

陳忠周,男,1974年生,博士,中國農業大學生物化學與分子生物學系教授、博士生導師。入選2007年教育部 "新世紀優秀人才支持計畫", 2012年獲得國家自然基金優秀青年科學基金項目資助。


  • 中文名:陳忠周
  • 出生日期:1974年
  • 畢業院校:清華大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:化學生物學
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學


1992—1997 清華大學 化學系物理化學及儀器分析專業理學學士
1994—1997 清華大學 經濟管理學院企業管理專業理學學士
1997—2002 清華大學生命科學院化學生物學專業 理學博士
2002—2007 美國國立猶太人醫學研究中心免疫系




《Introduction to structure biology》( 《結構生物學概論》)
《茅乘甩請molecular biology》(棗只章《分子危和厚臘生物學》)
《高級生物化學與分子生物學 seminar》



迄今,發表的較高質量的SCI論文已有30多篇,以第一作者或通訊作者在Cell, Genes &Development, Nature Comm., PNAS, Cell Research, Nucleic Acids Research, JBC,Structure, Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr.等和化學著名的期刊JOC, JPCA等發表多篇高質量論文。其代表論文有:
Wenli Tian, Min Li, Huiyuan Guo, Wenjun Peng, Xiaofeng Xue, Yifan Hu, Yang Liu, Yazhou Zhao, Xiaoming Fang, Kai Wang, Xiuting Li, Yufeng Tong, Michael A. Conlon, Wei Wu, Fazheng Ren, Zhongzhou Chen*. Architecture of the Native Major Royal Jelly Protein 1 Oligomer. Nature Comm. 2018, 9:3373.
Haolin Liu, Chao Wang, Schuyler Lee, Yu Deng, Matthew Wither, Sangphil Oh, Fangkun Ning, Carissa Dege, Qianqian Zhang, Xinjian Liu, Aaron M. Johnson, Jianye Zang, Zhongzhou Chen, Ralf Janknecht, Kirk Hansen, Philippa Marrack, Chuan-Yuan Li, John W. Kappler, James Hagman, Gongyi Zhang. Clipping of arginine-methylated histone tails by JMJD5 and JMJD7. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017;114(37):E7717-E7726.
Wei Wei, Xiaoguang Liu, Jiwei Chen, Shennan Gao, Lu Lu, Huifang Zhang, Guangjin Ding, Zhiqiang Wang, Zhongzhou Chen, Tieliu Shi, Jiwen Li, Jianjun Yu, Jiemin Wong. Class I histone deacetylases are major histone decrotonylases: evidence for critical and broad function of histone crotonylation in transcription. Cell Research 27, 898–915 (2017)
Xiaoqiang Han, Lun Jiang, Chuanliang Che, Chuan Wan, Huizhe Lu, Yumei Xiao, Yanjun Xu, Zhongzhou Chen*, Zhaohai Qin*. Design and functional characterization of a novel abscisic acid analog. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 43863.
Yina Gao, Qi Zhang, Yue Lang, Yang Liu, Xiaofei Dong, Zhenhang Chen, Wenli Tian, Jun Tang, Wei Wu, Yufeng Tong, Zhongzhou Chen*. Human apo-SRP72 and SRP6872 complex structures reveal the molecular basis of protein translocation. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 2017, 9 (3): 220-230.
Manfeng Zhang, Xiaorong Li, Zengqin Deng, Zhenhang Chen, Yang Liu, Yina Gao, Wei Wu, Zhongzhou Chen*. Structural Biology of the Arterivirus nsp11 Endoribonucleases. J. Virol, 2017, 91: e01309-16.
Ming-Yan Cheung, Xiaorong Li, Rui Miao, Yu-Hang Fong, Kwan-Pok Li, Yuk-Lin Yung, Mei-Hui Yu, Kam-Bo Wong*, Zhongzhou Chen*, Hon-Ming Lam*. ATP binding by the P-loop NTPase OsYchF1 (an unconventional G protein) contributes to biotic but not abiotic stress responses. PNAS, 2016, 113(10):2648-53.
Lun Jiang, Yibo Chen, Jiangge Zheng, Zhenhang Chen, Yujie Liu, Ye Tao, Wei Wu, Zhongzhou Chen*, Baichen Wang*. Structural basis of reversible phosphorylation by maize pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase regulatory protein. Plant Physiology. 2016, 170(2):732-41.
