


  • 中文名:陶達
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 任職院校:深圳大學


· 審稿人
期刊: Journal of Biomedical Informatics; Journal of Medical Internet Research; Accident Analysis & Prevention; International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics;Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare; JMIR Human Factors; JMIR mHealth and uHealth; JMIR Research Protocols等

· 學術會員
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society; International Association of Engineers; Hong Kong Ergonomics Society; 中國人類工效學學會; 中國醫療信息學協會 等


· 人因工程與用戶體驗; 職業安全工程; 自動化專業英語;工程心理學專題;生產運營管理
· 人機互動理論與套用;人機互動技術


人機互動(Human-computer interaction);人因工程/工效學(Human factors and ergonomics);工程心理學(Engineering psychology);健康信息學(Health Informatics);健康系統工程(Health systems engineering)
· 社會技術系統(Sociotechnical system);用戶技術行為(Human behaviors with technology)


在Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Ergonomics等國內外頂級期刊會議發表SCI、EI等學術論文40餘篇。
· 教育部人文社會科學研究項目,20YJCZH146,基於移動醫療的老年人健康護理行為決策機制及其影響效應研究,2020年1月至2022年12月,在研,主持
· 廣東省基礎與套用基礎研究基金項目,2019A1515010863,基於用戶多維動機的移動醫療接受和使用行為驅動機制及其演化規律研究,2019年10月至2022年9月,在研,主持
· 核電安全監控技術與裝備國家重點實驗室開放基金,007-EC-B-2018-C83-P.S.20-01071,核電廠調試值班工程師腦力負荷研究與對策,2018年10月-2019 年12月,已結題,主持
· 深圳大學新引進高端人才財政補助科研啟動經費, 健康信息技術的可用性設計、評估和接受度模型研究, 2017年1月-2019年12月,主持
· 廣東省教育廳青年創新人才項目,2016KQNCX143,消費者健康信息技術接受和使用行為研究,2017年-2018年,主持
· 工效學會-津發科技優秀青年學者聯合研究基金,CES-KF-2016-2018,基於結構方程模型探討可用性對消費者網路健康信息服務接受行為的影響,2016年-2018年,主持
· 深圳大學校啟動項目,2016041,消費者健康信息技術接受行為的影響因素建模與實證研究,2016年-2018年,主持
代表期刊論文 :
· Tao, D., Wang, T., Wang, T., Zhang, T., Zhang, X., and Qu, X. (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of user acceptance of consumer-oriented health information technologies. Computers in Human Behavior
· Tao, D., Fu, P., Wang, Y., Zhang, T., and Qu, X. (2019). Key characteristics in designing massive open online courses (MOOCs) for user acceptance: an application of the extended technology acceptance model. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-14. doi:10.1080/10494820.2019.1695214(SSCI Q2)

· Tao, D., Shao, F., Wang, H., Yan, M., and Qu, X. (2019). Integrating usability and social cognitive theories with the technology acceptance model to understand young users’ acceptance of a health information portal. Health Informatics Journal. doi:10.1177/1460458219879337(SCI Q3)

