilization of Stochastic Linear Systems With Data-Rate Constraints
1.1.1 Introduction
1.1.2 Problem Formulation
1.1.3 Lower Bound of Data Rates for Stabilization
1.2 Observer-Based Dynamic Feedback Control Under Communication Constraints
1.2.1 Introduction
1.2.2 Problem Statement and Preliminaries
1.2.3 Quantized Feedback Control Under Data-Rate Limitation
1.2.4 Numerical Example
1.3 A Quantization and Coding Scheme Under Information-rate Limitation
1.3.1 Introduction
1.3.2 Problem Formulation
1.3.3 Lower Bounds of Information Rate for Stabilization
1.3.4 Simulations
2 Quantization, Coding, and Control Schemes Under Data Rate Limitations
2.1 Quantized State Feedback Control Without Disturbances
2.1.1 Introduction
2.1.2 Problem Formulation
2.1.3 The Bit-Allocation Algorithm
2.1.4 Numerical Example
2.2 Bit-Allocation Schemes for Systems with Disturbances
2.2.1 Introduction
2.2.2 Problem Formulation
2.2.3 Bit-Allocation Schemes
2.2.4 Numerical Example
2.3 Dynamic Quantization Schemes for Output Feedback Control
2.3.1 Introduction
2.3.2 Problem Formulation
2.3.3 Output Feedback Control
2.3.4 Numerical Example
2.4 Feedback Control With Measurement Quantization and Control Signal Quantization
2.4.1 Introduction
2.4.2 Problem Formulation
2.4.3 Control Under Communication Constraints
2.4.4 Numerical Example
3 Robust Control of Parameter Uncertain Systems Under Data-Rate Constraints
3.1 Quantization and Coding Schemes for Robust Control
3.1.1 Introduction
3.1.2 Problem Formulation
3.1.3 Robust Control Under Date-Rate Constraints
3.1.4 Numerical Example
3.2 A Time-Varying Recursive Allocation (TVRA) Algorithm for Robust Control
3.2.1 Introduction
3.2.2 Problem Formulation
3.2.3 Time-Varying Recursive Allocation (TVRA) Algorithm
3.2.4 Numerical Example
4 Stabilization of Linear Time-Invariant Systems Over Packet Dropout Communication Channels
4.1 Quantized State Feedback Control
4.1.1 Introduction
4.1.2 Problem Formulation
4.1.3 Quantization, Coding, and Control Schemes
4.1.4 Numerical Example
4.2 Quantized Feedback Control For MIMO Systems
4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 Problem Formulation
4.2.3 Quantization and Control Schemes
4.2.4 Numerical Example
5 Stabilization of Networked Control Systems with Data-Rate Limitations and Time Delays
5.1 Stabilization of Systems without Disturbances
5.1.1 Introduction
5.1.2 Problem Formulation
5.1.3 Networked Control with Time Delays
5.1.4 Numerical Example
5.2 Stabilization of Systems with Disturbances
5.2.1 Introduction
5.2.2 Problem Formulation
5.2.3 Networked Control Under Communication Constraints
5.2.4 Numerical Example
5.3 Networked Control over Noisy Channel with Time Delays 151
5.3.1 Introduction 151
5.3.2 Problem Formulation 152
5.3.3 Networked Control Under Communication Constraints 153
5.3.4 Numerical Example 157
5.4 Stabilization of MIMO Control Systems
5.4.1 Introduction
5.4.2 Problem Formulation
5.4.3 Networked Control Under Data-Rate Limitations
5.4.4 Numerical Example
6 LQG Control of Linear Systems Under Data-Rate Constraints
6.1 Quantized State Feedback Control
6.1.1 Introduction
6.1.2 Problem Formulation
6.1.3 LQG Control Under Data-Rate Constraints
6.1.4 Numerical Example
6.2 LQ Control of Networked Control Systems With Limited Data Rates
6.2.1 Introduction
6.2.2 Problem Formulation
6.2.3 LQ Control Under Data-Rate Constraints
6.2.4 Numerical Example
6.3 Input and Output Quantized Control of LQG Systems under Information Limitation
6.3.1 Introduction
6.3.2 Problem Formulation
6.3.3 LQG Control Under Date-Rate Constraints
6.3.4 Numerical Example


