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  • 中文名:陳洪雷
  • 職位:武漢大學基礎醫學院副教授
  • 學科專業:病理學與病理生理學系
  • 研究方向:腫瘤侵襲轉移機制
  • 學歷:博士
  • 教學情況:臨床醫學、口腔醫學病理學教學





2002年7月至今 武漢大學基礎醫學院病理學與病理生理學系。




腫瘤微環境和腫瘤能量代謝機制與惡性腫瘤侵襲轉移的關係。納米材料在腫瘤生物醫學成像中的套用。The relationship between tumor microenvironment, tumor energy metabolism mechanism and cancer invasion and metastasis. Nanomaterials application in thebiomedical imaging ofcancer.


5年代表性論文Publications ( The first and corresponding author)
1. Zhao X, He Y, Gao J, Zhao C, Zhang L, Tian J,Chen H. High expression of Bcl-2 protein predicts favorable outcome in patients with non-small cell lung cancer: evidence from a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014,15(20):8861-9.
2. Zhao C, Lu F, Chen H, Zhao X, Sun J,Chen H. Dysregulation of JAM-A plays an important role in human tumor progression. Int J Clin Exp Pathol, 2014, 7(10):7242-8.
3. Zhao H, Zhang X, Chen X, Li Y, Ke Z, Tang T, Chai H, Guo AM,Chen H*, Yang J*. Isoliquiritigenin, a flavonoid from licorice, blocks M2 macrophage polarization in colitis-associated tumorigenesis through downregulating PGE2 and IL-6. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2014, 279(3):311-21.
4. Chen H, Wu S, Lu R, Zhang Y, Zheng Y, Sun J. Pulmonary permeability assessed by fluoresce-labeled dextran instilled intranasally into mice with LPS-induced acute lung injury. PLoS One, 2014, 9(7): e101925.
5. He Y, Zhao X, Subahan NR, Fan L, Gao J,Chen H. The Prognostic Value of Autophagic Related Markers Beclin-1 and Light Chain 3 in Cancers: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Tumor Biology, 2014, 35(8):7317-26.
6. Hu YC, Zhang Q, Huang YH, Liu YF,Chen H. Comparison of Two Methods to Extract DNA from Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin -Embedded Tissues and Their Impact on EGFR Mutations Detection in Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014; 15 (6), 2733-2737.
7. Wang HY, Yang GF, Huang YH, Huang QW, Gao J, Zhao XD, Huang L,Chen H. Reduced expression of autophagy markers correlates with high-risk human papillomavirus infection in human cervical squamous cell carcinoma. Oncol Lett, 2014, 8(4): 1492-1498.
8. Zhao X, He Y, Gao J, Fan L, Li Z, Yang G,Chen H. Caveolin-1 expression level in cancer associated fibroblasts predicts outcome in gastric cancer. PLoS One, 2013, 8(2):e59102
9. Zhao X, He Y,Chen H. Autophagic tumor stroma: Mechanisms and roles in tumor growth and progression. Int J Cancer. 2013, 132(1):1-8.
10. He Y, Zhao X, Gao J, Fan L, Yang G, Cho WC,Chen H. Quantum dots-based immunofluorescent imaging of stromal fibroblasts caveolin-1 and light chain 3B expression and identification of their clinical significance in human gastric cancer. Int J Mol Sci, 2012; 13(11):13764-80.
11.Sun J, Gao J, Hu JB, Fan LF, Zhu XB, Subahan Roz,Chen HL. Expression of Cav-1 in tumour cells, rather than in stromal tissue, may promote cervical squamous cell carcinomaproliferation, and correlates with high-risk HPV infection. Oncol Rep, 2012, 27(6):1733-40.
12.Peng J*,Chen HL*, Zhu XB, Yang GF, Zhang ZL, Tian ZQ, Pang DW. Detection of Epstein-Barr virus infection in gastric carcinomas using quantum dot-based fluorescence in-situ hybridization. J Nanosci Nanotechno, 2011, 11(11):9725-30.
13. Li ZH, Peng J,Chen HL. Bioconjugated quantum dots as fluorescent probes for biomedical imaging. J Nanosci Nanotechno, 2011, 11(9): 7521-36.
14. Chen HL, Fan LF, Gao J, Ouyang JP, Zhang YX. Differential expression and function of caveolin-1 gene in non-small cell lung carcinoma. Oncol Rep, 2011, 25(2):359-366
15.Chen HL, Peng J, Zhu XB, Gao J, Xue JL, Wang MW, Xia HS. Detection of EBV in nasopharyngeal carcinoma by quantum dot fluorescent in situ hybridization. Exp Mol Pathol. 2010, 89(3):367-71.
16. Xue J,Chen H, Diao L, Chen X, Xia D. Expression of caveolin-1 in tongue squamous cell carcinoma by quantum dots. Eur J Hist, 2010,54(2):99-103.


