50. Shuqi Chen*, Wenwei Liu, Zhancheng Li, Hua Cheng, and Jianguo Tian, “Polarization State Manipulation of Electromagnetic Waves with Metamaterials and Its Applications in Nanophotonics,” Book chapter in Metamaterials - Devices and Advanced Applications, IN-TECH, ISBN:978-953-51-4926-2,(2016).
46. Zhi Li, Hua Cheng, Zhaocheng Liu, Shuqi Chen*, and Jianguo Tian, “Plasmonic Airy beam generation by both phase and amplitude modulation with metasurfaces,” Adv. Opt. Mater. 4, 1230 (2016).
45. Zhancheng Li, Wenwei Liu, Hua Cheng, Jieying Liu, Shuqi Chen*, and Jianguo Tian, “Simultaneous generation of high-efficiency broadband asymmetric anomalous refraction and reflection waves with few-layer anisotropic metasurface,” Sci. Rep. 6, 35485 (2016).
44. Zhancheng Li, Wenwei Liu, Hua Cheng, Shuqi Chen*, and Jianguo Tian, “Tunable dual-band asymmetric transmission for circularly polarized waves with graphene planar chiral metasurfaces,” Opt. Lett. 13, 3142 (2016).
43. Zhaocheng Liu, Shuqi Chen*, Hua Cheng, Zhancheng Li, Wenwei Liu, and Jianguo Tian, “Interferometric control of signal light intensity by anomalous refraction with plasmonic metasurface,” Plasmonics, 11,353 (2016).
42. Hua Cheng, Zhaocheng Liu, Shuqi Chen*, and Jianguo Tian, “Emergent functionality and controllability in few-layer metasurfaces,” Adv. Mater.27, 5410 (2015).
38. Zhancheng Li, Wenwei Liu, Hua Cheng, Shuqi Chen*, and Jianguo Tian, “Realizing broadband and invertible linear-to-circular polarization converter with ultrathin single-layer metasurface,” Sci. Rep.5, 18106 (2015).
37. Wenwei Liu, Shuqi Chen*, Zhancheng Li, Hua Cheng, Ping Yu, Jianxiong Li, and Jianguo Tian, “Realization of broadband cross-polarization conversion in transmission mode in the terahertz region using a single-layer metasurface,” Opt. Lett.40, 3185 (2015).
36. Ping Yu, Shuqi Chen*, Jianxiong Li, Hua Cheng, Zhancheng Li, Wenwei Liu, Boyang Xie, Zhaocheng Liu, and Jianguo Tian, “Generation of vector beams with arbitrary spatial variation of phase and linear polarization using plasmonic metasurfaces,” Opt. Lett.40, 3229 (2015).
34. Ping Yu, Shuqi Chen*, Jianxiong Li, Hua Cheng, Zhancheng Li, Wenwei Liu,and Jianguo Tian, “Dynamically tunable plasmonic lens between the near and far fields based on composite nanorings illuminated with radially polarized light,” Plasmonics10, 625 (2015).
28. Hua Cheng, Shuqi Chen*, Ping Yu, Jianxiong Li, Li Deng, and Jianguo Tian, “Mid-infrared tunable optical polarization converter composed of asymmetric graphene nanocrosses,” Opt. Lett. 38, 1567 (2013).
27. Xiaoyang Duan, Shuqi Chen*, Hua Cheng, Zhancheng Li, and Jianguo Tian, “Dynamically tunable plasmonically induced transparency by planar hybrid metamaterial,” Opt. Lett. 38, 483 (2013).
26. Ping Yu, Shuqi Chen*, Jianxiong Li, Hua Cheng, Zhancheng Li, and Jianguo Tian, “Co-enhancing and -confining the electric and magnetic fields of the broken-nanoring and the composite nanoring by azimuthally polarized excitation,” Opt. Express 21, 20611 (2013).
25. Jianxiong Li, Shuqi Chen*, Ping Yu, Hua Cheng, Xiaoyang Duan, and Jianguo Tian, “Realization of near-field linear nano-polarizer by asymmetric nanoaperture and bowtie nanoantenna,” Opt. Express 21, 10342 (2013).
24. Jianxiong Li, Shuqi Chen*, Ping Yu, Hua Cheng, Lunjie Chen, and Jianguo Tian, “Indirectly Manipulating Nanoscale Localized Fields of Bowtie Nanoantennas with Asymmetric Nanoapertures,” Plasmonics 8, 495 (2013).
23. Xiaoyang Duan, Shuqi Chen*, Haifang Yang, Hua Cheng, Junjie Li, Wenwei Liu, Changzhi Gu, and Jianguo Tian, “Polarization insensitive and wide-angle plasmonically induced transparency by planar metamaterials in the near infrared regime,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 143105 (2012).
22. Hua Cheng, Shuqi Chen*, Haifang Yang, Junjie Li, Xin An, Changzhi Gu and Jianguo Tian, “A polarization insensitive and wide-angle dual-band nearly perfect absorber in the infrared regime,” J. Opt. 14, 085102 (2012).
21. Hai Lu, Chunhua Xue, Yonggang Wu, Shuqi Chen, Xiaoliang Zhang, Haitao Jiang, Jianguo Tian and Hong Chen, “Enhanced nonlinear optical response of a planar thick metal film combined with a truncated photonic crystal,” Opt. Commun. 285, 5416 (2012).
20. Yan Li, Yudong Li, Weike Shi, Shuqi Chen,Guangzi Zhang, Zhibo Liu, Qian Sun, and Jianguo Tian, “Periodic microstructures fabricated by multiplex interfering femtosecond laser beams on graphene sheet,” Int. J. Nanomanufacturing 8, 221 (2012).
