1.2005/9–2010/7, 中國科學院遺傳與發育生物學研究所, 發育生物學, 博士,導師:黃勛
2.2001/9–2005/7, 新疆大學, 生物科學, 學士
長期致力於利用模式動物研究器官發育、穩態維持及衰老的生物學機制。以核纖層(nuclear lamina)在動物體內的細胞特異性功能作為研究切入點,申請人首次在模式動物中揭示了衰老過程中全身性慢性炎症(chronic systemic inflammation)發生的原因及其與腫瘤發生之間的關係;首次發現並揭示生殖腺幹細胞龕中核纖層蛋白可以通過偶聯細胞形態和信號通路調控生殖腺的穩態維持;並發現了衰老過程中逆轉錄轉座子去抑制化現象及其導致的後果。目前申請人已在相關領域發表學術論文總計14篇,總影響因子達到118。其中,申請人以第一作者在Cell(2014)、Cell Stem Cell(2013)、Aging Cell(2016)、Human Molecular Genetics (2010)等知名SCI雜誌發表的論文共7篇,影響因子總計達到69。
發現果蠅衰老過程中纖層蛋白Lamin-B丟失會導致慢性全身性炎症反應,並揭示免疫器官老化誘發的炎性衰老(inflammaging)導致消化道腫瘤發生的分子機制。利用模式動物果蠅為研究系統,陳博士發現衰老過程中果蠅的免疫器官脂肪體(fat body)中核纖層Lamin-B蛋白會逐漸丟失。Lamin-B蛋白丟失到一定程度會導致核纖層結構破壞,進而導致衰老脂肪體中炎症相關基因去抑制化。炎症相關基因發生非感染介導的自發去抑制化,導致大量炎症因子表達並釋放到體液循環系統中。這些從衰老脂肪體釋放的炎症因子包括了大量肽聚糖識別蛋白(PGRPs),它們通過一種負反饋調控機制抑制腸道細胞中的Immune Deficiency信號通路(同源於哺乳動物中的TNF-α細胞壞死信號通路),最終導致腸道細胞惡性增殖。故此,申請人在模式動物果蠅體內證實炎性衰老可以導致消化道腫瘤的發生,並揭示了果蠅免疫器官(脂肪體)通過內分泌途徑調控消化道中IMD/TNF-α信號通路的分子機理。由於在人體內特定組織中(例如,皮膚及心臟等)也發現了Lamin-B蛋白隨年齡增長逐漸丟失的現象,且有TNF-α信號通路表達會發生改變。
3.國家自然科學基金面上項目,31671254,衰老過程中Lamin-B Receptor蛋白聚積通過擾亂幹細胞競爭促進生殖幹細胞丟失的分子機制研究,2017/01-2020/12,在研,主持
4. 中山大學“三大”建設科研培育專項項目, 2018-2020,在研,主持
2. 廣東省傑出青年項目,2016年,生命科學
Haiyang Chen, Xiaobin Zheng, Danqin Xiao, Yixian Zheng. 2016. Age-associated de-repression of retrotransposons in the Drosophila fat body, its potential cause and consequence. Aging Cell. Volume 15, Issue 3, p542-52.
Haiyang Chen, Xiaobin Zheng and YixianZheng. (2015). Lamin-B in systemic inflammation, tissue homeostasis, and aging. Nucleus; Apr 15:1-4;
Yihan Wan, Xiaobin Zheng,Haiyang Chen, Yuxuan Guo, Hao Jiang, Xiaonan He, Xueliang Zhu, and Yixian Zheng. (2015). Splicing function of mitotic regulators links R-loop-mediated DNA damage to tumor cell killing. Journal of Cell Biology; vol. 209 no.2 235-246 ;
Haiyang Chen, Xiaobin Zheng, Yixian Zheng. (2014). Systemic inflammation due to lamin-B loss in old Drosophila causes gut hyperplasia. Cell, 2014 Nov 6;159(4):829-43.
Haiyang Chen, Yixian Zheng. (2014). Nuclear lamina builds tissues from the stem cell niche. Fly, 2014; 8:0 - -1. Extra view.
Haiyang Chen, Xin Chen, Yixian Zheng. (2013). The Nuclear Lamina Regulates Germline Stem Cell Niche Organization via Modulation of EGFR Signaling. Cell Stem Cell, Volume 13, Issue 1, 3 July 2013, Pages 73–86.
Haiyang Chen, Zhonghua Liu, Xun Huang. (2010). Drosophila models of peroxisomal biogenesis disorder: Peroxins are required for spermatogenesis and very long chain fatty acid metabolism.Human Molecular Genetics, 2010, 19(3):494-505.
Haiyang Chen, Zhiguo Ma, Zhonghua Liu, Yuan Tian, Yanhui Xiang, Chao Wang, Matthew P. Scott, and Xun Huang. (2009). Case Studies of Ends-Out Gene Targeting in Drosophila. Genesis, 2009, 47(5):305-8.
Bi, J., Xiang, Y., Haiyang Chen, Liu, Z., Gronke, S., Kuhnlein, R. P. and Huang, X. (2012). Opposite and redundant roles of the two Drosophila Perilipins in lipid mobilization. J Cell Sci. 2012 Aug 1;125(Pt 15):3568-77.
Zhou, B., Yang, L., Li, S., Huang, J., Haiyang Chen, Hou, L., Wang, J., Green, C.D., Yan, Z., Huang, X., et al. (2012). Midlife gene expressions identify modulators of aging through dietary interventions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109, E1201-1209.
Tuxworth, R.I., Haiyang Chen, Vivancos, V., Carvajal, N., Huang, X., and Tear, G. (2011). The Batten disease gene CLN3 is required for the response to oxidative stress. Human Molecular Genetics, 20, 2037-2047.
Song, S., Ge, Q., Wang, J., Haiyang Chen, Tang, S., Bi, J., Li, X., Xie, Q., and Huang, X. (2011). TRIM-9 functions in the UNC-6/UNC-40 pathway to regulate ventral guidance. J Genet Genomics 38, 1-11.