學院教授。其間曾應邀到英國University of Westminster和美國Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory從事研究工作各半年。已在國內外核心期刊上發表文章二十多篇,其中被SCI,EI收錄的十來篇。
1. Quanming Lu, Thermodynamic evolution of phase explosion during high-power nanosecond laser ablation, Phys. Rev. E, 67,16410,2003.
2. Quanming Lu, S. Mao, X. Mao and R. Russo, Delayed phase explosion during high-power nanosecond laser ablation of silicon, Appl. Phys. Lett., 80,3072,2002.
3. Quanming Lu and Dongsheng Cai, Implementation of paralllel plasma particle-in-cell codes on PC cluster, Comp. Phys. Comm., 135,93,2001.
4. Getov V., Quanming Lu, M. Thomas and M. Williams, Message-passing computing with Java: Performance Evaluation and Comparisons. Proceedings of Parallel and distributed Processes'2001 workshop, IEEE Computer Society, pp.173-177, 2001.
5. DongSheng Cai and Quanming Lu, Parallel PIC code using Java on PC cluster, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region, IEEE Computer Society, pp.495-500, 2000.
6. Lu, Q. M., Y. Cheng, Z. Z. Xu and S. Wang, Electron Acceleration by a Laser Pulse in Vacuum, Phys. Plasmas, 5, 825, 1998.