Yue Xing, Yufeng Hu, Lun Jiang, Zideng Gao, Zhenhang Chen, Zhongzhou Chen*, Xueqin Ren*. Zwitterion-Immobilized Imprinted Polymers for Promoting the Crystallization of Proteins. Cryst. Growth Des. 2015, 15 (10), 4932–4937.
Jiangge Zheng, Yue Lang, Qi Zhang, Di Cui, Haili Sun, Lun Jiang, Zhenhang Chen, Rui Zhang, Yina Gao, Wenli Tian, Wei Wu, Jun Tang*, Zhongzhou Chen*. Structure of human MDM2 complexed with RPL11 reveals the molecular basis of p53 activation. Genes & Development. 2015,29(14):1524-34.
Yufeng Hu, Zhenhang Chen, Yanjun Fu, Qingzhong He, Lun Jiang, Jiangge Zheng, Yina Gao, Pinchao Mei, Zhongzhou Chen*, Xueqin Ren*. The amino-terminal structure of human Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein obtained using precipitant-immobilized imprinted polymers. Nature Comm. 2015, 6:6634.
Zengqin Deng, Qing Wang, Zhao Liu, Manfeng Zhang, Ana Carolina Dantas Machado, Tsu-Pei Chiu, Chong Feng, Qi Zhang, Lin Yu, Lei Qi, Jiangge Zheng, Xu Wang, XinMei Huo, Xiaoxuan Qi, Xiaorong Li, Wei Wu, Remo Rohs*, Ying Li*, Zhongzhou Chen*. Mechanistic insights into metal ion activation and operator recognition by the ferric uptake regulator. Nature Comm. 2015,6:7642.
Xingliang Zhang*, Lun Jiang, Qi Xin, Yang Liu, Jianxin Tan, Zhongzhou Chen*. Structural Basis and Functions of Abscisic Acid Receptors PYLs. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2015, 6:88.
Jiangge Zheng, Junru Li, Lei Han, Yang Wang, Wei Wu, Xiaoxuan Qi, Ye Tao, Long Zhang, Ziding Zhang, Zhongzhou Chen*. Crystal structure of the Locusta migratoria odorant binding protein. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015;456(3):737-42.
Chao Wang1, Zhongzhou Chen1(co-first author), Xia Hong, Fangkun Ning, Haolin Liu, Jianye Zang, Xiaoxue Yan, Jennifer Kemp, Catherine Musselman, Tatinna Kutateladze, Rui Zhao, Chengyu Jiang*, Gongyi Zhang*. The structural basis of urea-induced protein unfolding in beta-catenin. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 2014, 70, 2840-2847.
Guoqiang Wang, Qingzhong He, Chong Feng, Yang Liu, Zengqin Deng, Xiaoxuan Qi, Wei Wu, Pinchao Mei, Zhongzhou Chen*. The atomic-resolution structure of human alkb homolog 7 (ALKBH7), a key protein for programmed necrosis and fat metabolism. J Biol Chem. 2014;289(40):27924-36.
Chong Feng, Yang Liu, Guoqiang Wang, Zengqin Deng, Qi Zhang, Wei Wu, Yufeng Tong, Changmei Cheng*, Zhongzhou Chen*. Crystal structures of the human rna demethylase Alkbh5 reveal basis for substrate recognition. J Biol Chem, 2014;289(17):11571-83
Zengqin Deng, Kathleen C. Lehmann, Xiaorong Li, Chong Feng, Guoqiang Wang,Qi Zhang, Xiaoxuan Qi, Lin Yu, Xingliang Zhang, Wenhai Feng, Wei Wu, Peng Gong, Ye Tao, Clara C. Posthuma, Eric J. Snijder, Alexander E. Gorbalenya*, Zhongzhou Chen*. Structural basis for the regulatory function of a complex zinc-binding domain in a replicative arterivirus helicase resembling a nonsense-mediated mRNA decay helicase. Nucleic Acids Research, 2014;42(5):3464-77.
