- 中文名:陸紫生
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:江蘇
- 職業:老師
- 畢業院校:上海交通大學
2004-2007 上海交通大學 博士
1997-2004 大連海事大學 學士-碩士
1997-2004 大連海事大學 學士-碩士
2014- 上海交通大學 製冷與低溫工程研究所實驗室主任 高級工程師(副高)
2008-2013 上海交通大學 專職科研
2007-2008 開利(中國)研發中心 高級工程師
2007-2008 開利(中國)研發中心 高級工程師
(1) 吸附式、吸收式製冷制熱技術
(2) 太陽能/工業餘熱高效回收利用技術
(3) 低品位餘熱儲能技術
(2) 太陽能/工業餘熱高效回收利用技術
(3) 低品位餘熱儲能技術
(24)2015-2016 國家自然科學基金與俄羅斯基礎研究基金會國際合作交流項目,Highperformancecompoundsorbentsforthermalenergystorage,負責人
(23) 2013-2015 國家自然科學基金項目:吸濕劑固液汽三相儲能/製冷/制熱的循環機理研究,負責人
(22) 2014-2018 國家自然科學基金重點項目:基於乾燥劑除濕和蒸發製冷耦合的高效熱泵循環研究,第三負責人
(21) 2013-2015 國家自然科學基金國際重大中合作項目:中日韓A3太陽能/地熱驅動的吸附-吸收四聯供系統的中方合作課題高效太陽能吸附製冷系統研究中的,子項目負責人
(20) 2010-2012 國家自然科學基金項目:太陽能熱化學吸附變溫能量貯存研究,第二負責人
(19) 2013-2016 國家自然科學基金項目:高效太陽能空調相變蓄冷調控機理及輸冷過程動態特性研究,第二負責人
(18) 2013-2016 國家自然科學基金項目:雙模式太陽能熱化學吸附長周期複合儲能特性研究,第三負責人
(17) 2012-2015 國家科技支撐計畫項目:基於中溫的高效太陽能製冷裝置及套用示範,主要參與人
(16) 2009-2010企事業單位合作項目:太陽能複合能源系統與建築集成設計規範與圖集編制,負責人
(15) 2009-2010企事業單位合作項目:住宅用太陽能空調技術規範與圖集編制,負責人
(14) 2011-2012企事業單位合作項目:關於極熱器研製技術指導和性能測試,負責人
(13) 2012-2012 英國紐卡斯爾大學項目: 英國紐卡斯爾大學3kW吸附制冷機,第二負責人
(12) 2009-2010 上海世博項目:公共衛生間通風及除臭技術研究,第三負責人
(11) 2009-2010 上海世博項目:110 kV蒙自變壓器餘熱驅動吸附空調系統,第三負責人
(10) 2011-2011 企事業單位合作項目:太陽能熱水驅動的矽膠-水吸附制冷機組,第二負責人
(9) 2009-2009企事業單位合作項目:太陽能吸附式空調機組開發套用,第二負責人
(8) 2009-2009企事業單位合作項目:5kW矽膠-水吸附式制冷機,第三負責人
(7) 2010-2011企事業單位合作項目:30kW船用氨水吸收式制冷機,主要參與人
(6) 2010-2011企事業單位合作項目:利用中溫集熱器的太陽能空調與供熱系統設計與示範,第二負責人
(5) 2012-2013航天項目:高低溫展開***,主要參與人
(4) 2010-2013航天項目:高低溫運動***,主要參與人
(3) 2011-2012企事業單位合作項目:軋鋼區域低品位餘熱資源梯級利用研究,主要參與人
(2) 2012-2016 新加坡政府、新加坡國立大學項目:超大城市的能源環境可持續發展方案,主要參與人
(1) 2011-2012企事業單位合作項目:基於黑箱吸熱體的跟蹤式聚光型中溫太陽能集熱系統,主要參與人
23. (first author & corresponding author), Experimental and simulation analysis of the combined adsorption system driven by 80-140 oC heat source, Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 184: 726-734
22. (first author & corresponding author), Technical engineering design, thermal experimental and economic simulation analysis of absorption cooling/heating systems in China, Energy Conversion and Management 172 (2018) 155–163
21. (first author & corresponding author), Experimental and simulation analysis of low temperature heat sources driven adsorption air conditioning, refrigeration, integrating ammonia and organic expanding power generation, International Journal of Energy Research, 2018, 42(13): 4157-4169
20. (first author & corresponding author), Engineering design and experimental study of indoor air adsorption purification for people’s health by removing hazard gases of H2S and NH3 using different carbon adsorbents with filter and matrix, Journal of Porous Materials, 2017, 24 (3) :813-820
19. (first author & corresponding author), Novel multi-step sorption-reaction energy storage cycles for air conditioning and temperature upgrading, Energy, 2017, 118: 464-472
18. (first author & corresponding author), Performance analysis of multi-step sorption energy storage using compound adsorbents, International Journal of Energy Research, 2017;41:2297–2307
17. (first author & corresponding author), Novel adsorption refrigerators with separate type two phase closed thermosyphon designs, International Journal of Energy Research, 2015, 39(12):1681-1688
16. (first author & corresponding author), Experimental performance study of sorption refrigerators driven by waste gases from fishing vessels diesel engine, Applied Energy, 2016, 174: 224-231
15. (first author & corresponding author), Experimental performance investigation of small solar air-conditioning systems with different kinds of collectors and chillers, Solar Energy, 2014, 110: 7-14
