1978 生於吉林,當代藝術家,2000 畢業於吉林林學院環境與藝術系,現居北京。
- 中文名:陳靈剛
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:吉林
- 出生日期:1978
- 職業:藝術家
- 畢業院校:吉林林學院環境與藝術系
- 代表作品:《當代藝術文獻》等
Chen Linggang named his two series ofartworks “Heritage” and “Reading”. In his “heritage” series, Chinese inkcharacters combined with the rugged texture of folds in the rice paper leave astrong impression on viewers. Without a deeper understanding of its history,when traditional Chinese ink painting is completely deconstructed and thenreconstructed in a combination of different forms, the significance of theseartworks can only arouse our imagination through meaningless symbols. Only ifwe immerse ourselves in the context of Chinese culture can we directlyexperience the visual shock of this artistic composition and expression thatcompels us to question and meditate further on history. In Chen Linggang’s“Reading” series, ink fades away and only the combination of various papers isleft. Reading these wordless works is the same as analyzing mysteries inhistory, which ultimately is the symbolic meaning. The process of reading opensa vast space for the viewer’s imagination. ----Excerpts from “History on thePaper” by Rong Jian
2009 紙上春秋——陳靈剛2009個人作品展,798錦都藝術中心,北京
2011 “傳承”陳靈剛作品展,紅寨畫廊,上海
2013 紙上-陳靈剛作品展, S.T.A.R.S.北京
2013 “發光體”,紅門畫廊,北京
2013 “藝繪兩岸”觀想藝術中心,台灣
2013 “我們1994-2013”,宋莊美術館,北京
2013 紙上·至上,北京玖層美術館,北京
2013 北京迷你藝術展,北京玖層美術館,北京
2013“SURGE Art”藝術節,北京
2012 中國首屆藝術品產業博覽會, 北京
2012 Kingroad Gallery,倫敦,英國
2011 麻辣亞洲,HFContemporary Art,柏林,德國
2011 AAB藝術節,798時態空間,北京
2011 朗豪畫廊聯展,北京
2010 瑪麗亞佩斯塔納畫廊,馬德里,西班牙
2010 “氣蘊·東方”首屆世界華人抽象藝術大展,黃桷坪當代美術館,重慶
2009 大家一起玩,798原色生活畫廊,北京
2009 第五屆宋莊藝術節藝術家群落作品展,萬盛美術館,北京
2009 跨度——中國抽象藝術邀請展,798錦都藝術中心,北京
2009 Galerie am kreuzplatz, Erschwil, 瑞士
2009 ART GALLERY, 日內瓦,瑞士
2009 當代抽象藝術展,多尚畫廊,北京
2008 第三屆(北京)國際文化創意博覽會,中國國際展覽中心,北京
2008 足跡——國防工事藝術區首屆開放展,國防工事藝術區,北京
2008 我·愛·宋莊,宋莊環島藝術區,北京
2008 第二屆中國·宋莊當代藝術家大展,北京
2008 生存現場,上上國際美術館,北京
Chen Linggang
1978Born in Jilin Province, China
2000Graduated from the Environmental Art Department, Jilin Forestry University
Currentlylives and works in Beijing, China
Selected Solo Exhibition
2009History on the Paper —Chen Linggang 2009,798 Jindu Art Center, Beijing, China
2011Heritage - Chen Linggang’s SoloExhibition, StudioRouge Gallery of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, China
2013 “Onthe Paper Chen Linggang’s Solo Exhibition, S.T.A.R.S. Gallery, Beijing, China
Selected Group Exhibitions
2013 “RedHot”, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China
2013“Art Across the City”, Guanxiang art Gallery, Tanwand
2013 “WE1994-2013”, Songzhuang Art Center, Beijing, China
2013 “OnPaper - Supreme”, Jiuceng Art Museum, Beijing, China
2013 “BeijingMini Art”, Jiuceng Art Museum, Beijing, China
2013 “SURGEArt Fair”, Beijing, China
2012China Art Industry Expo, Beijing, China
2012Kingroad Gallery,London
2011Spicy Asian Art Exhibition, HF Contemporary Art, Berlin
2011Affordable Art Beijing 2011, Beijing, China
2011100 Young Artist of Excellence, Xiaopu Art Museum, Beijing China
2011Langham Gallery, Beijing, China
2010Maria Pestana Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain.
2010Artinnno Galleria, Singapore
2010Spirit-retaining & Orient —1st Exhibition of Overseas Chinese Painters’Abstract Works, Huangjueping Contemporary Art Gallery, Chongqing, China
2009Let's Play Together, Soul Ccollection Art,Beijing
2009The fifth Cultural & Arts Festival of Songzhuang China, Songzhuang ArtistsCommunity Exhibition, Wansheng Art Center, Beijings
2009Span—Chinese Abstract Art Invitational Exhibition, 798 Jindu Art Center,Beijing
2009Galerie am kreuzplatz, Erschwil, Switzerland
2009ART GALLERY, Geneva, Switzerland
2009Contemporary Abstract Art Exhibition, Duoshang Gallery, Beijing, China
2008Footprint - First Art Exhibition of National Defence Art Zone, Beijing
2008I·Love·Songzhuang, Roundness Art Community, Beijing
2008The Second China·Songzhuang Contemporary Artists Exhibitions,Beijing
2008Survival Scene, Sunshine International Museum, Beijing
西泠印社2009 秋季藝術品拍賣會,杭州