Xingliang Zhang, Lun Jiang, Guoqiang Wang, Lin Yu, Qi Zhang, Qi Xin, Wei Wu , Zhizhong Gong, Zhongzhou Chen*. Structural insights into the abscisic acid stereospecificity by the ABA receptors PYR/PYLRCAR. PLoS One, 2013, vol 8, iss7, e67477
Wenli Tian, Lingyu Gao, Yazhou Zhao, Wenjun Peng* and Zhongzhou Chen*. Simultaneous determination of metronidazole, chloramphenicol and 10 sulfonamide residues in honey by LC–MSMS. Anal. Methods, 2013, 5 (5), 1283-1288
Qi Zhang, Shankang Qi, Mingchu Xu, Lin Yu, Ye Tao, Zengqin Deng, Wei Wu, Zhongzhou Chen*, Jiemin Wong*. Structure-function analysis reveals a novel mechanism for regulation of histone demethylase LSD2AOF1KDM1b. Cell Research, 2013, 23(2), 225-241
Yunyun Geng, Shamci Monajembashi, Anwen Shao, Di Cui, Weiyong He, Zhongzhou Chen, Peter Hemmerich, Jun Tang. Contribution of the C-terminal regions of promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) isoforms II and V to PML nuclear body formation. J Biol Chem. 2012, 287(36), 30729-42.
Xingliang Zhang, Qi Zhang, Qi Xin, Lin Yu, Zheng Wang, Wei Wu, Lun Jiang, Guoqiang Wang, Wenli Tian, Zengqin Deng, Yang Wang, Zhao Liu, Jiafu Long, Zhizhong Gong,Zhongzhou Chen*. Complex structures of the abscisic acid receptor PYL3/RCAR13 reveal a unique regulatory mechanism. Structure, 2012, 20(5), 780-790.
Lin Yu, Yang Wang, Shuo Huang, Jianjun Wang, Zengqin Deng, Qi Zhang, Wei Wu, Xingliang Zhang, Zhao Liu, Weimin Gong, Zhongzhou Chen*. Structural insights into a novel histone demethylase PHF8. Cell Research, 2010, 20(2), 166-73.
Zhongzhou Chen, Jianye Zang, Fei Lan, Xia Hong, Qin Wang, Shaodong Dai, Kirk Hansen, Yang Shi, and Gongyi Zhang. Structural basis of the recognition of a methylated histone tail by JMJD2A. PNAS, 2007, 104(26), 10818–10823.
Zhongzhou Chen, Jianye Zang, Johnathan Whetstine, Xia Hong, Foteini Davrazou, Tatiana G. Kutateladze, Michael Simpson, Qilong Mao, Cheol-Ho Pan, Shaodong Dai, James Hagman, Kirk Hansen, Yang Shi, Gongyi Zhang. Structural insights into histone demethylation by JMJD2 family members. Cell, 2006, 125(4), 691–702.
Johnathan R. Whetstine, Amanda Nottke, Fei Lan, Maite Huarte, Sarit Smolikov, Zhongzhou Chen, Eric Spooner, En Li, Gongyi Zhang, Monica Colaiacovo, Yang Shi. Reversal of histone lysine trimethylation by the JMJD2 family of histone demethylases. Cell, 2006, 125(3), 467–481.
Zhong-Zhou Chen, Yan-Mei Li, Hai-Yan Wang, Jin-Tang Du, Yu-Fen Zhao. Theoretical study on the rearrangement of beta-OH and gamma-OH in ESI mass spectrometry by N-phosphorylation. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2004, 108(38), 7686-7690.
Zhong-Zhou Chen, Bo Tan, Yan-Mei Li, Yu-Fen Zhao, Yu-Feng Tong, Jin-Feng Wang. Activity difference between alpha-COOH and beta-COOH in N-phosphorylaspartic acids. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2003, 68(10), 4052-4058.
Zhong-Zhou Chen, Yan-Mei Li, Jing Ma, Bo Tan, Satoshi Inagaki, Yu-Fen Zhao, Comparing the activities of alpha-COOH and gamma-COOH in N-phosphoryl glutamic acid by theoretical study. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2002, 106(47), 11565-11569
Zhong-Zhou Chen, Yan-Mei Li, Xi Peng, Fu-Rong Huang, Yu-Fen Zhao. The Use of crude lipase in deprotection of C-terminal protecting groups. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2002,18(4-6), 243–249
Zhong-Zhou Chen, Shui-Bing Chen, Yi Chen, YanMei Li, Jing Chen, Yu-Fen Zhao. Negative-ion ESI mass spectrometry of N-phosphoryl amino acids and dipeptides. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2002, 16: 790-796
ZhongZhou Chen, YuFeng Tong, ShuiBing Chen, YanMei Li, Yi Chen, YuFen Zhao, JinFeng Wang. Orientation of the peptide formation of N-phosphoryl amino acids in solution. Chinese Science Bull. 2002,47, 1866-1870
Zhong-Zhou Chen, Bo Tan, Yan-Mei Li, Yu-Fen Zhao. Differentiation of alpha-COOH from beta-COOH in aspartic acids by N-phosphorylation. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2001, 83, 41-51.