· Tao, D., Tan, H., Wang, H., Zhang, X., Qu, X., and Zhang, T. (2019). A systematic review of physiological measures of mental workload. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 2716. (SSCI Q1)
· Zhang X, Qu X, Xue H, Tao D, Li T. Effects of time of day and taxi route complexity on navigation errors: An experimental study. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2019;125:14-19. (SSCI Q1)
· Zhang X, Qu X, Tao D, Xue H. The association between sensation seeking and driving outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2019;123:222-234. (SSCI Q1)
· Zhang T, Tao D, Qu X, Zhang X, Lin R, Zhang W. The roles of initial trust and perceived risk in public’s acceptance of automated vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 2019;98:207-220. (SCI Q2)
· Zhang T, Chan AHS, Xue H, Zhang X, Tao D. Driving Anger, Aberrant Driving Behaviors, and Road Crash Risk: Testing of a Mediated Model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019;16(3):297. (SSCI Q2)
· Tao D, Yuan J, Qu X. Effects of presentation formats on consumers’ performance and perceptions in the use of personal health records among older and young adults. Patient Education and Counseling. 2019;102(3):578-585. (SSCI Q1)
· Chen X, Tao D*, Zhou Z. Factors affecting reposting behaviour using a mobile phone-based user-generated-content online community application among Chinese young adults. Behaviour & Information Technology. 2019;38(2):120-131. (SSCI Q3)
· Zhou BH, Liu YW, Yu JD, Tao D. Optimization of buffer allocation in unreliable production lines based on availability evaluation. Optimal Control Applications & Methods. 2018;39:204–219. (SCI Q3)
· Tao D, Yuan J, Shao F, Li D, Zhou Q, Qu X. Factors affecting consumer acceptance of an online health information portal among young Internet users. CIN-Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 2018;36(11):530-539. (SSCI Q2)
· Tao D, Yuan J, Qu X. Presenting self-monitoring test results for consumers: the effects of graphical formats and age. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2018;25(8):1036-1046. (SSCI Q1)
· Tao D, Yuan J, Liu S, Qu X. Effects of button design characteristics on performance and perceptions of touchscreen use. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 2018;64:59-68. (SSCI Q2)
· Tao D, Wang T, Wang T, Qu X. Influence of drug colour on perceived drug effects and efficacy. Ergonomics. 2018;61(2):284-294. (SSCI Q2)
· Li D, Chen K, Da T, Sang WY. Medication planogram design to minimize collation delays and makespan in parallel pharmaceutical automatic dispensing machines. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2018;99 (9-12):2171–2180. (SCI Q3)
· Tao D, Zhang R, Qu X. The role of personality traits and driving experience in self-reported risky driving behaviors and accident risk among Chinese drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2017;99:228-235. (SSCI Q1)
· Tao D, Wang T, Wang T. Effects of color on expectations of drug effects: A cross‐gender cross‐cultural study. Color Research & Application. 2017;42(1):124-130. (SCI Q4)
· Tao D, Qu X, Wang T, Wang T, Liu S. Effects of consumer-oriented health information technologies in diabetes management over time: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2017;24(5):1014-1023. (SSCI Q1)
· Or CKL, Tao D, Wang H. The effectiveness of the use of consumer health information technology in patients with heart failure: A meta-analysis and narrative review of randomized controlled trials. J Telemed Telecare. 2017;23(1):155-166. (SCI Q4)
· Or C, Tao D. A 3-month randomized controlled pilot trial of a patient-centered, computer-based self-monitoring system for the care of type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Journal of Medical Systems. 2016;40(4):81. (SCI Q3)
· Tao D*, Xie LY, Wang TY, Wang TS. A meta-analysis of the use of electronic reminders for patient adherence to medication in chronic disease care. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 2015;21(1):3-13. (SCI Q4)
· Or CKL, Tao D. Does the use of consumer health information technology improve outcomes in the patient self-management of diabetes? A meta-analysis and narrative review of randomized controlled trials. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2014;83(5):320-329. (SCI Q2)
· Tao D, Or C. Effects of self-management health information technology on glycaemic control for patients with diabetes: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 2013;19:133-143. (SCI Q4)
· Or CKL, Tao D. Usability study of a computer-based self-management system for older adults with chronic diseases. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Research Protocols. 2012;1:e13. (spin-off of JMIR (SCI Q1))

· 陶達,張旭,蔡劍,劉雙,曲行達. 晃動條件下觸控螢幕按鍵設計特徵因素的可用性研究. 人類工效學. 2019. 25(3):1-7,25.

· 陶達, 袁娟, 曾吉紅, 刁小風, 曲行達. 呈現方式和性別對老年用戶使用和理解健康信息的影響. 人類工效學. 2019(1):18-24.