14. (first author & corresponding author), Study of a novel solar adsorption cooling system and a solar absorption cooling system with new CPC collectors, Renewable Energy, 2013, 50: 2013 299-306
13. (first author & corresponding author), Experimental investigation adsorption chillers using micro-porous silica gel-water and compound adsorbent-methanol, Energy Conversion and Management, 2013: 65: 430-437
12. (first author & corresponding author), Experimental analysis of an adsorption air conditioning with micro-porous silica gel-water, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013, 50: 1015-1020
11. (first author & corresponding author), Experimental analysis of an adsorption refrigerator with mass and heat-pipe heat recovery process, Energy Conversion and Management, 2012, 53: 291-297
10. (first author & corresponding author), Experimental study with operational solar-sorption cooling, International Journal of Energy Research, 2013, 37(6): 673-682
9. (first author & corresponding author), L. W. Wang, Dynamic characteristics of a novel adsorption refrigerator with compound mass-heat recovery, International Journal of Energy Research, 2013, 37(1): 59-68
8. (first author & corresponding author), Z.Z. Xia, Q.B. Wu, Y.M. Sun, Z.Y. Chen, An analysis of the performance of a novel solar silica gel-water adsorption air conditioning, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011, 31: 3636-3642
7. (first author & corresponding author), Performance improvement and comparison of mass recovery in CaCl2/activated carbon adsorption refrigerator and silica gel/LiCl adsorption chiller driven by low grade waste heat, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2013, 36(5): 1504-1511
6. (first author & corresponding author), Performance improvement by mass-heat recovery of an innovative adsorption air-conditioner driven by 50-80 oC hot water, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013, 55 (1): 113-120
5. (first author & corresponding author), Study of the new composite adsorbent of salt LiCl /Silica gel-methanol used in an innovative adsorption cooling machine driven by low temperature of hot water, Renewable Energy, 2014, 63: 445-451
4. (first author & corresponding author), Thermal characteristics in two-reactor adsorption refrigerator using metal chloride compound adsorbent, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52 (22): 7327-7332
3. (first author), C.J. Chen, Experimental investigation of a novel multifunction heat pipe solid sorption ice-maker for fishing boats using CaCl2/activated carbon compound-ammonia, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2007, 30(1): 76-85
2. (first author), A study on multifunction heat pipe high efficient adsorption refrigerator using compound adsorbent-ammonia, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2006, 51(2): 239-42
1. (first author), Performance analysis of an adsorption refrigerator using activated carbon in a compound adsorbent, Carbon, 2006, 44(4): 747-52
17. (first author & corresponding author), Novel adsorption refrigerators with separate type two phase closed thermosyphon designs, International Journal of Energy Research, 2015, 39(12):1681-1688
16. (first author & corresponding author), Experimental performance study of sorption refrigerators driven by waste gases from fishing vessels diesel engine, Applied Energy, 2016, 174: 224-231
15. (first author & corresponding author), Experimental performance investigation of small solar air-conditioning systems with different kinds of collectors and chillers, Solar Energy, 2014, 110: 7-14
14. (first author & corresponding author), Study of a novel solar adsorption cooling system and a solar absorption cooling system with new CPC collectors, Renewable Energy, 2013, 50: 2013 299-306
