



  • 軟體名稱:陽光威樂寵物
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
  • 軟體大小:63.54MB
歡迎陽光VILLE寵物 - 這裡你可以建立並運行你自己的寵物商店!玩你的寵物,愛他們,養活他們。你甚至可以把他們的沙龍或獸醫。保持你的寵物商店充滿了可愛的寵物! 選擇購買和出售超過50寵物! 小狗的狗 - 牧羊犬,金毛尋回犬,貴婦犬,哈巴狗,以及更多! 小貓貓 - 國貨,暹羅,波斯,以及更多! 魚類 - 海馬,孔雀魚,金魚,天使,甚至隱士蟹 兔子,沙鼠,蛙,蜥蜴,龜,蛇,甚至蠍子! 添加新的寵物所有的時間。讓他們! 裝飾你的店!讓你的店做大!這完全取決於你! 您挑選顏色,牆壁,地板,燈光,植物,和體徵 您選擇你穿什麼 - 你的襯衫,褲子,鞋子,甚至你的頭髮。解除一切。 贏得獎項和更多! 玩有趣的寵物遊戲!與你的朋友分享和炫耀你的寵物的照片和更多。臉書和我們一樣共享。 如果你喜歡我們的遊戲,陽光威樂的寵物,請寫的真棒審查! 陽光明媚的VILLE寵物給你帶來的SUNSTORM遊戲的發明者機系列遊戲,公平的食品製造商,甜品製作,和糖果製造商,僅舉幾例。Welcome to Sunnyville Pets – where you can build and run your very own Pet Store! Play with your pets, love them and feed them. You can even take them to the salon or to the vet. Keep your pet store full of the cutest pets! Choose from over 50 pets to buy and sell! Puppies & dogs – Sheepdogs, Golden Retrievers, Poodles, Pugs, and more! Kittens & cats – domestics, Siamese, Persian, and more! Fish - Seahorses, Guppies, Goldfish, Angels, and even Hermit Crabs Bunnies, Gerbils, Frogs, Lizards, Turtles, Snakes and even Scorpions! New pets added all the time. Get them all! Decorate your store! Make your store bigger! It’s totally up to YOU! You pick colors, the walls, the floors, lights, plants, and signs You choose what you wear - your shirt, pants, shoes , even your hair. Unlock everything. Win awards and more! Play fun pet games too! Share with your friends and show off your pets with photos and more. Like us and share on Facebook too. If you enjoy our game, Sunnyville Pets, please write an awesome review! Sunnyville Pets is brought to you by Sunstorm Games, the inventors of the MAKER series of games, Fair Food Maker, Dessert Maker, and Candy Maker to name just a few.


