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陳明,出生於1993年,男,漢族,珠峰B類人才,地質災害防治與地質環境保護國家重點實驗室固定研究人員,主要從事滑坡土石流災害動力學機制、物理實驗和數值模擬以及全球氣候變化下生態地質環境綜合風險評價的研究工作。主持四川省自然科學基金項目1項, 參與國家自然科學基金項目(青年項目、面上項目、重大項目子課題)3項。已公開發表學術論文30餘篇,其中SCI 19篇(第一作者或通訊作者6篇),其中Engineering geology、Catena、Geomorphology等國際著名期刊論文9篇(第一/通訊作者論文4篇)。受邀擔任Communications Earth & Environment,Environmental Earth Sciences、Lithosphere等SCI期刊審稿人。


  • 中文名:陳明
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族 
  • 畢業院校:成都理工大學 
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 職業:教師 
  • 專業方向:地質工程 
  • 職稱:研究員 




  • 土石流災害源識別、預測、風險量化研究
  • 高寒山區複合型土石流災害鏈生及放大效應研究
  • 山地生態—水文過程與土石流災害互饋機制研究
  • 地質-地貌-氣候過程耦合聯動孕育滑坡土石流機理


2022年9月- , 成都理工大學, 特聘研究員


[1] Chen, M., Tang, C., Xiong, J., Chang, M., Li, N., 2024. Spatio-temporal mapping and long-term evolution of debris flow activity after a high magnitude earthquake. CATENA, 236, 107716.
[2] Chen, M., Tang, C., Li, M., Xiong, J., Luo, Y., Shi, Q., Zhang, X., Tie, Y., Feng, Q., 2022. Changes of surface recovery at coseismic landslides and their driving factors in the Wenchuan earthquake-affected area. CATENA, 210, 105871.
[3]Chen, M., Tang, C., Zhang, X., Xiong, J., Chang, M., Shi, Q., Wang, F., Li, M., 2021. Quantitative assessment of physical fragility of buildings to the debris flow on 20 August 2019 in the Cutou gully, Wenchuan, southwestern China. Eng. Geol., 293, 106319.
[4] Chen, M., Tang, C., Wang, X., Xiong, J., Shi, Q., Zhang, X., Li, M., Luo, Y., Tie, Y., Feng, Q., 2021. Temporal and spatial differentiation in the surface recovery of post-seismic landslides in Wenchuan earthquake-affected areas. Ecol. Inf., 64, 101356.
[5] Chen, M., Tang, C., Xiong, J., Shi, Q.Y., Li, N., Gong, L.F., Wang, X.D., Tie, Y., 2020. The long-term evolution of landslide activity near the epicentral area of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in China. Geomorphology, 367.
[6] Chen, M., Luo, Y.T., Tang, C., Li, N., 2023. Quantitative assessment of expected direct economic losses of buildings for debris flows in multiple rainfall intensity scenarios in Yangling Gully, Southwest China. NATURAL HAZARDS.
[7] Xiong, J., Tang, C., Chen, M., Zhang, X., Shi, Q., Gong, L., 2020. Activity characteristics and enlightenment of the debris flow triggered by the rainstorm on 20 August 2019 in Wenchuan County, China. Bull. Eng. Geol. Environ.
[8] Xiong, J., Tang, C., Chen, M., Gong, L., Li, N., Zhang, X., Shi, Q., 2021. Long-term changes in the landslide sediment supply capacity for debris flow occurrence in Wenchuan County, China. CATENA, 203, 105340.


