




  • 中文名:陳靖涵
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 職務:澳門大學工商管理學院院長
  • 外文名:Jean Jinghan CHEN 


陳靖涵,澳門大學工商管理學院院長,會計與金融學講座教授。 此前擔任世界百強名校之一的英國南安普頓大學工商管理學院院長,會計與金融學首席教授,被英國商學院(UK Business Schools)選舉為英國皇家商學院協會常務理事並擔任2014-15年國際委員會主席。陳教授是澳洲註冊會計師(CPA)會員及國際會計師協會(AIA, UK)學術成員。通過多年的高管教育和諮詢工作,她與專業團體、行業和政府組織有著廣泛的聯繫,如英國政府(DFID和DTI)、歐盟(EU)、中國銀行以及許多中國和海外的私營公司。












  1. Chen, J.J., Ko, I.M., Li, L.S. and Yang, F.X. (2021), ‘Are Better-Connected CEOs More Socially Responsible? Evidence from the U.S. Restaurant Industry’, Tourism Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2021.104304. (ABS4)
  2. Wu, J., Murphy, P., Chen, J.J., Bunn, M. (2021), ‘Institutional forces and knowledge search strategies as predictors of entrepreneurial venture performance’, Journal of Small Business Management, https://doi.org/10.1080/00472778.2021.1890098. (ABS3)
  3. Chen, J.J., Cheng, X., Gong, S. and Tan Y. (2021), ‘Project-Level Disclosure and Investment Efficiency: Evidence from China’, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Vol.26(4), pp-854-880. (ABS3)
  4. Chen, J.J., Cui, C, Hunt, R.A., Li, L.S. (2020), ‘External Enablement of New Venture Creation: An Exploratory, Query-Driven Assessment of China’s High-Speed Rail Expansion’, Journal of Business Venturing, November 2020. Vol.35(6). (ABS4).
  5. Chen, J.J., Zhou, S. and Xie, L. (2020), ‘Managerial Multi-tasking, Team Diversity, and Mutual Fund Performance’, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol.65. (ABS4).
  6. Li, L., Chen, J.J., Gao, H. and Xie L. (2018), ‘The certification effect of government R&D subsidies on innovative entrepreneurial firms’ access to bank finance: evidence from China’, Small Business Economics, Vol.52(1), pp.241-259. (ABS3).
  7. Zattoni, A.Z., Witt, M.A., Judge, W.Q., Talaulicar, T., Chen, J.J., et.al. (2017), ‘How does Board Independence Influence IPO Performance?’, Journal of World Business, Vol.52, pp. 628-639. (ABS4).
  8. Chen, J.J., Cheng, X., Gong, S. and Tan Y. (2017), ‘Implications of Political Patronage and Political Costs for Corporate Disclosure’, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Vol.32(1), pp. 92-122. (ABS3).
  9. Judge, W.Q, Zattoni, A., Talaulicar, T., Chen, J.J. et al. (2015), ‘Configurations of Capacity for Change in Entrepreneurial Threshold Firms: Imprinting and Strategic Choice Perspectives’, Journal of Management Studies, 52(4), pp. 1-31. (ABS4).
  10. Judge, W.Q, Zattoni, A., Talaulicar, T., Chen, J.J.et al. (2015), ‘Corporate Governance and IPO Under-pricing in a Cross – National Sample: A Multilevel Knowledge – Based View’, Strategic Management Journal, 36(8), pp. 1174-1185. (ABS4*).
  11. Li, L., Gao, H.L. and Chen, J.J. (2015), ‘Financing Hi-Tech Enterprises in China: A Game Theory Approach’, Economic Research Journal (經濟研究)(in Chinese, A* Chinese economics journal), pp.162-174.
  12. Cheng, X., Liu, J. and Chen, J.J. (2015), ‘Signaling Effect of Executive Compensation’, Financial Research (金融研究 )(in Chinese, A* Chinese finance journal), Vol.12.
  13. Li, S., Liu, Y. and Chen, J.J. (2015), ‘The Role of Mutual Fund in Corporate Governance of Chinese Listed Companies’, Nankai Business Review (南開管理評論)(in Chinese, A* Chinese management journal), Vol.12.
  14. Chen, J.J. and Zhang, H. (2014), ‘The Impact of the Corporate Governance Code on Earnings Management’, European Financial Management, Vol.20(3): 596-632. (ABS3).
  15. Chen, J.J., Cheng, X, Tan, Y and Gong. S. (2014), ‘Do Higher Value Firms Voluntarily Disclose More Information?’, British Accounting Review, 46: 18-32. (ABS3).
  16. Han, L., Benson, A., Chen, J.J. and Zhang, S. (2014), ‘The Use and Impacts of Bank Support on UK SMEs’, International Small Business Journal, 32: pp.61-80. (ABS3).
  17. Lodh, S., Nandy, M. and Chen, J.J. (2014), ‘Innovation and Family Ownership: Empirical Evidence from an Emerging Market’, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 22(1): 4–23. (ABS3).
