



  • 作者:譚家明                       /            陳海麗 主編
  • ISBN:9787884823864
  • 頁數:111
  • 定價:20元
  • 出版社廣州外語音像出版社
  • 出版時間:2005-5-1
  • 裝幀:平裝(附CD光碟)


她畢業於美國紐的Parsons School of Design,能說一口流利地道的英語,連續四年擔任香港特別行政區職業英語運動大使,2004年更獲世界十大傑出青年。
輕輕鬆鬆學英語,陳慧琳與你有個親密的“約會”。本書以生動有趣的漫畫故事手法,以會話為切入點,旨在提高青少年英語學習與閱讀的興趣。本書由80個英語短語單元,超過200組的常用句型,配有中文注釋及用法詳解,故事內容圍繞三位Kelly 、Cherry及Poppy平日發生的趣事而編寫,各人的名字、性格及服裝造型等等,均由陳慧琳及負責繪圖的漫畫家一同構思。陳慧琳在漫畫中的造型,則是以她曾經參加過的形象為藍本設計的。本書的繁體版在香港推出時,曾大獲熱賣,羸得廣泛美譽。


Lesson 1 to smell a rat
Lesson 2 to rain cats and dogs
Lesson 3 to ring a bell
Lesson 4 to help youself
Lesson 5 to hit the roof
Lesson 6 to pull somebody's leg
Lesson 7 one's cup of tea
Lesson 8 to be as busy as a bee
Lesson 9 to screw something up
Lesson 10 just a minute
Exercise 1
Lesson 11 to be all thumbs
Lesson 12 to have a big mouth
Lesson 13 no kidding
Lesson 14 a dog's life
Lesson 15 to keep an eye on
Lesson 16 to be in the same boat
Lesson 17 no hard feelings
Lesson 18 to keep somebody at arm's length
Lesson 19 at any price
Lesson 20 to eat like a horse
Exercise 2
Lesson 21 at one's figertips
Lesson 22 to drink like a fish
Lesson 23 back to square one
Lesson 24 a piece of cake
Lesson 25 as clear as crystal
Lesson 26 born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
Lesson 27 boiling point
Lesson 28 to beat around the bush
Lesson 29 behind the scenes
Lesson 30 to butter somebody up
Exercise 3
Lesson 31 to break the ice
Lesson 32 to bite off more than one can chew
Lesson 33 a bolt from the blue
Lesson 34 to bury one's head in the sand
Lesson 35 to fight like cat and dog
Lesson 36 to get rid of
Lesson 37 to laugh one's head off
Lesson 38 lazybones
Lesson 39 look before you leap
Lesson 40 to pull a long face
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
Exercise 7
Exercise 8


