



  • 中文名:陳衛民
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:西北農林科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:微生物學
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學




主持國家自然科學基金面上項目、科技部“863計畫”子課題等國家及省部級科研項目6項,並參加多項國家及省部級科研項目, 2016年獲得陝西省科學技術一等獎(排名2/4)。發表SCI論文31篇,其中以第一或通訊作者在Microbiome、Molecular Ecology、Land Degradation & Development、Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Environmental Pollution、FEMS Microbiology Ecology、Systematic and Applied Microbiology、Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology等刊物上發表SCI論文17篇。






1. 國家自然科學基金項目:大豆馴化驅動的根瘤菌共生進化及其根際微生物的組裝與功能演變機制(31870476),2019-2022,主持。
2. 國家自然科學基金項目:根瘤菌-刺槐共生固氮體系驅動的土壤剖面微生物群落結構時空演化和形成機制(31570493),2016-2019,主持。
3. 國家自然科學基金項目:共生固氮體系協同微生物群落在黃土高原石油污染土壤中的修復作用及機理研究(31270529),2013-2016,主持。
4. 國家高新技術發展計畫(863計畫)子課題:農田典型多環芳烴污染的植物與微生物協同修復技術研究,2012-2015,主持。
5. 中國博士後科學基金面上項目:水生植物內生菌群落結構及其有機物降解功能研究,2011,主持。
6. 西北農林科技大學科研啟動項目:野生豆科植物內生菌群落結構與宿主生態適應性研究,2012-2014,主持。
7. 國家傑出青年科學基金:微生物多樣性及生態,參加。
8. 參加國家自然科學基金:西北乾旱地區礦業廢棄地根瘤菌的多樣性及其共生固氮體系的生態恢復作用,參加。
9. 國家自然科學基金項目:西北荒漠區駱駝刺根瘤菌的多樣性及系統發育,參加。


