
陳晶,男,武漢大學計算機學院教授, 湖北武漢人。主持和參與973、國家863、國家重大專項、國家青年自然基金、湖北省自然基金、教育部重點實驗室開放基金,承擔華為、吉奧、湖北電信等公司合作開發項目,應邀擔任《IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communication》、《GLOBCOM》、《Computer Communications》等國外頂級期刊和會議以及《計算機學報》、《通訊學報》、《電子學報》等國內外頂級期刊長期審稿人。


  • 中文名:陳晶
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生地: 湖北武漢人
  • 職稱:武漢大學計算機學院教授


於2010年和2013年作為負責人獲得國家自然基金青年項目和面上項目。此外,主持中國博士後特別資助一項,主持湖北省自然科學基金兩項,主持教育部重點實驗室開放基金一項,華為預研基金一項,武漢大學自主科研項目一項。作為骨幹成員參與國家科技攻關計畫項目(863),國家重大專項及國家自然基金重點項目等多項。在INFOCOM,IEEE Transactionson Paralleland Distributed System,SECON,Journal of Paralleland Distributed Computing,International Journal of Computationa lIntelligence Systems,Security and Communication Networks,Computer Communications,中國通信,計算機學報,電子學報等國內外高檔期刊和會議上發表論文60餘篇,其中SCI收錄16篇,EI收錄25篇。應邀擔任2014國家863視頻答辯專家,CIS2014,WCSN2014,ICMISS2014,CSMA2015,ICIS2015的TPC,CTCIS2014組委會成員,IEEE Transactionson Wireless Communication,IEEE Transaction sonIndustrial Informatics,Computer Communications,GLOBCOM,計算機學報,通信學報,電子學報等國內外頂級期刊審稿人。獲得湖北省科技進步獎1項,出版專著4本,獲得發明專利3項,計算機軟體著作權2項。





  1. 國家自然科學青年基金“基於生物魯棒性的無線Mesh網路容錯研究”(項目編號:60903196)
2. 國家自然科學基金項目,“車載網路安全形式化模型與關鍵技術研究”(No.61173154) 2012-2015
3. 教育部重點實驗室開放基金“無線網路安全路由技術研究” (項目編號:AISTC2008_13)
4. 湖北省自然基金“無線網路中基於演化博弈的路由模型研究”(項目編號:2009CDB379)
5. 國家自然科學基金重點項目“可信移動網際網路關鍵理論與套用研究”(項目編號:60633020)
6. 國家自然科學基金“基於複雜網路理論的Internet可生存性研究”(項目編號:60743003)
7. 華為預研項目 “LTE網路安全解決方案”, 2010
8. 武漢吉奧公司:網路流量監控與預警系統。2011
9. 國家科技重大專項 “支持多感測套用的中間件平台研發” (項目編號:2010ZX03006-001),2010-2012
10. 中國博士後特別資助項目“移動車載網關鍵安全技術研究”,2012-2013