13. (first author & corresponding author), Experimental investigation adsorption chillers using micro-porous silica gel-water and compound adsorbent-methanol, Energy Conversion and Management, 2013: 65: 430-437
12. (first author & corresponding author), Experimental analysis of an adsorption air conditioning with micro-porous silica gel-water, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013, 50: 1015-1020
11. (first author & corresponding author), Experimental analysis of an adsorption refrigerator with mass and heat-pipe heat recovery process, Energy Conversion and Management, 2012, 53: 291-297
10. (first author & corresponding author), Experimental study with operational solar-sorption cooling, International Journal of Energy Research, 2013, 37(6): 673-682
9. (first author & corresponding author), L. W. Wang, Dynamic characteristics of a novel adsorption refrigerator with compound mass-heat recovery, International Journal of Energy Research, 2013, 37(1): 59-68
8. (first author & corresponding author), Z.Z. Xia, Q.B. Wu, Y.M. Sun, Z.Y. Chen, An analysis of the performance of a novel solar silica gel-water adsorption air conditioning, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011, 31: 3636-3642
7. (first author & corresponding author), Performance improvement and comparison of mass recovery in CaCl2/activated carbon adsorption refrigerator and silica gel/LiCl adsorption chiller driven by low grade waste heat, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2013, 36(5): 1504-1511
6. (first author & corresponding author), Performance improvement by mass-heat recovery of an innovative adsorption air-conditioner driven by 50-80 oC hot water, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013, 55 (1): 113-120
5. (first author & corresponding author), Study of the new composite adsorbent of salt LiCl /Silica gel-methanol used in an innovative adsorption cooling machine driven by low temperature of hot water, Renewable Energy, 2014, 63: 445-451
4. (first author & corresponding author), Thermal characteristics in two-reactor adsorption refrigerator using metal chloride compound adsorbent, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52 (22): 7327-7332
3. (first author), C.J. Chen, Experimental investigation of a novel multifunction heat pipe solid sorption ice-maker for fishing boats using CaCl2/activated carbon compound-ammonia, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2007, 30(1): 76-85
2. (first author), A study on multifunction heat pipe high efficient adsorption refrigerator using compound adsorbent-ammonia, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2006, 51(2): 239-42
1. (first author), Performance analysis of an adsorption refrigerator using activated carbon in a compound adsorbent, Carbon, 2006, 44(4): 747-52
(9) Experimental investigation of mass-heat recovery performance under different working conditionings of an innovative solar silica gel-water chiller, The Yellow Sea Rim International Exchange Meeting on Building Environment and Energy 2011 January 21-23 2011, Busan, Korea
(8) An analysis of the performance of a novel solar silica gel-water adsorption air-conditioning, 9th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 24-27 August 2010, Shanghai, China
(7) Solar powered silica gel-water adsorption chiller: design and test, Proceedings of renewable energy 2010, 27 June-2 July 2010, Yokohama, Japan
(6) Experimental study of the matching of three kinds of solar collectors with different sorption chillers, The International Conference on Cryogenics and Refrigeration 2013, April 6-9 2013 Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
