







  1. 新型膽甾相液晶材料;
  2. 液晶光電子器件;
  3. 液晶雷射;
  4. 智慧型液晶器件;達獄淚跨
  5. 太赫茲液晶材料與器件;
  6. 液晶手寫板;



  1. 基於手性離子單體的聚合物穩定膽甾相液晶複合材料的製備及性能研究,采晚燥國家自然科學青年科學基金,2011-2014;
  2. 基於驗慨達XXX的真空彩色顯示新技術,總裝預研,2012-2017;
  3. 頻寬可調的光回響膽甾相液晶器件的製備及性能研究,安徽省自然科學基金,2017-2019;
  4. 電控液晶光閥,企業委託,2017-2020;
  5. 液晶手寫板,企業委託,2018-2021;
  6. 特種光學薄膜的光學性能最佳化技術研究,企業委託,2019-2020;
  7. 膽甾相液晶反射境駝勸膜,企業委託,2020-2022;
  8. 大面積高效率無鉛鈣鈦礦太陽能電池關鍵技術研究,重點研發計畫國際合作,子項目負探歸協責,2020-2022;


1. Xuewen Xie,Peng Huang,Miao Xu,Yunsheng Ding,Longzhen Qiu &Hongbo Lu* ,Tri-state switching of a high-order parameter, double-layered guest-host liquid-crystal shutter, doped with the mesogenic molecule 4HPB. Liquid Crystals,2020, doi.org/10.1080/02678292.2021.1885759
2. Xuelian Liu,Xiang Xia,Le Yang,Jun Zhu,Miao Xu,Guobing Zhang,Guo Xia,Longzhen Qiu & Hongbo Lu*,Electro-optical properties of CsPbBr3 quantum dots doped liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals,2020, doi.org/10.1080/02678292.2020.1870009.
3. Liang Xia,Jianzhou Shi,Le Yang,Cheng Wei,Miao Xu,Jun Zhu,Longzhen Qiu,Hongbo Lu* & Zhijia Hu, Electrically controlled switching of mixed mode laser within the band-gap of cholesteric liquid crystal, Liquid Crystals, 2020,doi.org/10.1080/02678292.2020.1856951
4. Q Zhang, X Zhang, L Yang, M Xu, J Zhu, G Zhang, Y Ding, L Qiu, H Lu*, Polymer-stabilised cholesteric liquid-crystals as tunable light-reflector with low operating-voltage and energy consumption, Liquid Crystals, 2020;47(11): 1655-1662.
5. H Lu*, L Yang, L Xia, J Kong, M Xu, J Zhu, L Qiu, Z Hu, Band-edge-enhanced tunable random laser using a polymer-stabilised cholesteric liquid crystal, Liquid Crystals, 2020;48(2): 255-262.
6.Lu Hongbo, Wei Cheng, Zhang Qiang, Xu Miao, Ding Yunsheng, Zhang Guobing, et al. Wide tunable laser based on electrically regulated bandwidth broadening in polymer-stabilized cholesteric liquid crystal. Photonics Research. 2019;7(2):137-143.
7.Lu H*, Zhang Q, Sha J, et al. Highly polarized absorption and emission from polymer-stabilized smectic guest-host systems. Liquid Crystals, 2019, 46(10): 1574-1583.
8.Zhou M, Lu H*, Zhang X, et al. Tuning helical twisting power and photoisomerisation kinetics of axially chiral cyclic azobenzene dopants in cholesteric liquid crystals. Liquid Crystals, 2019: 46 (15), 2181-2189.
9.Lu Hongbo*, Xing Jian, Wei Cheng, Xia Jiangying, Sha Junqing, Ding Yunsheng, et al. Band-gap-tailored random laser. Photonics Research. 2018;6(5):390-395.
10.Zhiyuan Li, Mengyi Zhou, Zhiping Yin, Guo Xia, Guobing Zhang, Miao Xu, Longzhen Qiu, Hongbo Lu*. Liquid crystal behavior and luminescence properties of (2Z, 2′ Z)-2, 2′-(1, 4-phenylene) bis (4-N-alkoxy) phenylacrylonitrile. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2018, 666(1): 1-11.