在《中國通信》、《Computer Communications》、《計算機學報》、《電子學報》等期刊和國際會議上發表論文30餘篇。
[1] Jing Chen, Quan Yuan, Guoliang Xue, Ruiying Du, Kun He, Lina Wang, Zhiyong Peng. Game-Theory-Based Batch Identification of Invalid Signatures in Wireless Mobile Networks. In proc. of International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2015). 2015 (CCF A類)
[2] Jing Chen, Kun He, Ruiying Du, Yang Xiang. Dominating Set and Network Coding-based Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System. 2014 (CCF A類)
[3] Jing Chen, Quan Yuan, Ruiying Du, Jie Wu. MuCAR: A Greedy Multi-flow-based Coding-Aware Routing in Wireless Networks. In proc. of IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking(SECON). 2015 (CCF B類)
[4] Jing Chen, Kun He, Ruiying Du, Fajiang Yu, Quan Yuan, Lina Wang. A Multi-objective Optimization Model Based on Immune Algorithm in Wireless Mesh Networks. International Journal of Communication Systems. 2014 (SCI收錄)
[5] 張宇,陳晶,杜瑞穎,周慶,鄭明輝. 適於車載網通信的高效簽密方案. 2015, 43(3):512-517 (權威期刊, corresponding author)[6] Yu Fajiang, Chen Jing, Xiang Yang, Zhu Jiacheng, Zhao Yangdi. An efficient anonymous remote attestation scheme for trusted computing based on improved CPK. Electronic Commerce Research. 2014 (SSCI收錄,corresponding author)
[7] Jing Chen, Ruiying Du, Qian Wang, Shixiong Yao. Secure Routing Based on Network Coding in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceeding of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-13). Melbourne, Australia, 2013:58-64 (CCF,C類)
[8] Yu Zhang, Jing Chen, Ruiying Du, Yang Xiang, Qing Zhou. FEACS: A Flexible and Efficient Access Control Scheme for Cloud Computing. In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-14). Beijing, China, 2014 (CCF C類, corresponding author)
[9] Jing Chen, Ruiying Du, Huanguo Zhang. Intrusion Detection Model Based on Incomplete Information Game in Wireless Mesh Networks. China Communication. 2012,9(10): 23-32 (SCI收錄)
[10] Ruiying Du, Lan Deng, Jing Chen, Kun He, Minghui Zheng. Proofs of Ownership and Retrievability in Cloud Storage. In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-14). Beijing, China, 2014 (CCF C類, corresponding author)
[11] Jing Chen, Tong Li, Ruiying Du. Efficient Reliable Opportunistic Network Coding Based on Hybrid Flow in Wireless Network. China Communication. 2011,8(4): 125-131 (SCI收錄)
[12] Shixiong Yao, Jing Chen, Ruiying Du, Chiheng Wang. A Survey of Security Network Coding toward Various Attacks. In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-14). Beijing, China, 2014 (CCF C類, corresponding author)
[13] Jing Chen, Shiguo Lian, Ruiying Du. A Hybrid Game Model Based on Reputation for Spectrum Allocation in Wireless Networks. Computer Communications. 2010, 33(14): 1623-1631 (SCI收錄)
[14] 陳晶, 杜瑞穎, 王麗娜, 田在榮. 網路環境下一種基於機率密度的信任博弈模型. 電子學報.2010,38(2): 427-433 (權威期刊)
[15] 沙樂天,傅建明,陳晶,黃詩勇. 一種面向敏感信息處理的敏感度度量方法 [J]. 計算機研究與發展, 2014, 51(5): 1050-1060. (權威期刊)
[16] 李拴保,傅建明,張煥國,陳晶,王晶,任必軍. 雲環境下基於環簽密的用戶身份屬性保護方案. 通信學報. 2014, 35(9): 99-111 (權威期刊)
[17] Liping Zhang, Shanyu Tang, Jing Chen, Shaohui Zhu. Two-Factor Remote Authentication Protocol with User Anonymity Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Wireless Personal Communications. 2014 (SCI收錄)
[18] Wei Liu, Wei Du, Jing Chen, Wei Wang, Guosun Zeng. Adaptive energy-efficient scheduling algorithm for parallel tasks on homogeneous clusters. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 2013. (SCI收錄)
[19]Ou Ruan, Jing Chen, Jing Zhou, Yongquan Cui. An Efficient Fair UC-Secure Protocol for Two-Party Computation, Security and Communication Networks. 2013 (SCI收錄)
[20] Fu Cai, Gao Xiang, Chen Jing etc. GRAP: Grey Risk Assessment based on Projection in Ad Hoc networks. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 2011.71(9): 1249-1260. (CCF B類)
[21] Jianwei Liu, Ruiying Du, Jing Chen and Kun He. A key distribution scheme using network coding for mobile ad hoc network. Security and Communication Networks. 2011.3 (SCI收錄)
[22] 徐鵬, 崔國華, 陳晶. 標準模型下一種實用的和可證明安全的IBE方案. 計算機學報. 2010.2(33): 335-344 (權威期刊)
[23] Minghui Zheng, Jing Chen. Provably Secure Two-party Explicit Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol. In proc. of IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications(TrustCom). 2012: 1299-1303 (CCF C類)