Zhong-Zhou Chen, Bo Tan, Yan-Mei Li, Yi Chen, Chang-Mei Cheng, Yu-Fen Zhao Differentiation of alpha-COOH from gamma-COOH in glutamic acids by N-phosphorylation. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 2001, 574, 163-175.




2007: 入選 2007年教育部 "新世紀優秀人才支持計畫"
2006: NJMRC Vestal Viola Coulter Scholarship
2006: Elected to Sigma Xi
2004: Nomination awards of the national outstanding Doctoral dissertations by the Ministry of Education (全國百篇優秀博士論文提名獎)and First grade outstanding Ph. D. dissertation of Tsinghua University
1992-2002: Various scholarships of Tsinghua University in every year.
Other than these,
1997: Excellent undergraduate Thesis and Honored Graduate of Tsinghua University.
1994: Scholarship from Hongkong alumni of Tsinghua University.
1993: Second Prize - 5th Mathematics contest of undergraduate course(北京市高等數學本科甲組二等獎), Beijing, 1993
1992: Quintessence Student of Fujian Province


美國晶體學協會會員中國晶體學學會終身會員, 中國生物物理學會會員。
Wei Wei, Xiaoguang Liu, Jiwei Chen, Shennan Gao, Lu Lu, Huifang Zhang, Guangjin Ding, Zhiqiang Wang, Zhongzhou Chen, Tieliu Shi, Jiwen Li, Jianjun Yu, Jiemin Wong. Class I histone deacetylases are major histone decrotonylases: evidence for critical and broad function of histone crotonylation in transcription. Cell Research 27, 898–915 (2017)
Xiaoqiang Han, Lun Jiang, Chuanliang Che, Chuan Wan, Huizhe Lu, Yumei Xiao, Yanjun Xu, Zhongzhou Chen*, Zhaohai Qin*. Design and functional characterization of a novel abscisic acid analog. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 43863.
Yina Gao, Qi Zhang, Yue Lang, Yang Liu, Xiaofei Dong, Zhenhang Chen, Wenli Tian, Jun Tang, Wei Wu, Yufeng Tong, Zhongzhou Chen*. Human apo-SRP72 and SRP6872 complex structures reveal the molecular basis of protein translocation. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 2017, 9 (3): 220-230.
Manfeng Zhang, Xiaorong Li, Zengqin Deng, Zhenhang Chen, Yang Liu, Yina Gao, Wei Wu, Zhongzhou Chen*. Structural Biology of the Arterivirus nsp11 Endoribonucleases. J. Virol, 2017, 91: e01309-16.
Ming-Yan Cheung, Xiaorong Li, Rui Miao, Yu-Hang Fong, Kwan-Pok Li, Yuk-Lin Yung, Mei-Hui Yu, Kam-Bo Wong*, Zhongzhou Chen*, Hon-Ming Lam*. ATP binding by the P-loop NTPase OsYchF1 (an unconventional G protein) contributes to biotic but not abiotic stress responses. PNAS, 2016, 113(10):2648-53.
Lun Jiang, Yibo Chen, Jiangge Zheng, Zhenhang Chen, Yujie Liu, Ye Tao, Wei Wu, Zhongzhou Chen*, Baichen Wang*. Structural basis of reversible phosphorylation by maize pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase regulatory protein. Plant Physiology. 2016, 170(2):732-41.
Yue Xing, Yufeng Hu, Lun Jiang, Zideng Gao, Zhenhang Chen, Zhongzhou Chen*, Xueqin Ren*. Zwitterion-Immobilized Imprinted Polymers for Promoting the Crystallization of Proteins. Cryst. Growth Des. 2015, 15 (10), 4932–4937.
