

《雙語版C程式設計(第2版)》是2017年2月電子工業出版社出版的圖書,作者是Paul Kelly。


  • 中文名:雙語版C程式設計
  • 作者:PaulKelly
  • 出版時間:2017年2月
  • 出版社電子工業出版社
  • 頁數:220 頁
  • ISBN:9787121305559
  • 原作品:Learn C through Chinese and English
  • 定價:45.00
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:精裝




Chapter One Introduction to C(引言) 1
1.1 Brief history of C(C 語言簡史) 1
1.2 Why programmers use C(為什麼程式設計師愛用C語言) 1
1.2.1 C is portable 1
1.2.2 C is a structured programming language 2
1.2.3 C is efficient 2
1.2.4 C is flexible 2
1.2.5 C is powerful 2
1.2.6 C is concise 3
1.3 Developing a C program(開發C 程式) 3
1.4 Suggestions for learning C programming(學習C 語言程式設計的建議) 4
Chapter Two C Data Types(C數據類型) 6
2.1 Constants(常量) 6
2.2 Variables(變數) 6
2.3 Simple output to the screen(簡單的螢幕輸出) 8
2.4 Comments(注釋) 9
2.5 Data types(數據類型) 10
2.5.1 Short integer data types 10
2.5.2 Long integer data types 11
2.5.3 Unsigned integer data types 11
2.5.4 Double floating-point data type 11
2.6 Data type sizes(數據類型的大小) 11
Programming pitfalls 13
Quick syntax reference 13
Exercises 14
Chapter Three Simple Arithmetic Operations and Expressions(簡單的算術運算和表達式) 16
3.1 C operators(C 運算符) 16
3.1.1 The assignment operator 16
3.1.2 Arithmetic operators 17
3.1.3 Increment and decrement operators 19
3.1.4 Combined operators 21
3.2 Operator precedence(運算符優先權) 22
3.3 Type conversions and casts(類型轉換與強制類型轉換) 24
Programming pitfalls 26
Quick syntax reference 27
Exercises 27
Chapter Four Keyboard Input and Screen Output(鍵盤輸入和螢幕輸出) 30
4.1 Simple keyboard input(簡單的鍵盤輸入) 30
4.2 Using a width and precision specification in printf()
[在函式printf( )中使用域寬和精度說明] 31
4.3 Single-character input and output(單個字元的輸入和輸出) 33
Programming pitfalls 35
Quick syntax reference 35
Exercises 36
Chapter Five Control Statements: if and switch(控制語句:if 和switch) 38
5.1 The if statement(if 語句) 38
5.2 The if-else statement(if-else 語句) 39
5.3 Logical operators(邏輯運算符) 41
5.4 Nested if statements(嵌套的if 語句) 42
5.5 The switch statement(switch 語句) 44
5.6 The conditional operator ?:(條件運算符) 46
Programming pitfalls 47
Quick syntax reference 48
Exercises 48
Chapter Six Iterative Control Statements: while, do-while, and for
(循環控制語句:while、do-while和for) 51
6.1 The while statement(while 語句) 51
6.2 The do-while loop(do-while 循環) 52
6.3 The for statement(for 語句) 54
6.4 Nested loops(嵌套的循環) 56
Programming pitfalls 58
Quick syntax reference 59
Exercises 59
Chapter Seven Arrays(數組) 61
7.1 Introduction to arrays(引言) 61
7.2 Initialising arrays(數組初始化) 66
7.3 Two-dimensional arrays(二維數組) 67
7.4 Initialising two-dimensional arrays(二維數組的初始化) 68
7.5 Multi-dimensional arrays(多維數組) 69
Programming pitfalls 70
Quick syntax reference 70
Exercises 70
Chapter Eight Pointers(指針) 73
8.1 Variable addresses(變數的地址) 73
8.2 Pointer variables(指針變數) 74
8.3 The dereference operator *(解引用運算符*) 75
8.4 Why use pointers? (為什麼使用指針) 76
Programming pitfalls 77
Quick syntax reference 77
Exercises 77
Chapter Nine Pointers and Arrays(指針和數組) 79
9.1 Pointers and one-dimensional arrays(指針和一維數組) 79
9.2 Pointers and multi-dimensional arrays(指針和多維數組) 81
9.3 Dynamic memory allocation(動態記憶體分配) 82
9.3.1 The malloc() function 82
9.3.2 The calloc() function 85
9.3.3 The realloc() function 86
9.3.4 Allocating memory for multi-dimensional arrays 87
Programming pitfalls 90
Quick syntax reference 90
Exercises 90
Chapter Ten Strings(字元串) 93
10.1 String literals(字元串) 93
10.2 Long character strings(長字元串) 94
10.3 Strings and arrays(字元串和數組) 94
10.4 Displaying a string(顯示一個字元串) 95
10.5 The puts() function[puts( )函式] 97
10.6 The gets() function[gets( )函式] 98
