



  • 書名:雅思口語“婷”有范兒
  • 作者:王婷婷
  • 出版社:電子工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年11月1日
  • 頁數:248 頁
  • 定價:68 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787121359354


本書作者根據十餘年一線教學經驗,用最精準的答案設計去覆蓋到儘可能多的題目,在每一個答案的呈現中,使用了劍橋官方常用的辭彙和表達方式,讓讀者更好地接觸到劍橋考試體系中比較偏愛使用的高頻有效詞。在內容上,全書在PART1部分列出了常考的問題及新出現的問題,並針對這些問題給出了高分答案;在PART 2部分,作者選擇了高頻話題庫,對於大多數問題給出了多種高分答案,便於考生根據自己的特點、喜好選擇適合自己的答案。作者在每個題目的前面都給出了“英語王的場外指導”,幫助考生開拓思路,提升表達,獲取高分。在PART3部分,本書列出了常出現的問題,並給出了答案。通過學習本書,考生能夠更有針對性地複習題庫,熟悉語料,還能使考生在英語辭彙的擴展和靈活運用方面達到一個更好的效果。作者根據多年在英國學習和工作的經驗,從學術層面詮釋了劍橋考題出題點與真實海外生活的聯繫,從生活層面設定了“English wang的愛恨情仇”,給準留學生一劑生動接地氣的‘猛藥’。


Part 1 高頻話題庫
1 Name / 2
2 Study/work / 2
3 Hometown / 3
4 Accommodation / 4
5 Saving money / 5
6 Plant / 7
7 Foreign food / 8
8 Boating / 9
9 Advertisement / 10
10 Travelling & holiday / 11
11 Letter / 13
12 Celebrity / 15
13 Teacher / 16
14 Friend / 17
15 Daily routine / 18
16 Gift / 20
17 Animal / 21
18 Job / 23
19 Teenager / 24
20 Map / 25
21 Jewellery / 26
22 Dictionary / 27
23 Flower / 28
24 Daily transportation / 29
25 Writing / 30
26 Application / 31
27 Music & movie / 32
28 Sleep / 34
29 Museum / 35
30 Season / 36
31 Sunglass / 37
32 Drinking water / 38
33 Painting / 39
34 Crowded place / 41
35 Sharing things / 41
36 Sky / 42
37 Tea & coffee / 44
Part 2 高頻話題庫
Objects / 48
Concrete objects / 48
1 An electronic device you use in your life / 48
2 A toy you played with in your childhood / 51
3 Something you own but want to replace / 54
4 Something important you lost / 56
5 A piece of furniture in your home / 59
6 Something expensive you bought / 62
7 An exciting book / 64
8 A traditional product in your country / 68
9 A piece of special clothes / 71
10 A photo of you taken by others / 74
11 A plant in your country / 76
12 An interesting animal / 79
13 An impressive letter you got / 83
Abstract objects / 85
14 A favourite season / 85
15 A good service / 87
16 A website that you like to visit / 90
17 A job that you want to do in the future / 92
18 A job your grandparent did / 94
19 Something useful learned in a maths class / 96
20 A sport you watched and would like to try / 98
21 A good decision made by other people you know / 101
22 A family business you know / 102
23 A rule or regulation you like/dislike in your school or company / 103
Places / 105
1 A library that you often go to / 105
2 A building you like / 107
3 A city that you have visited / 109
4 A lake/river in your country / 1132?A building you like / 107
5 A facility that needs to be improved in your city / 116
6 A leisure facility you want to have in your hometown / 118
7 A place that few people may know / 122
8 A street market where you enjoy shopping / 123
9 A park / 127
People / 131
1 A businessman you admire / 131
2 A famous comic actor/actress / 133
3 A sportsman you admire / 136
4 A historic figure / 138
5 A person who protects the environment / 143
6 A talkative person / 144
7 A good parent / 146
8 A couple you know who have a happy marriage / 147
9 A foreign person you would like to meet / 149
10 A friend of your childhood / 150
11 A teenager you know / 151
12 A person you have never met but want to know more / 152
13 Someone you want to be similar to when you were growing up / 153
Events / 155
1 A time when you got your first phone / 155
2 A trip that you plan to go to in the future / 157
3 A trip by public transportation / 158
4 A time when you had an unforgettable dinner / 161
5 A time when you saved money for something / 162
6 A recent development in your city / 163
7 An impressive/memorable story told by someone / 164
8 A special day out and you didn’t spend too much / 165
9 A time when you had to be polite / 167
10 Something you enjoy doing with an old person in your family / 169
11 A competition you want to join in/took part in / 170
12 A party you have been to / 172
13 Something interesting your friends have done but you haven’t done / 173
14 A time when you helped someone / 174
15 A time you had to change your plan / 176
16 A time when you took medicine / 178
17 An occasion when someone gave you money as a gift / 180
18 An impressive wedding / 182
19 A festival you celebrated / 183
20 An experience of getting scared / 184
21 An interesting lecture or talk / 186
22 A time you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result / 187
23 An unforgettable exam / 190
24 Something you did to keep healthy / 192
Others / 193
1 A meaningful or favourite song / 193
2 A movie you like / 194
3 An impressive advertisement / 198
4 A piece of good news / 199
Part 3 高頻話題庫
1 Reading / 202
2 Free time / 203
3 Making decisions / 203
4 Helping other people / 204
5 Environment / 205
6 Eating / 206
7 Advertising / 207
8 Travelling / 208
9 Language learning / 210
10 Sports / 211
11 Youth / 214
12 Business / 215
13 Change / 217
14 Location / 218
15 Water / 219
16 Memory / 220
17 Lifestyle / 221
18 Communication / 222
Part 3 最新題庫 / 223


王婷婷,學為貴教育集團雅思名師,教齡10年,授課1萬小時以上。畢業於世界前50的英國老牌名校布里斯托大學,教育學碩士,英語專業八級。出版《雅思官方詞庫》、《劍橋雅思9解析》等學術書籍。曾供職於英國BBC電視台承辦國際教育類活動,英國布萊頓National Numeracy公司擔任教育策劃,水立方設計師特聘會場翻譯,2009年國際建築師峰會同聲傳譯。佳能,深圳發展銀行等大型企業商務英語培訓師。清華大學,人民大學等高校雅思培訓老師。歐洲綠色城市改變者’金獎,英國Into University ‘*佳教學獎’,‘*傑出貢獻獎’。


