


陳煥新1996年至2000年,先後於瑞典哥德堡大學和美國Brandeis大學從事突觸可塑性方面的博士後研究。2001年至2014年任職於佛羅里達大學神經外科,神經內科系 McKnight 腦科學研究所任助理研究員和研究員。期間於2007年獲中科院心理研究所百人計畫,973課題負責人。2012年至2013年在美國密蘇里大學醫院神經內科任住院醫生。2015年西南大學以傑出人才引進。長期從事大腦高級功能,突觸可塑性,應激和神經精神疾病機理,特別是大腦皮層各類GABA能神經元功能及神經環路的研究,在國際著名刊物發表多篇論文,被引用上千次。
1992/9-1995/6 中國科學院上海生理研究所,神經生物學,博士
1986/9-1989/6 西安交通大學醫學院,神經生理學,碩士
1981/9-1986/6 蘭州大學醫學院,醫學,醫學學士
2015/1- 教授,西南大學心理學部
2010/11-2014/12 助理研究員及研究員,佛羅里達大學腦科學研究,神經內科,神經外科
2012/6-2013/5 住院醫師,密蘇里大學醫院神經內科
1997/8-2000/10 博士後,美國Brandies 大學,神經生物系
1995/11-1997/7 博士後,瑞典哥德堡大學生理系
1989/9-1992/8 講師,西安醫學院生理系
H.-X. Chen and J.-H. Wang (1995). Potentiation of synaptic transmission induced by DAG/PS and its mutual occlusion with long-term potentiation in rat hippocampal slices. Chin.J.Physiol.Sci. 11(2): 97-102.
M. Pananceau, H.-X. Chen and B. Gustafsson (1997). Long-term potentiation induced by single volley activation: a mechanism for bicuculine-induced enhancement of the synaptic field potentials in the CA1 hippocampal region.Neuroscience 79(1): 95-101.
M. Pananceau, H.-X. Chen and B. Gustafsson (1998). Short-term facilitation evoked during brief afferent tetani is not altered by long-term potentiation in the guineapig hippocampal CA1 region. Journal of Physiology (London). 508(2): 503-514.
H.-X. Chen, Eric Hanse, Marc Pananceau and Bengt Gustafsson (1998). Distinct expressions for synaptic potentiation induced by calcium through voltage-gated calcium and NMDA receptor channels in the hippocampal CA1 region. Neuroscience 86(2): 415-422.
H.-X. Chen, N. Otmakhov and J. Lisman (1999). Requirements for LTP induction by Pairing in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells. J. Neurophysiol. 82: 526-532.
H.-X. Chen, N. Otmakhov, S. Strack, R. J. Colbran, and J.E. Lisman (2001). Is persistent activity of calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase required for the maintenance of LTP? J. Neurophysiol. 2001 85: 1368-1376
H.-X. Chen and Steven Roper(2003). Reduction of spontaneous inhibitory synaptic activity in experimental heterotopic gray matter. J. Neurophysiol. 89: 150-158.
TM Shepherd, ED Wirth III, PE Thelwall,H.-X. Chen, SN Roper and SJ Blackband (2003). Non-monoexponential diffusion measurements in perfused human hippocampal slices undergoing tonicity changes. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 49:856-863.
H.-X. Chen and Steven Roper (2003). PKA and PKC enhance excitatory synaptic transmission in human dentate gyrus. J. Neurophysiol. 89: 2482-2488.
T Nakatsuka٭,H.-X. Chen٭, S. Roper and, JG. Gu (2003) Cannabinoid receptor-l activation suppresses inhibitory synaptic activity in human dentate gyrus.(٭ Contributed equally). Neuropharmacology. 45:116-121.
H.-X. Chen and Steven Roper (2004). Tonic Activity of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors is Involved in Developmental Modification of Short-term Plasticity in the Neocortex. J Neurophysiol 92: 838-844.
ED Laywell, SM Kearns, T Zhong, KL Chen, J Deng, H.-X. Chen, SN Roper and A Steindler (2005). Phenotypic Fluidity: Neurons Transition into Astrocytes through a Hybrid “Asteron” Phenotype in Novel Cultures of Cerebellar Stem/Progenitor Cells. J. Comp. Neurol. 493:321-333.
Hui Xiang, Huan-Xin Chen, Xin-Xin Yu, Michael A King, and Steven N. Roper(2006) Reduced Excitatory Drive in Interneurons in an Animal Model of Cortical Dysplasia J Neurophysiol. 96:569-578.
Katrin Goetz, Bjorn Scheffler, H.-X. Chen, Shanshan Wang, Hui Xiang, Oliver Brustle, Steve N.Roper, and Dennis A. Steindler(2006). Substrate Interactions Direct Fate Choice And Specification Of Neural Precursors Derived From Embryonic Stem Cells. PNAS USA 103: 11063-8.
Ke-Hong Ding, Qing Zhong, Ding Xie, Huan-Xin Chen, Mary Anne Della-Fera, Roni J. Bollag, Wendy B, Bollag, Ravinder Gujral, Baolin Kang, Supriya Sridhar, Clifton Baile, Walton Curl and Carlos M. Isales(2006). Effects of glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide on behavior. Peptides 27: 2750-2755.
Noah M. Walton, Benjamin M. Sutter, Huan-Xin Chen, Lung-Ji Chang, Steven N. Roper, Bjorn Scheffler, and Dennis A. Steindler(2006). Derivation and large-scale expansion of multipotent astroglial neural progenitors from adult human brain . Development 133, 3671-3681.
H.-X. Chen, Hui Xiang and Steven Roper(2007). Altered development of short-term plasticity in experimental cortical dysplasia. Epilepsia, 48: 141-148
Qizhi Zhang, Zhao Liu, Paul R. Carney, Zhen Yuan, Huanxin Chen, Steven N. Roper, and Huabei Jiang(2008). Non-invasive imaging of epileptic seizures in vivo using photoacoustic tomography.Phys. Med. Biol. 53 1921-1931.
Zhou FW, Chen HX, Roper SN(2009) Balance of inhibitory and excitatory synaptic activity is altered in fast-spiking interneurons in experimental cortical dysplasia. Journal of Neurophysiology.102(2): 2514-2525.
Chen HX, Jiang M, Akakin D, Roper SN(2009). Long-term potentiation of excitatory synapses on neocortical somatostatin-expressing interneurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 102(6): 3251-3259
Si W, Zhang X, Niu Y, Yu H, Lei X, Chen H, Cao X(2010). A novel derivative of xanomeline improves fear cognition in aged mice. Neurosci Lett. 473(2):115-119.
DeAndrade MP, Zhang L, Doroodchi A, Yokoi F, Cheetham CC, Chen HX, Roper SN,Sweatt JD, Li Y(2012) . Enhanced hippocampal long-term potentiation and fear memory inBtbd9 mutant mice. PLoS One. 7(4).
Akakin D, Martinez-Diaz H, Chen HX, Roper SN(2013). Reduced densities ofparvalbumin- and somatostatin-expressing interneurons in experimental corticaldysplasia and heterotopia in early postnatal development. Epilepsy Res. 104(3): 226-233.
Yokoi F, Chen HX, Dang MT, Cheetham CC, Campbell SL, Roper SN, Sweatt JD, LiY(2015). Behavioral and electrophysiological characterization of Dyt1 heterozygousknockout mice. PLoS One 10(3).
Zhou FW, Fortin JM, Chen HX, Martinez-Diaz H, Chang LJ, Reynolds BA, Roper SN(2015).Functional integration of human neural precursor cells in mouse cortex. PLoS One 10(3).