(5) Performance comparison of two adsorption refrigerators with different types of heat pipe design driven by waste heat, The 26th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, July 16-19 2013, Guilin, China
(4)採用複合吸附劑-氨的多功效熱管型高效吸附制冷機,科學通報,50 2005 2180-2182
(3) 太陽能吸附空調的全性能實驗研究及其套用, 製冷學報, 31 2010 1-3
(2) 回質-回熱過程對矽膠-水吸附機性能的影響及最佳化分析, 製冷學報, 31(4) 2010 7-13
(1) “可再生能源與建築集成技術研究與示範”項目——課題二/ 子課題:小型矽膠- 水吸附太陽能空調研製及套用, 建築科技,24 2009 37-39
(8) An analysis of the performance of a novel solar silica gel-water adsorption air-conditioning, 9th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 24-27 August 2010, Shanghai, China
(7) Solar powered silica gel-water adsorption chiller: design and test, Proceedings of renewable energy 2010, 27 June-2 July 2010, Yokohama, Japan
(6) Experimental study of the matching of three kinds of solar collectors with different sorption chillers, The International Conference on Cryogenics and Refrigeration 2013, April 6-9 2013 Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
(5) Performance comparison of two adsorption refrigerators with different types of heat pipe design driven by waste heat, The 26th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, July 16-19 2013, Guilin, China
(4)採用複合吸附劑-氨的多功效熱管型高效吸附制冷機,科學通報,50 2005 2180-2182
(3) 太陽能吸附空調的全性能實驗研究及其套用, 製冷學報, 31 2010 1-3
(2) 回質-回熱過程對矽膠-水吸附機性能的影響及最佳化分析, 製冷學報, 31(4) 2010 7-13
(1) “可再生能源與建築集成技術研究與示範”項目——課題二/ 子課題:小型矽膠- 水吸附太陽能空調研製及套用, 建築科技,24 2009 37-39
(14) Heat transfer design in adsorption refrigeration systems for efficient use of low-grade thermal energy, Energy, 36 2011 5425-5439 (SCI檢索)
(13) Study on a compact silica gel–water adsorption chiller without vacuum valves: Design and experimental study, Applied Energy 87 (2010) 2673–2681, (SCI檢索)
(12) Influence of mass recovery on the performance of a heat pipe type ammonia sorption refrigeration system using CaCl2/activated carbon as compound adsorbent, Applied Thermal Engineering 28 2008 1638–1646 (SCI檢索)
(11) Experimental investigation of an innovative dual-mode chemisorption refrigeration system based on multifunction heat pipes, International Journal of Refrigeration 31 2008 1104–1112 (SCI檢索)
(10) Experimental study on an adsorption chiller employing lithium chloride in silica gel and methanol, International Journal of Refrigeration, 35 2012 1950-1957 (SCI檢索)
(9) Experimental study on an innovative multifunction heat pipe type heat recovery two-stage sorption refrigeration system, Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 2505–2512 (SCI檢索)
(8) The performance of two adsorption ice making test units using activated carbon and a carbon composite as adsorbents. Carbon, 44 2006 2671-2680 (SCI檢索)
(7) Comparison of the Adsorption Performance of Compound Adsorbent in a Refrigeration Cycle with and without Mass Recovery. Chemical Engineering Science. 61 (11) 2006 3761-3770 (SCI檢索)
(6) Split heat pipe type compound adsorption ice making unit for fishing boats. International Journal of Refrigeration, 29 2006 456–468 (SCI檢索)
(5) Studies on Split Heat Pipe Type Adsorption Ice-making Test Unit for Fishing Boats: Choice of Heat Pipe Medium and Experiments under Unsteady Heating Sources. Energy Conversion and Management, 47 2006 2081-2091 Energy Conversion and Management 53 2012 291–297 (SCI檢索)
(4) Study on an adsorption chiller employing lithium chloride in silica gel and methanol: design and experimental study. In Proceedings of International Sorption Heat Pump Conference, April 5-10 2011 pp. 329-39 Padua, Italy
(3) 餘熱驅動多功能熱管型吸附製冰機組的性能,機械工程學報,44(7) 2008 101-105
(2) 多功能熱管型二級吸附製冷的循環特性研究,工程熱物理學報 29(12) 2008 1993-1997