Jiangge Zheng, Yue Lang, Qi Zhang, Di Cui, Haili Sun, Lun Jiang, Zhenhang Chen, Rui Zhang, Yina Gao, Wenli Tian, Wei Wu, Jun Tang*, Zhongzhou Chen*. Structure of human MDM2 complexed with RPL11 reveals the molecular basis of p53 activation. Genes & Development. 2015,29(14):1524-34.
Yufeng Hu, Zhenhang Chen, Yanjun Fu, Qingzhong He, Lun Jiang, Jiangge Zheng, Yina Gao, Pinchao Mei, Zhongzhou Chen*, Xueqin Ren*. The amino-terminal structure of human Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein obtained using precipitant-immobilized imprinted polymers. Nature Comm. 2015, 6:6634.
Zengqin Deng, Qing Wang, Zhao Liu, Manfeng Zhang, Ana Carolina Dantas Machado, Tsu-Pei Chiu, Chong Feng, Qi Zhang, Lin Yu, Lei Qi, Jiangge Zheng, Xu Wang, XinMei Huo, Xiaoxuan Qi, Xiaorong Li, Wei Wu, Remo Rohs*, Ying Li*, Zhongzhou Chen*. Mechanistic insights into metal ion activation and operator recognition by the ferric uptake regulator. Nature Comm. 2015,6:7642.
Xingliang Zhang*, Lun Jiang, Qi Xin, Yang Liu, Jianxin Tan, Zhongzhou Chen*. Structural Basis and Functions of Abscisic Acid Receptors PYLs. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2015, 6:88.
Jiangge Zheng, Junru Li, Lei Han, Yang Wang, Wei Wu, Xiaoxuan Qi, Ye Tao, Long Zhang, Ziding Zhang, Zhongzhou Chen*. Crystal structure of the Locusta migratoria odorant binding protein. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015;456(3):737-42.
Chao Wang1, Zhongzhou Chen1(co-first author), Xia Hong, Fangkun Ning, Haolin Liu, Jianye Zang, Xiaoxue Yan, Jennifer Kemp, Catherine Musselman, Tatinna Kutateladze, Rui Zhao, Chengyu Jiang*, Gongyi Zhang*. The structural basis of urea-induced protein unfolding in beta-catenin. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 2014, 70, 2840-2847.
Guoqiang Wang, Qingzhong He, Chong Feng, Yang Liu, Zengqin Deng, Xiaoxuan Qi, Wei Wu, Pinchao Mei, Zhongzhou Chen*. The atomic-resolution structure of human alkb homolog 7 (ALKBH7), a key protein for programmed necrosis and fat metabolism. J Biol Chem. 2014;289(40):27924-36.
Chong Feng, Yang Liu, Guoqiang Wang, Zengqin Deng, Qi Zhang, Wei Wu, Yufeng Tong, Changmei Cheng*, Zhongzhou Chen*. Crystal structures of the human rna demethylase Alkbh5 reveal basis for substrate recognition. J Biol Chem, 2014;289(17):11571-83
Zengqin Deng, Kathleen C. Lehmann, Xiaorong Li, Chong Feng, Guoqiang Wang,Qi Zhang, Xiaoxuan Qi, Lin Yu, Xingliang Zhang, Wenhai Feng, Wei Wu, Peng Gong, Ye Tao, Clara C. Posthuma, Eric J. Snijder, Alexander E. Gorbalenya*, Zhongzhou Chen*. Structural basis for the regulatory function of a complex zinc-binding domain in a replicative arterivirus helicase resembling a nonsense-mediated mRNA decay helicase. Nucleic Acids Research, 2014;42(5):3464-77.
Xingliang Zhang, Lun Jiang, Guoqiang Wang, Lin Yu, Qi Zhang, Qi Xin, Wei Wu , Zhizhong Gong, Zhongzhou Chen*. Structural insights into the abscisic acid stereospecificity by the ABA receptors PYR/PYLRCAR. PLoS One, 2013, vol 8, iss7, e67477
Wenli Tian, Lingyu Gao, Yazhou Zhao, Wenjun Peng* and Zhongzhou Chen*. Simultaneous determination of metronidazole, chloramphenicol and 10 sulfonamide residues in honey by LC–MSMS. Anal. Methods, 2013, 5 (5), 1283-1288
Qi Zhang, Shankang Qi, Mingchu Xu, Lin Yu, Ye Tao, Zengqin Deng, Wei Wu, Zhongzhou Chen*, Jiemin Wong*. Structure-function analysis reveals a novel mechanism for regulation of histone demethylase LSD2AOF1KDM1b. Cell Research, 2013, 23(2), 225-241
Yunyun Geng, Shamci Monajembashi, Anwen Shao, Di Cui, Weiyong He, Zhongzhou Chen, Peter Hemmerich, Jun Tang. Contribution of the C-terminal regions of promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) isoforms II and V to PML nuclear body formation. J Biol Chem. 2012, 287(36), 30729-42.
