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陶大鵬,主要從事人工智慧領域相關研究,擔任雲南大學信息學院教授、博導(計算機科學與技術),中國科學院大學博導(控制科學與工程)。擔任了IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering等十多家國際學術期刊的特約審稿人和客座編輯。


  • 中文名:陶大鵬
  • 國籍中國
  • 專業方向:人工智慧
  • 職務:雲南大學博士生導師


機器視覺: 目標檢測,目標分類和標註。
機器學習: 深度學習,流形子空間學習,度量學習。
機器人: 機械手臂抓取,機器人導航。




近五年發表SCI檢索源刊超過60篇,其中第一作者和通訊作者在SCI JCR1區發表論文超過30篇,授權發明專利5項。


[1]D.Tao, Y.Guo, Y.Li, X. Gao, Tensor Rank Preserving Discriminant Analysis for Facial Recognition.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 325-334, 2018.(IF=4.828)
[2]H. Li, X. He, D.Tao, Y.Tang, R. Wang: Joint medical image fusion, denoising and enhancement via discriminative low-rank sparse dictionaries learning. Pattern Recognition79: 130-146 (2018)(IF=4.582)
[3]D.Tao, J. Cheng, X. Gao, X. Lin, and C. Deng“Robust Sparse Coding for Mobile Image Labeling on the Cloud,”IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 62-72,2017.(IF=3.559)
[4]D.Tao, D. Tao, X. Lin, and X. Gao“Large Sparse Cone Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Image Annotation,” ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, vol.8, no.3, pp. 37:1-37:21, April 2017.(IF=3.196)
[5]Y.Guo, D.Tao, W. Liu, and J. Cheng, “Multiview Cauchy Estimator Feature Embedding for Depth and Inertial Sensor-Based Human Action Recognition,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 617-627, 2017. (IF=2.305)
[6]Y.Yang, C. Deng, D.Tao, S. Zhang, W. Liu,and X. Gao,“Latent Max-Margin Multitask Learning with Skelets for 3D Action Recognition,”IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,vol. 47, no. 2, pp.439-448, 2017. (IF=7.384)
[7]Y.Wang,Z. Wang,D.Tao,S. Zhuo, X. Xu,S. Pu,and M. Song, “AllFocus: Patch-Based Video Out-of-Focus Blur Reconstruction,”IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 1895-1908, 2017.(IF=3.599)
[8]R. Hong, L. Li, J. Cai, D.Tao, M. Wang, Q. Tian, “Coherent Semantic-Visual Indexing for Large-Scale Image Retrieval in the Cloud,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 4128-4138, 2017.(IF=4.828)
[9]Y.Yang, C. Deng, S. Gao, W. Liu, D.Tao, and X. Gao, “Discriminative Multi-instance Multitask Learning for 3D Action Recognition,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 19, no. 3, pp.519-529, 2017.(IF=3.509)
[10]X. Yang, W. Liu, D.Tao, J. Cheng, S. Li, “Multiview Canonical Correlation Analysis Networks for Remote Sensing Image Recognition,” IEEE Geoscience Remote Sensing Letter , vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 1855-1859, 2017.(IF=2.761)
[11]X. Yang, W. Liu, D.Tao, J. Cheng, “Canonical correlation analysis networks for two-view image recognition,” Information Sciences, vol. 385, pp.338-352, 2017.(IF=4.832)
[12]W. Liu, L. Zhang, D.Tao, J. Cheng, “Support vector machine active learning by Hessian regularization,” J. Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol.49, pp. 47-56, 2017.(IF=2.164)
[13]X. Ji, J. Cheng, D.Tao, X. Wu, W. Feng, “The spatial Laplacian and temporal energy pyramid representation for human action recognition using depth sequences,” Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 122, pp. 64-74, 2017. (IF=4.529)
[14]D.Tao, X. Lin, L. Jin, and X. Lin,“Principal Component 2-Dimensional Long Short-Term Memory for Font Recognition on Single Chinese Characters,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 46, no. 3 pp. 756-765, 2016.(IF=7.384)
[15]D.Tao, Y.Guo, M. Song, Y.Li, Z. Yu, and Y. Tang, “Person Re-Identification by Dual-Regularized KISS Metric Learning,”IEEE Transactions onImage Processing, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 2726-2738, 2016. (IF=4.828
