- 中文名:隋洪鑫
- 畢業院校:日本九州大學、北京師範大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 教學職稱:副教授
2014/06 - 至今 內蒙古大學公共管理學院土地資源管理系;
2013/04 - 2014/04 日本九州大學人間環境學院、助理研究員;
2009/10 - 2013/03 日本九州大學人間環境學院、城市規劃專業、工學博士;
2006/09 - 2009/06 北京師範大學資源學院、土地資源管理專業、管理學碩士。
- Hongxin Sui,Shichen Zhao.Research on Trend of Location and Distribution of Commercial Type about Small Shops around Subway Station. Journal of Architecture and planning Architectural institute of Japan.Vol.78,No.683,2013.1
- Hongxin Sui, Koihei Sakemi,Shichen Zhao. Location of Commercial Facilities in Surrounding Area of Local Subway Station-A study on Distribution and Types of Shops. J. of Architectural and Urban Design,Kyushu University.No.20,2011.7
- Hongxin Sui.Survey on the Transformation of Japanese Concessions in Hangzhou and Suzhou and Hankou,China. The Fukuoka Asian Urban Research Center Urban Policy Studies. 2011.4
- 周揚,隋洪鑫,李強.中小城市公共運輸發展研究-以鐵嶺市為例.城市問題.No.184,2010.11
- 隋洪鑫,王運靜,張珩,李強.西直門地區交通換乘的主要問題.城市問題.No.167,2009. 6
- 張珩,隋洪鑫,李強,金子慎治.針對北京市居民生活用水現狀的支付意願分析.中國人口?資源與環境.Vol.18,2008.1
- Hongxin Sui,Ze Liu,Shichen Zhao.A Study on Functional Change of Buildings in Large-Scale Retail Store Surrounding Areas Fukuoka Japan, 9th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia. Gwangju Korea .2012.10
- Ze Liu,Hongxin Sui,Shichen Zhao. A Study on the Spatial Form of Traditional Villages:about the Morphology on the Macro-level of Villages in Island of the Seto Inland Sea,9th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia. Gwangju Korea .2012.10
- He Li,Hongxin Sui,Shichen Zhao. A Study on Comprehensive Urbanization Level and Classification of Cities in China,1st International Conference on Habitat Engineering and Design. Shanghai China. 2012.10