· 陶達, 蔡劍, 張旭, 劉雙, 曲行達. 晃動環境下信息元素設計對視覺搜尋的影響. 深圳大學學報(理工版). 2019;36(4):440-6.
· 陶達, 蔡劍, 張旭, 王鐵雁, 劉雙, 曲行達. 晃動環境下觸控螢幕手勢操作的可用性研究. 工業工程與管理. 2019. (中文核心)
· 陶達, 袁娟, 曾吉紅, 刁小風, 曲行達. 呈現方式和性別對老年用戶使用和理解健康信息的影響. 人類工效學. 2019. (科技核心)
· 陳星宇,周展,黃俊文,陶達*. 基於參與-情感-認知框架的用戶創新性預測. 深圳大學學報理工版. 2018. 35 (4(331-440)):426-431. (中文核心)
· 陳星宇,周展,黃俊文,陶達*. 基於關鍵字挖掘的客戶細分方法. 深圳大學學報理工版. 2017. 34 (3), 221-330. (中文核心)

· 陶達,袁娟,劉雙,曲行達,陳星宇*. 觸控螢幕按鍵特徵因素對鍵盤輸入操作可用性的影響. 人類工效學. 2016. 22(5):1-6. (科技核心)

· 陶達,張瑞,曲行達*. 性別、年齡和人格特質對風險駕駛行為的影響. 深圳大學學報理工版,2016, 33(6): 646-652. (中文核心)
· 李萍, 陶達, 李艷華, 董潔, 羅軼瑋, 李新明. 基於 FMEA 的 C 形臂 X 線機的使用風險分析與控制. 中國醫院管理, 2013, 33(6):69-71. (中文核心)
· Tao D, Wang T, Tan H, Cai J, Zhang X. Understanding one-handed thumb interaction with a mobile touchscreen device: effects of keyboard size, gap and button shape. the 10th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics; Washington D.C. USA, July 24-28, 20192019.
· HL Wang, D Tao, M Yan (2018). Qualitative synthesis of isometric handgrip strength for Chinese adults. 15th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, Zhuhai, P.R. China, 2018.03.27-29. (EI)
· Da Tao*, Juan Yuan, Xingda Qu, Tieyan Wang, Xingyu Chen (2018).Presentation of personal health information for consumers: an experimental comparison of four visualization formats. HCI International 2018 Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 15-20 July 2018.(EI)
· Da Tao*, Qiugu Chen, Juan Yuan, Shuang Liu, Xiaoyan Zhang, Xingda Qu. (2017). Effects of key size, gap and the location of key characters on user performance and preference in touchscreen input tasks. The 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2017), Vancouver, Canada. Accepted. (EI)

· Xingyu Chen, Dandan Tian, Da Tao, Xingda Qu. (2017). Motivational factors for users’ reposting behavior in different mobile UGC online communities. 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2017), Los Angeles, California, USA July 17-21, 2017. Accepted. (EI)

· Xingyu Chen, Shiyuan Liu, Junwen Huang, Da Tao* (2017). The Impact of Online Lottery Promotion on User Acquisition and Engagement. The 2017 ISPE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE2017). Singapore, July 10-14, 2017. (EI)

· Da Tao*, Fenglian Shao, Shuang Liu, Tieyan Wang, Xingda Qu. (2016). Predicting factors of consumer acceptance of health information technologies: A systematic review. The Human Factors & Ergonomics Society 2016 Annual Meeting (HFES 2016) 60 (1), 598-602. (EI)

· XY Chen, D Tao. (2016). What causes the same users behave differently between UGC communities? Greater-China Conference on Mobile Big Data Marketing, 13-14 June 2016, Hong Kong.

· Shuang Liu, Zhen Liao, Yingwei Zhou, Xin Wang, Da Tao. (2016). Analyzing and modeling of crew team situation awareness. Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering 406, 121-131. (EI)

· Da Tao, Calvin Or*, Kang Li. (2014). The influence of computer experience and screen size on use performance and perceptions of a tablet chronic illness self-management system for older adults. Paper presented at the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society 2014 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, Chicago, Illinois.

· Ho-Chuen Ng, Da Tao, Calvin Or. (2013). Age differences in computer input device use: a comparison of touchscreen, trackball, and mouse. In Á. Rocha, A. M. Correia, T. Wilson & K. A. Stroetmann (Eds.), Advances in Information Systems and Technologies (Vol. 206, pp. 1015-1024): Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (EI)

· Da Tao, Calvin Or* (2012). A paper prototype usability study of a chronic disease self-management system for older adults. Paper presented at the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Hong Kong., December 10-13, 2012. (EI)


2010-2014年Postgraduate Scholarship, The University of Hong Kong