10.7 Accessing individual characters of a string(訪問字元串中的單個字元) 99
10.8 Assigning a string to a pointer (用字元串為字元指針賦值) 100
10.9 String functions(字元串處理函式) 101
10.9.1 Finding the length of a string 101
10.9.2 Copying a string 102
10.9.3 String concatenation 102
10.9.4 Comparing strings 102
10.9.5 Other string functions 103
10.10 Converting numeric strings to numbers (數值字元串向數值的轉換) 103
10.11 Arrays of strings(字元串數組) 105
Programming pitfalls 108
Quick syntax reference 109
Exercises 109
Chapter Eleven Functions(函式) 112
11.1 Introduction(引言) 112
11.2 Function arguments(函式參數) 114
11.3 Returning a value from a function (從函式返回一個值) 116
11.4 Passing arguments by value (按值傳參) 118
11.5 Passing arguments by reference(按引用傳參) 119
11.6 Changing arguments in a function (在函式中改變實參的值) 120
11.7 Passing a one-dimensional array to a function (向函式傳遞一維數組) 121
11.8 Passing a multi-dimensional array to a function (向函式傳遞多維數組) 123
11.9 Storage classes(變數的存儲類型) 124
11.9.1 auto 124
11.9.2 static 125
11.9.3 extern 126
11.9.4 register 128
11.10 Command line arguments (命令行參數) 128
11.11 Mathematical functions(數學函式) 130
11.11.1 Some commonly used trigonometric functions 130
11.11.2 Other common mathematical functions 131
11.11.3 Pseudo-random number functions 132
11.11.4 Some time-related functions 132
11.12 Recursion 133
Programming pitfalls 136
Quick syntax reference 137
Exercises 137
Chapter Twelve Structures(結構體) 141
12.1 Defining a structure(定義結構體) 141
12.2 Pointers to structures(結構體指針) 144
12.3 Initialising a structure variable (結構體變數的初始化) 145
12.4 Passing a structure to a function (向函式傳遞結構體變數) 147
12.5 Nested structures(嵌套的結構體) 149
12.6 Including a structure template from a file (從檔案中引用結構體模板) 150
12.7 The typedef statement (typedef 語句) 151
12.8 Arrays of structures(結構體數組) 152
12.9 Enumerated data types(枚舉數據類型) 158
Programming pitfalls 160
Quick syntax reference 161
Exercises 162
Chapter Thirteen File Input and Output(檔案的輸入和輸出) 165
13.1 Binary and ASCII (text) files [二進制檔案和ASCII(文本)檔案] 165
13.2 Opening and closing files (檔案的打開和關閉) 166
13.3 Reading a character from a file using fgetc()
[使用函式fgetc( )從檔案中讀字元] 168
13.4 Writing a character to a file using fputc()
[使用函式fputc( )向檔案中寫字元] 170
13.5 Reading a string of characters from a file using fgets()
[使用函式fgets( )從檔案中讀字元串] 171
13.6 Writing a string of characters to a file using fputs()
[使用函式fputs( )向檔案中寫字元串] 172
13.7 Formatted input-output to a file using fscanf() and fprintf() 173
[使用函式fscanf( )和fprintf( )進行檔案的格式化讀寫] 173
13.8 The standard files(標準檔案) 174
13.9 Block input-output using fread() and fwrite() 175
[使用函式fread( )和fwrite( )進行塊讀寫] 175
13.10 Rewinding a file using rewind()[使用函式rewind( )對檔案重定位] 177
13.11 Random access of files using fseek() [使用函式fseek( )隨機訪問檔案] 179
13.12 Finding the position in a file using ftell()
[使用函式ftell( )查找檔案的當前位置] 184
13.13 Deleting a file using remove()[使用函式remove( )刪除檔案] 184
Programming pitfalls 185
Quick syntax reference 186
Exercises 187
Chapter Fourteen The C Preprocessor(C編譯預處理) 190
14.1 Including files(包含檔案) 190
14.2 Defining macros(定義宏) 191
14.3 Macro parameters(帶參數的宏) 192
14.4 Macros and functions(宏和函式) 194
14.5 Some useful macros(一些有用的宏) 195
14.6 Conditional directives(條件編譯預處理指令) 195
14.7 Character-testing macros(字元檢測宏) 196
14.8 The assert() macro [assert() 宏] 197
Programming pitfalls 200
Quick syntax reference 200
Exercises 200
Appendix A List of C Keywords 202
Appendix B Precedence and Associativity of C Operators 203
Appendix C ASCII Character Codes 205
Appendix D Fundamental C Built-in Data Types 207