  18. Chen, J.J. and Zhang, H. (2010), ‘The Impact of Regulatory Enforcement and Audit upon IFRS Compliance’, European Accounting Review, Vol.19(4), pp.665-692. (ABS3).
  19. Chen, J.J., Liu, X and Li, W. (2010), ‘The Effect of Insider’s Control and Global Benchmarks on Chinese Executive Compensation’, Corporate Governance: An International Review, pp.107-123, Vol.18(2). (ABS3).
  20. Li, W., Liu, X and Chen, J.J. (2010), ‘Manager’s Talent, Corporate Governance and Reference Point’, Nankai Business Review (南開管理評論)(in Chinese, A* Chinese management journal), pp.4-15,2010, Vol.13(2).
  21. Chen, J.J. and Cheng, P. (2007), ‘Corporate Governance and the harmonisation of Chinese Accounting Practices with IFRS Practices’, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Vol.15(2), pp.284-293. (ABS3).
  22. Cheng, P., and Chen, J.J. (2007), ‘Expropriation, Weak Corporate Governance and Post-IPO Performance: Chinese Evidence’, Advances in Financial Economics, Vol.12, 2007, Elsevier Science.
  23. Chen, J.J., and Dimou, I. (2005), ‘Expansion Strategy of International Hotel Firms’, Journal of Business Research, 58: pp.1730-1740, Elsevier Science. (ABS3).
  24. Chen, J.J. (2005), ‘Institutional Environment and Corporate Governance’, Advances in Financial Economics, Vol.11, 2005, pp. 75-93, Elsevier Science.
  25. Chen, J.J. (2004), ‘Determinants of Capital Structure – Empirical Evidence from Chinese Company Panel Data’, Journal of Business Research, 57(12), pp.1341-1351, Elsevier Science. (ABS3).
  26. Chen, J.J. (2003), ‘Corporatisation of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises’, Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol.1(2), December 2003, Virtus Interpress. (ISSN 1727-9232).
  27. Chen, J.J. (2003) (2003), ‘Corporate Governance in East Asia’, Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol.1(1), Virtus Interpress. (ISSN 1727-9232).
  28. Dimou, I., Chen, J.J. and Archer, S. (2003), ‘The Choice between Management Contracts and Franchising Agreements in the Corporate Development of International Hotel Firms’, Journal of Marketing Channels, Vol.10(3/4), pp.33-52, Best Business Books, Haworth Press, USA.
  29. Chen, J.J. and Wills, D. (2002), ‘Whither China’s Urbanisation – Pattern of Development and Problems’, Acta Structilia, Vol.9(1), the University of the Orange Free State, South Africa. (ISSN 1023 0564).
  30. Chen, J.J., Wills, D. and Wang, X. (2001), ‘Characteristics of Modern Urbanisation in China’, Urban Design Studies, Vol.7, the University of Greenwich. (ABS3).
  31. Chen, J.J. and Chambers, D. (2000), ‘Sustainability and the impact of Chinese Policy Initiatives upon Construction’, Construction Management and Economics, 17(5):679-687. (ABS3).
  32. Chen, J.J. and Chambers, D. (1999), ‘Sustainable Construction and the Chinese Practice’, Construction Management and Economics, 19, E&FN Spon, London. (ABS3).
  33. Jiang, D., Chen, J.J. and Isaac, D. (1998), ‘The Effect of Foreign Investment on the Real Estate Industry in China’, Urban Studies, Vol.35(11), Caxfax Publishing Company. (ABS3).
  34. Chen, J.J. (1998), ‘The Characteristics and the Current Status of China’s Construction Industry’, Construction Management and Economics, October 1998, E&FN Spon, London. (ABS3).
  35. Chen, J.J. (1994), ‘Invited Book Review on The Changing Geography of China’ (Frank Leeming, Institute of British Geographers Studies in Geography, Blackwell, 1994), Development Policy Review, Vol.12, No.1, March 1994, Blackwell, London. (ABS3).
  36. Chen, J.J. (1993), ‘Social Cost-Benefit Analysis of China’s Shenzhen Special Economic Zone’, Development Policy Review, Vol.11(3), Blackwell, London. (ABS3).
  37. Chen, J.J. (1993), ‘The Environment for Foreign Direct Investment and the Characteristics of Joint Ventures in China’, Development Policy Review, Vol.11(2), Blackwell, London. (ABS3).