11.Sha Junqing, Lu Hongbo*, Zhou Mengyi, Xia Guo, Fang Yong, Zhang Guobing, et al. Highly polarized luminescence from an AIEE-active luminescent liquid crystalline film. Organic Electronics. 2017;50: 177-183.
12.Lu H. B*., Xing J., Wei C., Sha J. Q., Zhang G. B., Lv G. Q., et al. Near-infrared light directed reflection in a cholesteric liquid crystal. Optical Materials Express. 2017;7(11):4163-4170.
13.Lu Hongbo*, Xu Chao, Li Zhiyuan, Xia Guo, Jing Shuaicheng, Bai Xiangyang, et al. High-contrast electrically switchable light-emitting liquid crystal displays based on α-cyanostilbenic derivative. Liquid Crystals. 2017;45(1):32-39.
14.Lu H. B., Xie X. Y., Xing J., Xu C., et al. Wavelength-tuning and band-broadening of a cholesteric liquid crystal induced by a cyclic chiral azobenzene compound. Optical Materials Express. 2016;6(10):3145-3148.
15.Chu Yutian, Yin Zhiping*, Sha Junqing, Xu Chao, Zhang Guobing, LvGuoqiang, QiuLongzhen, Lu Hongbo*. Regulation and control of polymer network deformation in reverse-mode polymer-stabilised cholesteric texture. Liquid Crystals, 2016;44(4):688-694.
16.Lu Hongbo*, Chu Yutian, Sha Junqing, Zhang Guobing, Hu Juntao, LvGuoqiang, QiuLongzhen. Characterisation and effect of polymer network deformation in reverse-mode polymer-stabilised cholesteric texture. Liquid Crystals, 2016;44(3):437-443.
17.Lu Hongbo*, Hu Jinliang, Wu Shaojun, Chu Yutian, Xu Chao, QiuLongzhen, Wang Xianghua, Zhang Guobing, Hu Juntao.The effect of MWS polarisation on the morphology and electro-optical behaviour of normal-mode polymer-stabilised cholesteric textures. Liquid Crystals, 2016, 43: 540-546.
18.Lu Hongbo*, Hu Jinliang, Chu Yutian, Xu Wei, QiuLongzhen, Wang Xianghua, Zhang Guobing, Hu Juntao, Yang Jiaxiang.Cholesteric liquid crystals with an electrically controllable reflection bandwidth based on ionic polymer networks and chiral ions. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3:5406-5411.
19.Lu Hongbo*, Xu Wei, Song Zhigang, Zhang Shanna, QiuLongzhen, Wang Xianghua, Zhang Guobing, Hu Juntao, LvGuoqiang. Electrically switchable multi-stable cholesteric liquid crystal based on chiral ionic liquid. Optics Letters, 2014, 39(24): 6795-6798.
20.Lu, Hongbo*, Song Zhigang, Zhang Jun, Lv Guoqiang. The influence of helical twisting power on the electro-optical properties of reverse-mode polymer-stabilised cholesteric texture. Liquid Crystals, 2014, 41(4): 615-620.
21.Song Zhigang, Lu Hongbo*, Hu Jinliang, Xu Wei, Zhang Jun, QiuLongzhen, Wang Xianghua, Zhang Guobing, Hu Juntao, LvGuoqiang. Thickness dependence of the electro-optical properties of reverse-mode polymer-stabilised cholesteric texture. Liquid Crystals, 2014, 41(10):1382-1387.
22.Lu Hongbo*, QiuLongzhen, Zhang Guiyu, Ding Aixiang, Xu Weibing, Zhang Guobing, Wang Xianghua, Kong Lin, Tian Yupeng, Yang Jiaxiang. Electrically switchable photoluminescence of fluorescent-molecule-dispersed liquid crystals prepared via photoisomerization-induced phase separation. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2014, 2(8):1386-1389.
23.Lu Hongbo*, Zhang Shanna, Ding Aixiang, Yuan Miao, Zhang Guiyu, Xu Wei, Zhang Guobing, Wang Xianghua, QiuLongzhen, Yang Jiaxiang. A luminescent liquid crystal with multistimuli tunable emission colors based on different molecular packing structures. New Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 38(8):3429-3433.