19. Shuqi Chen, Hua Cheng, Haifang Yang, Junjie Li, Xiaoyang Duan, Changzhi Gu and Jianguo Tian, “Polarization insensitive and omnidirectional broadband near perfect planar metamaterial absorber in the near infrared regime,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 253104 (2011).
18. Jianxiong Li, Shuqi Chen*, Ping Yu, Hua Cheng, Wenyuan Zhou, and Jianguo Tian, “Large enhancement and uniform distribution of optical near field through combining periodic bowtie nanoantenna with rectangular nanoaperture array,” Opt. Lett. 36, 4014 (2011).
17. Shuqi Chen, Wenyuan Zhou, Zubin Li, Zhibo Liu and Jianguo Tian, “Study on Z-scan characteristics for light-tunneling heterostructures composed of one-dimensional photonic band gap material and metallic film,” J. Electromagnet. Waves. 25, 97 (2011).
16. Xin Liu, Shuqi Chen, Weiping Zang and Jianguo Tian, “Triple-layer guided-mode resonance Brewster filter consisting of a homogenous layer and coupled gratings with equal refractive index,” Opt. Express 19, 8233 (2011).
15. Lin Han, Shuqi Chen, Axel Schülzgen, Yong Zeng, Feng Song, Jianguo Tian and Nasser Peyghambarian, “Calculation and optimization of electromagnetic resonances and local intensity enhancements for plasmon metamaterials with sub-wavelength double-slots,” Prog. Electromagn. Res. 113, 161 (2011).
14. Xin Liu, Shuqi Chen,Weiping Zang and Jianguo Tian, “Optical limiting in one-dimensional photonic bandgap material with a bulk nonlinear defect,” J. Opt. 13, 015202 (2011).
13. Zhibo Liu, Li Li, Yanfei Xu, Jiajie Liang, Xin Zhao, Shuqi Chen, Yongsheng Chen, and Jianguo Tian, “Direct patterning on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets using femtosecond laser pulses,” J. Opt. 13, 085601 (2011).
12. Shuqi Chen, Weiping Zang, Axel Schülzgen, Xin Liu, Jianguo Tian, Jerome V. Moloney, and Nasser Peyghambarian, “Modeling of Z-scan characteristics for one-dimensional nonlinear photonic bandgap materials,” Opt. Lett. 34, 3665 (2009).
11. Shuqi Chen, Weiping Zang, Axel Schülzgen, Jinjie Liu, Lin Han, Yong Zeng, Jianguo Tian, Feng Song, Jerome V. Moloney, and Nasser Peyghambarian, “Implicit high-order unconditionally stable complex envelope algorithm for solving the time-dependent Maxwell's equations,” Opt. Lett. 33, 2755 (2008).
10. Shuqi Chen, Lin Han, Axel Schülzgen, Hongbo Li, Li Li, Jerome V. Moloney, and N. Peyghambarian, “Local electric field enhancement and polarization effects in a surface-enhanced Raman scattering fiber sensor with chessboard nanostructure,” Optics Express 16, 13016 (2008).
9. Lin Han, Feng Song, Shuqi Chen, Changguang Zou, Xiaochen Yu, Jianguo Tian, Jun Xu, Xiaodong Xu, and Guangjun Zhao, “Intense upconversion and infrared emissions in Er3+-Yb3+ codoped Lu2SiO5 and (Lu0.5Gd0.5)2SiO5 crystals,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 011110 (2008).
8. Shuqi Chen, Weiping Zang, Zhibo Liu, Wenyuan Zhou, Yongfa Kong, and Jianguo Tian, “Method for measurements of second-order nonlinear optical coefficient based on Z-scan,” Opt. Commun. 274, 213 (2007).
7. Bing Zhang, Zhibo Liu, Shuqi Chen, Wenyuan Zhou, Weiping Zang, Jianguo Tian, Daibing Luo, and Zhiang Zhu, “Reverse saturable absorption of porphyrin-like complexes,” Acta. Phys. Sin. 56, 5252 (2007). (In Chinese)
6. Shuqi Chen, Zhibo Liu, Weiping Zang, Jianguo Tian, Wenyuan Zhou, and Chunping Zhang, “Study on Z-scan characteristics for large optical nonlinear phase shift,” Acta. Phys. Sin. 55, 1211 (2006). (In Chinese)
5. Zhibo Liu, Yizhou Zhu, Yan Zhu, Shuqi Chen, Jianyu Zheng, and Jianguo Tian, “Nonlinear Absorption and Nonlinear Refraction of Self-Assembled Porphyrins,” J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 15140 (2006).
4. Zhibo Liu, Jianguo Tian, Jianyu Zheng, Zhiyu Li, Shuqi Chen, and Yan Zhu, “Active tuning of nonlinear absorption in a supramolecular zinc diphenylporphyrin-pyridine system,” Optics Express 14, 2770 (2006).
3. Shuqi Chen, Zhibo Liu, Weiping Zang, Jianguo Tian, Wenyuan Zhou, Feng Song, and Chunping Zhang, “Study on Z-scan characteristics for a large nonlinear phase shift,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 22, 1191 (2005).
2. Zhibo Liu, Jianguo Tian, Wenyuan Zhou, Shuqi Chen, Weiping Zang, Feng Song, and Jingjun Xu, “Characteristics of co-existence of third-order and transient thermally induced optical nonlinearities in nanosecond regime,” Opt. Commun. 245, 377 (2005).
1. Shuqi Chen, Zhibo Liu, Jianguo Tian, Wenyuan Zhou, Weiping Zang, Feng Song, and Chunping Zhang, “The influence of pulse width on transient thermally induced optical nonlinearitie s in a Kerr nonlinear medium,” Acta. Phys. Sin. 53, 3577 (2004). (In Chinese)