  1. Lin, R., Chen, J.J. (2021), The Theory and Application of Multinational Corporate Governance, Palgrave, forthcoming, 2021.
  2. Patrick Huen, Chen, J.J. and Liu, M., Seng Heng Bank: History and Acquisition by ICBC, Palgrave-MacMillan, 2021. (ISBN 978-981-16-0397-6).
  3. Lin, R., Chen, J.J. and Xie, L., Chinese Multinational Firms: Cases Studies, Palgrave, 2020 (ISBN: 978-981-15-7404-7).
  4. Chen, J.J.., A Primer on Corporate Governance: China, Business Expert Press, 2015 (ISBN 9781631572289).
  5. Nix, P and Chen, J.J., Institutional Investor and Corporate Governance, Palgrave, 2013 (ISBN 9781137327024).
  6. Davies, T, Boczko, T. and Chen, J.J., Strategic Corporate Finance, McGraw Hill, 2007.
  7. Balchin, P., Isaac, D. and Chen, J.J., Urban Economics: A Global Perspective, MacMillan, 2000 (ISBN0 0 333 77128 1) (This book has been translated into Chinese and published by Jilin People’s Publishing House in PRC.).
  8. Chen, J.J. and Wills, D., The Impact of China’s Economic Reforms upon Land, Property and Construction, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, UK, April 1999 (ISBN 184014954X).
  9. Chen, J.J. and Wills, D., Proceedings of Sino-British Conference on Land Management (English and Chinese Version, principle editor and the author of 2 chapters), University of Greenwich Press, August 1996, London (ISBN 1 86166 000 6).
  10. Chen, J.J., ‘Directors’ Remuneration in the UK’, in Theory and Practice of Directors’ Remuneration: New Fundamentals and Challenges, edited by Kostyuk, A., Stiglbauer, M. and Govorun, D., Emerald, 2016.
  11. Chen, J.J. and Lin, Ruihui, ‘China – From a Planned Welfare-based Public Housing System to a Market-oriented Real Estate Industry’, in International Approached to Real Estate Development, edited by Squire, G. and Heurkens, E., pp.167-184, Routledge, 2015.
  12. Chen, J.J. and Gong, S.X.H., ‘Corporate Governance and IPO In China’, in Global Perspectives on Corporate Governance and Initial Public Offerings, edited by Zattoni, A. and Judge, W., pp.115-140, Cambridge University Press, 2012 (ISBN978-1-107-01686-6).
  13. Chen, J.J. and Zhang, H, ‘Business Strategy and Financial Crisis: The Case of Northern Rock’, in Strategic Management: Case Studies, edited by Costanzo L.A., pp.93-108, McGraw-Hill, 2011 (ISBN 13: 9780077129651).
  14. Chen, J.J., ‘Corporate Governance of Former Chinese SOEs’, in Challenges for China’s Development: An Enterprise Perspective, edited by Brown, A. and MacBean, A., pp.58-71, Routledge Curzon, 2005 (ISBN 0-415-34133-7).


  • Postdoctoral Researchers
  • 7 completions
  • PhD Students
  • 26 PhD (including 5 DBA) completions. One of my PhD students won the 2010 Award for Outstanding Overseas Chinese Students by the Ministry of Education of China. Another one won the 2013 University of Surrey Postgraduate Research Student of the Year (the highest and only award for PhD students in the University of Surrey).


  • Screening Editor, Corporate Governance: An International Review
  • Associate Editor, Nankai Business Review International
  • Associate Editor, Review of Corporate Governance
  • Editorial Board, China Journal of Accounting Studies – (the journal of the Accounting Society of China), Routledge
  • Editorial Board, Management and Organization Review, Cambridge University Press.
  • Ad hoc Reviewer: European Journal of Accounting, British Accounting Review, European Journal of Finance, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Venture, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Management Studies
  • 2018–Present, AACSB accreditation panel review member
  • 2017–Present, Independent Executive Director, Kmerit Ltd. Co. China
  • 2015–Present, An Executive Director of China Academy of Management.
  • 2016–2017, An Executive Committee Member of the British Chamber of Commerce Shanghai
  • 2014–2015, A Council Member of the UK Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) and the Chair of CABS International Committee.
  • 2012, A Panel member of the Selection Committee of Changjiang Scholar (長江學者評選委員會委員).
  • 2012–2014, Member of Executive Board, China-UK Innovation and Development Association (CIDA, UK).
  • 2009, A scientific committee member for The 5th International Symposium of Corporate Governance, jointly organised by the World Bank-OECD Global Corporate Governance Forum, Nankai University in China and Hong Kong Baptist University, September 5-6, 2009, Tianjin, China.
  • 2008–2009, A program committee member for The 2009 FMA Asia-Pacific Conference, Xiamen, China.
  • 2007–2008, A program committee member for The 2008 Eastern Finance Association Annual Conference, Florida, USA.
  • 2006–2007, A program committee member for The 2007 FMA European Conference, responsible for reviewing papers and organising a session on international corporate governance.
  • 2007, An organising committee member for The 4th Symposia on Corporate Governance, China.
  • 2006, Technical adviser for ‘The International Workshop on Curricula Development and Optimization in Master of Business Administration’, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • 2005, An organising committee member for The 3rd Symposia on Corporate Governance, China.