24.Lu Hongbo*, Zhang Jun, Song Zhigang, Zhang Guobing, Wang Xianghua, QiuLongzhen, LvGuoqiang. Submillisecond-response light shutter for solid-state volumetric 3D display based on polymer-stabilized cholesteric texture. IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, 2014 ,10(5):396-400.
25.Lu Hongbo*, Zhang Jun, Wang Minghui, Song Zhigang, XiongXianfeng, Lin Guangqing, Zhang Guobing, Wang Xianghua, QiuLongzhen. Influence of curing frequency on the mrphology and the electro-optical property of polymer-stabilized cholesteric textures. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2013,588(1):9-16.


1.陸紅波,鄭安東,楊樂,高盛.一種商業液晶的介電各向異性在太赫茲波段增大的混晶.ZL 201910158708.2.
2.陸紅波,韋成,張強,李志遠,周夢怡.寬範圍連續可調的電控光泵浦液晶雷射器件及其製備方法.ZL 201810823273.4.
3.陸紅波,沙峻青,韋成,荊帥誠.一種新型可聚合的螢光二色性染料及其製備方法及用途.ZL 201710596292.3.
4.陸紅波,邢劍,沙峻青,荊帥誠.韋成一種紅外光禁帶可調諧的膽甾相液晶器件的製備方法.ZL 201611015170.2.
5.陸紅波,沙峻青,韋成,邢劍. 一種高偏振螢光薄膜及其製備方法. ZL 201710596291.9.
6.陸紅波,吳少君,許偉,呂國強,邱龍臻,張珊娜, 胡金良, 宋志剛. 一種基於手性離子單體的寬頻膽甾相液晶器件及其製備工藝. ZL 201410315311.7.
7.陸紅波,張姍娜,楊家祥,呂國強,邱龍臻,張貴玉,許偉. 一種新型液晶發光材料及其製備方法. ZL 201310566376.4.
8.陸紅波,張貴玉,張姍娜,楊家祥,呂國強,邱龍臻,許偉. 一種氰基取代二苯乙烯型液晶材料及其製備工藝及套用. ZL 201310616180.1.
9.陸紅波,胡金良,吳少君,宋志剛,呂國強,邱龍臻. 一種染料液晶顯示器件. ZL 201410193045.5.
10.陸紅波,呂國強,賀曉悅,謝欣燕,邱龍臻. 一種光敏手性大環分子及其製備方法和用途. ZL 201410668224.X.
11.張貴玉,陸紅波,呂國強,張珊娜,張俊,宋志剛,邱龍臻. 一種用於減小大尺寸液晶光閥極間電容的製備方法. ZL 201310195897.3.
12.陸紅波,宋志剛,張俊,王明暉,林廣慶,熊賢風,邱龍臻. 一種用於投影顯示的大尺寸顯示螢幕的製備方法. ZL 201210472421.5.
13.陸紅波, 張俊, 呂國強. 電控彩色濾色液晶光閥. ZL 201120412219.4.
4. Q Zhang, X Zhang, L Yang, M Xu, J Zhu, G Zhang, Y Ding, L Qiu, H Lu*, Polymer-stabilised cholesteric liquid-crystals as tunable light-reflector with low operating-voltage and energy consumption, Liquid Crystals, 2020;47(11): 1655-1662.
5. H Lu*, L Yang, L Xia, J Kong, M Xu, J Zhu, L Qiu, Z Hu, Band-edge-enhanced tunable random laser using a polymer-stabilised cholesteric liquid crystal, Liquid Crystals, 2020;48(2): 255-262.
6.Lu Hongbo, Wei Cheng, Zhang Qiang, Xu Miao, Ding Yunsheng, Zhang Guobing, et al. Wide tunable laser based on electrically regulated bandwidth broadening in polymer-stabilized cholesteric liquid crystal. Photonics Research. 2019;7(2):137-143.