1. Jiao S, Chen WM*, Wang JL, Du NN, Li QP, Wei GH*. (2018) Soil microbiomes with distinct assemblies through vertical soil profiles drive the cycling of multiple nutrients in reforested, Microbiome. 6: 1-13. (IF 2017: 9.133)
2. Jiao S, Chen WM*, Wang JM, Zhang L, Yang F, Lin YB, Wei GH*. (2018) Plant growth and oil contamination alter the diversity and composition of bacterial communities in agricultural soils across China.Land Degradation & Development. 29:1660-1671. (IF 2017: 7.270)
3. Tong WJ, Li XC, Huo YY, Cao Y, Zhang L, Wang ET, Chen WM*, Tao SH*, Wei GH*. (2018) Genomic insight into the taxonomy of Rhizobium genospecies nodulated with Phaseolus vulgaris and other related strains.Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 41: 300-310. (IF: 3.899)
4. Jiao S, Chen WM*, Wei GH*. (2017)Biogeography and ecological diversity patterns of rare and abundant bacteria in oil-contaminated soils.Molecular Ecology. 26:5305-5317. (IF: 6.086)
5. Jiao S, Luo YT, Lu MM, Xiao XM, Lin YB, Chen WM*, Wei GH*. (2017)Distinct succession patterns of abundant and rare bacteria in temporal microcosms with pollutants,Environmental Pollution. 225: 497-505. (IF: 5.099)
6. Xiao X, Fan MC, Wang ET, Chen WM*, Wei GH*. (2017)Interactions of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and soil factors in two leguminous plants. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.101: 8485-8597. (IF: 3.420)
7. Jiao S, Liu ZS, Lin YB, Yang J, Chen WM*, Wei GH*. (2016) Bacterial communities in oil contaminated soils: biogeography and co-occurrence patterns. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 98: 64-73. (IF: 4.857)
8. Jiao S, Zhang ZQ, Yang F, Lin YB, Chen WM*, Wei GH*. (2017)Temporal dynamics of microbial communities in microcosms in response to pollutants,Molecular Ecology. 26: 923–936. (IF: 6.086)
9. Jiao S†, Chen WM†, Wang ET, Wang JM, Liu ZS, Li YN, Wei GH*. (2016) Microbial succession in response to pollutants in batch-enrichment culture. Scientific Reports. 6: 21791. (IF: 4.259)
10. Xiao X, Chen WM, Zong L, Yang J, Jiao S, Lin YB, Wang ET, Wei GH*. (2017) Two cultivated legume plants reveal the enrichment process of microbiome in the rhizocompartments. Molecular Ecology. 26:1641-1651. (IF: 6.086)
11. Cao Y, Wang ET, Tong WJ, Qiao YJ, Zhao L, Chen WM, Wei GH*. (2017) Population structure of Rhizobium etli-like strains nodulated with Phaseolus vulgaris in two ecoregions of China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 112, 21-23. (IF: 4.857)
12. Fan MC, Xiao X, Guo YQ, Zhang J, Wang ET, Chen WM, Lin YB*, Wei GH*. Gehong Wei. (2018) Enhanced phytoremdiation of Robinia pseudoacacia in heavy metal-contaminated soils with rhizobia and the associated bacterial community structure and function, Chemosphere, 197, 729-740.
13. Chen WM, Sun LL, Lu JJ, Bi LL, Wang ET, Wei GH*. (2015) Diverse nodule bacteria were associated with Astragalus species in arid region of northwestern China. Journal of Basic Microbiology 55, 121-128.
14. Guo JK *, Ding YZ, Feng RW, Wang RG, Xu YM, Chen C, Wei XL, Chen WM*. (2015) Burkholderia metalliresistens sp. nov., a multiple metal-resistant and phosphate-solubilising species isolated from heavy metal-polluted soil in Southeast China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 107, 1591-1598.
15. Chen WM, Tang YQ, Wu XL*. (2012), Distribution of culturable endophytic bacteria in different aquatic plants and their potential for bioremediation of the aquatic environment. Aquatic Biology. 15: 99-110.
16. Cai M†, Chen WM†, Nie Y, Chi CQ, Wang YN, Tang YQ, Wu XL*. (2011) Complete genome sequence of Amycolicicoccus subflavus DQS3-9A1z, an actinomycete isolated from crude oil polluted soil. Journal of Bacteriology 193(17): 4538-9.
17. Chen WM, Zhu WF, Bontemps C, Young JP and Wei GH*. (2010) Mesorhizobium camelthorni sp. nov., isolated from Alhagi sparsifolia in northwestern China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 61(3): 574-579.
18. Chen WM, Zhu WF, Bontemps C, Young and Wei GH*. (2009) Mesorhizobium alhagi sp. nov., isolated from root nodules of the wild legume Alhagi sparsifolia. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol; 60(4): 958-962.
19. Wei GH†, Chen WM†, J Peter W Young, Bontemps C. (2009). A new clade of Mesorhizobium nodulating Alhagi sparsifolia. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 32(1): 8-16.
20. Wei GH†, Chen WM†, Zhu WF, Chen C, Young JP & Bontemps C. (2009). Invasive Robinia pseudoacacia in China is nodulated by Mesorhizobium and Sinorhizobium species that share similar nodulation genes with native American symbionts. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 68(3): 320-328.
21. Bontemps C, Rogel MA, Wiechmann A, Mussabekova A, Moody S, Simon MF, Moulin L, Elliott GN, Lacercat-Didier L, Dasilva C, Grether R, Camargo-Ricalde SL, Chen WM, Sprent JI, Martínez-Romero E, Young JP, James EK. (2016) Endemic Mimosa species from Mexico prefer alphaproteobacterial rhizobial symbionts. New Phytol. 209(1):319-33.
22. Fan MC†, Lin YB†, Huo HB, Liu Y, Zhao L, Wang ET, Chen WM, Wei GH*. (2016) Microbial communities in riparian soils of a settling pond for mine drainage treatment. Water Research. 96: 198-207.
23. Fan MC, Nan LJ, Zhu YM, Chen WM, Wei GH*, Lin YB* (2018). Mitsuaria noduli sp. nov., isolated from the root nodules of Robinia pseudoacacia in a lead–zinc mine. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 68: 87-92.
24. Cao Y, Wang ET, Zhao L, Chen WM, Wei GH*. (2014) Diversity and distribution of rhizobia nodulated with Phaseolus vulgaris in two ecoregions of China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 78: 128-137.
25. Xu L, Zhang Y, Chen WM, Wang L, Wei GH*. (2014) Diversity of endophytic bacteria associated with nodules of two spontaneous legumes in different altitudes of Qilian Mountains in China. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 37(6): 457-65.
26. Yang WQ, Kong ZYu, Chen WM, Wei GH*. (2013) Genetic diversity and symbiotic evolution of rhizobia from root nodules of Coronilla varia. Systematic and applied microbiology 36 (1): 49-55.
27. Xu L, Shi JF, Zhao P, Chen WM, Qin W, Tang M, Wei GH*. Rhizobium sphearophysar sp. nov., a novel species isolated from Sphaerophysa salsula in China. (2011) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbilogy 99(4): 845-854, 2011.
28. Zhou ML, Chen WM, Chen HYn, Wei GH*. (2011) Draft genome sequence of Mesorhizobium alhagi CCNWXJ12-2, a novel salt-resistant species isolated from the desert of Northwestern China. Journal of Bacteriology 194 (5): 1261-1262.
29. Zhou PF, Chen WM, Wei GH*. (2010) Mesorhizobium robiniae sp. nov., a novel species isolated from root nodule of Robinia pseudoacacia in China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 60, 2552-2556.
30. Wei GH, Yu JF, Zhu YH, Chen WM. (2009) Characterization of phenol degradation by Rhizobium sp. CCNWTB 701 isolated from Astragalus chrysopteru in mining tailing region. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 151: 111-117.
31. Wei GH, Zhang ZX, Chen C, Chen WM. (2008) Phenotypic and genetic diversity of rhizobia isolated from legume genera of Astragalus, Lespedeza and Hedysarum in the northwestern region of China. Microbiological research. 163(6): 651-662.
32. 聶剛, 陳衛民, 韋革宏. (2014) 神木地區耐旱灌木和草本豆科植物根瘤菌遺傳多樣性, 套用生態學報. 25 (6): 1674-1680.