(1) 改進型矽膠-水吸附制冷機的實驗研究,33 (10) 2012 1663-1666
(13) Study on a compact silica gel–water adsorption chiller without vacuum valves: Design and experimental study, Applied Energy 87 (2010) 2673–2681, (SCI檢索)
(12) Influence of mass recovery on the performance of a heat pipe type ammonia sorption refrigeration system using CaCl2/activated carbon as compound adsorbent, Applied Thermal Engineering 28 2008 1638–1646 (SCI檢索)
(11) Experimental investigation of an innovative dual-mode chemisorption refrigeration system based on multifunction heat pipes, International Journal of Refrigeration 31 2008 1104–1112 (SCI檢索)
(10) Experimental study on an adsorption chiller employing lithium chloride in silica gel and methanol, International Journal of Refrigeration, 35 2012 1950-1957 (SCI檢索)
(9) Experimental study on an innovative multifunction heat pipe type heat recovery two-stage sorption refrigeration system, Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 2505–2512 (SCI檢索)
(8) The performance of two adsorption ice making test units using activated carbon and a carbon composite as adsorbents. Carbon, 44 2006 2671-2680 (SCI檢索)
(7) Comparison of the Adsorption Performance of Compound Adsorbent in a Refrigeration Cycle with and without Mass Recovery. Chemical Engineering Science. 61 (11) 2006 3761-3770 (SCI檢索)
(6) Split heat pipe type compound adsorption ice making unit for fishing boats. International Journal of Refrigeration, 29 2006 456–468 (SCI檢索)
(5) Studies on Split Heat Pipe Type Adsorption Ice-making Test Unit for Fishing Boats: Choice of Heat Pipe Medium and Experiments under Unsteady Heating Sources. Energy Conversion and Management, 47 2006 2081-2091 Energy Conversion and Management 53 2012 291–297 (SCI檢索)
(4) Study on an adsorption chiller employing lithium chloride in silica gel and methanol: design and experimental study. In Proceedings of International Sorption Heat Pump Conference, April 5-10 2011 pp. 329-39 Padua, Italy
(3) 餘熱驅動多功能熱管型吸附製冰機組的性能,機械工程學報,44(7) 2008 101-105
(2) 多功能熱管型二級吸附製冷的循環特性研究,工程熱物理學報 29(12) 2008 1993-1997
(1) 改進型矽膠-水吸附制冷機的實驗研究,33 (10) 2012 1663-1666
1. 傳熱學(熱電偶的製作和校正、熱阻測量及肋片傳熱特性)
2. 測試原理與技術(壓電晶體感測器靜態標定、電感感測器靜態位移性能)
3. Labview (虛擬測試1、虛擬測試2)
Editorial Board
(1)OA Journal - Energies
(2)Region - Energies
(3)Modern Materials Science and Technology
(4)Journal of Management Science & Engineering Research
(1) Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (香港研究資助局), 項目函評人
(2) Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, SCI期刊審稿人
(3) Energy, SCI期刊審稿人
(4) Solar Energy, SCI期刊審稿人
(5) Energy Conversion & Management, SCI期刊審稿人
(6) International Journal of Refrigeration, SCI 期刊審稿人
(7) Heat Transfer Research, SCI 期刊審稿人
(8) Chinese Optics Letters, SCI 期刊審稿人
(9) Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, SCI 期刊審稿人
(10) Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, SCI 期刊審稿人
(11) Scientia Iranica, SCI 期刊審稿人
(12) Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 期刊審稿人
(13) ASME 2013 7th International Conference on Energy Sustainability,國際會議論文審稿人
(2) Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, SCI期刊審稿人
(3) Energy, SCI期刊審稿人
(4) Solar Energy, SCI期刊審稿人
(5) Energy Conversion & Management, SCI期刊審稿人
(6) International Journal of Refrigeration, SCI 期刊審稿人
(7) Heat Transfer Research, SCI 期刊審稿人
(8) Chinese Optics Letters, SCI 期刊審稿人
(9) Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, SCI 期刊審稿人
(10) Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, SCI 期刊審稿人
(11) Scientia Iranica, SCI 期刊審稿人
(12) Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 期刊審稿人
(13) ASME 2013 7th International Conference on Energy Sustainability,國際會議論文審稿人
2017 上海交通大學SMC-晨星青年獎勵計畫
2017 上海交通大學年度考核優秀獲得者