7.Lu H*, Zhang Q, Sha J, et al. Highly polarized absorption and emission from polymer-stabilized smectic guest-host systems. Liquid Crystals, 2019, 46(10): 1574-1583.
8.Zhou M, Lu H*, Zhang X, et al. Tuning helical twisting power and photoisomerisation kinetics of axially chiral cyclic azobenzene dopants in cholesteric liquid crystals. Liquid Crystals, 2019: 46 (15), 2181-2189.
9.Lu Hongbo*, Xing Jian, Wei Cheng, Xia Jiangying, Sha Junqing, Ding Yunsheng, et al. Band-gap-tailored random laser. Photonics Research. 2018;6(5):390-395.
10.Zhiyuan Li, Mengyi Zhou, Zhiping Yin, Guo Xia, Guobing Zhang, Miao Xu, Longzhen Qiu, Hongbo Lu*. Liquid crystal behavior and luminescence properties of (2Z, 2′ Z)-2, 2′-(1, 4-phenylene) bis (4-N-alkoxy) phenylacrylonitrile. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2018, 666(1): 1-11.
11.Sha Junqing, Lu Hongbo*, Zhou Mengyi, Xia Guo, Fang Yong, Zhang Guobing, et al. Highly polarized luminescence from an AIEE-active luminescent liquid crystalline film. Organic Electronics. 2017;50: 177-183.
12.Lu H. B*., Xing J., Wei C., Sha J. Q., Zhang G. B., Lv G. Q., et al. Near-infrared light directed reflection in a cholesteric liquid crystal. Optical Materials Express. 2017;7(11):4163-4170.
13.Lu Hongbo*, Xu Chao, Li Zhiyuan, Xia Guo, Jing Shuaicheng, Bai Xiangyang, et al. High-contrast electrically switchable light-emitting liquid crystal displays based on α-cyanostilbenic derivative. Liquid Crystals. 2017;45(1):32-39.
14.Lu H. B., Xie X. Y., Xing J., Xu C., et al. Wavelength-tuning and band-broadening of a cholesteric liquid crystal induced by a cyclic chiral azobenzene compound. Optical Materials Express. 2016;6(10):3145-3148.
15.Chu Yutian, Yin Zhiping*, Sha Junqing, Xu Chao, Zhang Guobing, LvGuoqiang, QiuLongzhen, Lu Hongbo*. Regulation and control of polymer network deformation in reverse-mode polymer-stabilised cholesteric texture. Liquid Crystals, 2016;44(4):688-694.
16.Lu Hongbo*, Chu Yutian, Sha Junqing, Zhang Guobing, Hu Juntao, LvGuoqiang, QiuLongzhen. Characterisation and effect of polymer network deformation in reverse-mode polymer-stabilised cholesteric texture. Liquid Crystals, 2016;44(3):437-443.
17.Lu Hongbo*, Hu Jinliang, Wu Shaojun, Chu Yutian, Xu Chao, QiuLongzhen, Wang Xianghua, Zhang Guobing, Hu Juntao.The effect of MWS polarisation on the morphology and electro-optical behaviour of normal-mode polymer-stabilised cholesteric textures. Liquid Crystals, 2016, 43: 540-546.
18.Lu Hongbo*, Hu Jinliang, Chu Yutian, Xu Wei, QiuLongzhen, Wang Xianghua, Zhang Guobing, Hu Juntao, Yang Jiaxiang.Cholesteric liquid crystals with an electrically controllable reflection bandwidth based on ionic polymer networks and chiral ions. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3:5406-5411.
19.Lu Hongbo*, Xu Wei, Song Zhigang, Zhang Shanna, QiuLongzhen, Wang Xianghua, Zhang Guobing, Hu Juntao, LvGuoqiang. Electrically switchable multi-stable cholesteric liquid crystal based on chiral ionic liquid. Optics Letters, 2014, 39(24): 6795-6798.
20.Lu, Hongbo*, Song Zhigang, Zhang Jun, Lv Guoqiang. The influence of helical twisting power on the electro-optical properties of reverse-mode polymer-stabilised cholesteric texture. Liquid Crystals, 2014, 41(4): 615-620.