[16]D.Tao, J. Cheng, M. Song, and X. Lin, “Manifold Ranking-Based Matrix Factorization for Saliency Detection,”IEEE Transactionson Neural Networks and Learning Systems,vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 1122-1134, 2016.(IF=6.108
[17]D.Tao, L. Jin, Y. Yuan, and Y. Xue, “Ensemble Manifold Rank Preserving for Acceleration-based Human Activity Recognition” IEEE Transactionson Neural Networks and Learning Systems,vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 1392-1404, 2016.(IF=6.108)
[18]D.Tao, Y.Wen, and R. Hong, “Multi-column Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory for Mobile Devices-based Human Activity Recognition,”IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 1124-1134, 2016. (IF=7.596
[19]Y.Guo, D.Tao, J. Cheng, A. Dougherthy, Y.Li, K. Yue, and B. Zhang, “Tensor Manifold Discriminant Projections for Acceleration-Based Human Activity Recognition,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1-11, 2016. (IF=3.509)
[20]J. Zhang, J. Yu, J. You, D.Tao, N.Li, and J. Cheng, “Data-driven Facial Animation via Semi-supervised Local Patch Alignment,”Pattern Recognition, vol. 57, pp. 1-20, 2016. (IF=4.582
[21]D.Tao, L. Jin, Y. Wang, and X. Lin, “Person Reidentification by Minimum Classification Error-Based KISS Metric Learning,” IEEE Transactionson Cybernetics, vol. 45, no. 2, 2015. (IF=7.384
[22]D.Tao, J. Cheng, X. Lin, and J. Yu, “Local Structure Preserving Discriminative Projections for RGB-D Sensor-based Scene Classification,” Information Sciences,vol. 320, pp. 383-394, 2015.(IF=4.832)
[23]C. Hong, J. Yu, J. You, X. Chen, D.Tao, “Multi-view ensemble manifold regularization for 3D object recognition,” Information Sciences,vol. 320, pp. 395-405, 2015.(IF=4.832
[24]D.Tao, L. Jin, Y. Wang, and X. Lin., “Rank Preserving Discriminant Analysis for Human Behavior Recognition on Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 813-823, 2014. (IF=6.764
[25]D.Tao, L. Jin, S. Zhang, Z. Yang, and Y. Wang, “Sparse Discriminative Information Preservation for Chinese Character Font Categorization,” Neurocomputing, vol. 129, pp. 159-167,2014.(IF=3.317
[26]D.Tao, L. Liang, L. Jin, and Y. Gao, “Similar Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition by Kernel Discriminative Locality Alignment,” Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 35, pp. 186-194, 2014.(IF=1.995)
[27]J. Yu, D.Tao, J. Li, and J. Cheng, “Semantic Preserving Distance Metric Learning and Applications,”Information Sciences, vol. 281, pp.674-686, 2014.(IF=4.832)
[28]D.Tao, L. Jin,Y. Wang, Y. Yuan, and X. Li, “Person Re-Identification by Regularized Smoothing KISS Metric Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 1675-1685, 2013.(IF=3.599)
[29]D.Tao, L. Jin, W. Liu, and X. Lin, “Hessian Regularized Support Vector Machines for Mobile Image Annotation on the Cloud,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 833-844, 2013. (IF=3.509)
[30]D.Tao, L. Jin, Z. Yang, and X. Lin, “Rank Preserving Sparse Learning for Kinect based Scene Classification,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 1406-1417, 2013.(IF=7.384)
[31]M. Song, D.Tao, C. Chen, J. Bu, Y. Yang,“Color-to-gray based on chance of happening preservation,”Neurocomputing, vol. 119, pp.222-231, 2013.(IF=3.317)
[32]D.Tao, L. Jin, “Discriminative information preservation for face recognition,” Neurocomputing, vol. 91, pp. 11-20, 2012.(IF=3.317