21.Song Zhigang, Lu Hongbo*, Hu Jinliang, Xu Wei, Zhang Jun, QiuLongzhen, Wang Xianghua, Zhang Guobing, Hu Juntao, LvGuoqiang. Thickness dependence of the electro-optical properties of reverse-mode polymer-stabilised cholesteric texture. Liquid Crystals, 2014, 41(10):1382-1387.
22.Lu Hongbo*, QiuLongzhen, Zhang Guiyu, Ding Aixiang, Xu Weibing, Zhang Guobing, Wang Xianghua, Kong Lin, Tian Yupeng, Yang Jiaxiang. Electrically switchable photoluminescence of fluorescent-molecule-dispersed liquid crystals prepared via photoisomerization-induced phase separation. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2014, 2(8):1386-1389.
23.Lu Hongbo*, Zhang Shanna, Ding Aixiang, Yuan Miao, Zhang Guiyu, Xu Wei, Zhang Guobing, Wang Xianghua, QiuLongzhen, Yang Jiaxiang. A luminescent liquid crystal with multistimuli tunable emission colors based on different molecular packing structures. New Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 38(8):3429-3433.
24.Lu Hongbo*, Zhang Jun, Song Zhigang, Zhang Guobing, Wang Xianghua, QiuLongzhen, LvGuoqiang. Submillisecond-response light shutter for solid-state volumetric 3D display based on polymer-stabilized cholesteric texture. IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, 2014 ,10(5):396-400.
25.Lu Hongbo*, Zhang Jun, Wang Minghui, Song Zhigang, XiongXianfeng, Lin Guangqing, Zhang Guobing, Wang Xianghua, QiuLongzhen. Influence of curing frequency on the mrphology and the electro-optical property of polymer-stabilized cholesteric textures. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2013,588(1):9-16.


1.陸紅波,鄭安東,楊樂,高盛.一種商業液晶的介電各向異性在太赫茲波段增大的混晶.ZL 201910158708.2.
2.陸紅波,韋成,張強,李志遠,周夢怡.寬範圍連續可調的電控光泵浦液晶雷射器件及其製備方法.ZL 201810823273.4.
3.陸紅波,沙峻青,韋成,荊帥誠.一種新型可聚合的螢光二色性染料及其製備方法及用途.ZL 201710596292.3.
4.陸紅波,邢劍,沙峻青,荊帥誠.韋成一種紅外光禁帶可調諧的膽甾相液晶器件的製備方法.ZL 201611015170.2.
5.陸紅波,沙峻青,韋成,邢劍. 一種高偏振螢光薄膜及其製備方法. ZL 201710596291.9.
6.陸紅波,吳少君,許偉,呂國強,邱龍臻,張珊娜, 胡金良, 宋志剛. 一種基於手性離子單體的寬頻膽甾相液晶器件及其製備工藝. ZL 201410315311.7.
7.陸紅波,張姍娜,楊家祥,呂國強,邱龍臻,張貴玉,許偉. 一種新型液晶發光材料及其製備方法. ZL 201310566376.4.
8.陸紅波,張貴玉,張姍娜,楊家祥,呂國強,邱龍臻,許偉. 一種氰基取代二苯乙烯型液晶材料及其製備工藝及套用. ZL 201310616180.1.
9.陸紅波,胡金良,吳少君,宋志剛,呂國強,邱龍臻. 一種染料液晶顯示器件. ZL 201410193045.5.
10.陸紅波,呂國強,賀曉悅,謝欣燕,邱龍臻. 一種光敏手性大環分子及其製備方法和用途. ZL 201410668224.X.
11.張貴玉,陸紅波,呂國強,張珊娜,張俊,宋志剛,邱龍臻. 一種用於減小大尺寸液晶光閥極間電容的製備方法. ZL 201310195897.3.
12.陸紅波,宋志剛,張俊,王明暉,林廣慶,熊賢風,邱龍臻. 一種用於投影顯示的大尺寸顯示螢幕的製備方法. ZL 201210472421.5.
13.陸紅波, 張俊, 呂國強. 電控彩色濾色液晶光閥. ZL 201120412219.4.