Xingliang Zhang, Qi Zhang, Qi Xin, Lin Yu, Zheng Wang, Wei Wu, Lun Jiang, Guoqiang Wang, Wenli Tian, Zengqin Deng, Yang Wang, Zhao Liu, Jiafu Long, Zhizhong Gong,Zhongzhou Chen*. Complex structures of the abscisic acid receptor PYL3/RCAR13 reveal a unique regulatory mechanism. Structure, 2012, 20(5), 780-790.
Lin Yu, Yang Wang, Shuo Huang, Jianjun Wang, Zengqin Deng, Qi Zhang, Wei Wu, Xingliang Zhang, Zhao Liu, Weimin Gong, Zhongzhou Chen*. Structural insights into a novel histone demethylase PHF8. Cell Research, 2010, 20(2), 166-73.
Zhongzhou Chen, Jianye Zang, Fei Lan, Xia Hong, Qin Wang, Shaodong Dai, Kirk Hansen, Yang Shi, and Gongyi Zhang. Structural basis of the recognition of a methylated histone tail by JMJD2A. PNAS, 2007, 104(26), 10818–10823.
Zhongzhou Chen, Jianye Zang, Johnathan Whetstine, Xia Hong, Foteini Davrazou, Tatiana G. Kutateladze, Michael Simpson, Qilong Mao, Cheol-Ho Pan, Shaodong Dai, James Hagman, Kirk Hansen, Yang Shi, Gongyi Zhang. Structural insights into histone demethylation by JMJD2 family members. Cell, 2006, 125(4), 691–702.
Johnathan R. Whetstine, Amanda Nottke, Fei Lan, Maite Huarte, Sarit Smolikov, Zhongzhou Chen, Eric Spooner, En Li, Gongyi Zhang, Monica Colaiacovo, Yang Shi. Reversal of histone lysine trimethylation by the JMJD2 family of histone demethylases. Cell, 2006, 125(3), 467–481.
Zhong-Zhou Chen, Yan-Mei Li, Hai-Yan Wang, Jin-Tang Du, Yu-Fen Zhao. Theoretical study on the rearrangement of beta-OH and gamma-OH in ESI mass spectrometry by N-phosphorylation. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2004, 108(38), 7686-7690.
Zhong-Zhou Chen, Bo Tan, Yan-Mei Li, Yu-Fen Zhao, Yu-Feng Tong, Jin-Feng Wang. Activity difference between alpha-COOH and beta-COOH in N-phosphorylaspartic acids. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2003, 68(10), 4052-4058.
Zhong-Zhou Chen, Yan-Mei Li, Jing Ma, Bo Tan, Satoshi Inagaki, Yu-Fen Zhao, Comparing the activities of alpha-COOH and gamma-COOH in N-phosphoryl glutamic acid by theoretical study. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2002, 106(47), 11565-11569
Zhong-Zhou Chen, Yan-Mei Li, Xi Peng, Fu-Rong Huang, Yu-Fen Zhao. The Use of crude lipase in deprotection of C-terminal protecting groups. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2002,18(4-6), 243–249
Zhong-Zhou Chen, Shui-Bing Chen, Yi Chen, YanMei Li, Jing Chen, Yu-Fen Zhao. Negative-ion ESI mass spectrometry of N-phosphoryl amino acids and dipeptides. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2002, 16: 790-796
ZhongZhou Chen, YuFeng Tong, ShuiBing Chen, YanMei Li, Yi Chen, YuFen Zhao, JinFeng Wang. Orientation of the peptide formation of N-phosphoryl amino acids in solution. Chinese Science Bull. 2002,47, 1866-1870
Zhong-Zhou Chen, Bo Tan, Yan-Mei Li, Yu-Fen Zhao. Differentiation of alpha-COOH from beta-COOH in aspartic acids by N-phosphorylation. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2001, 83, 41-51.
Zhong-Zhou Chen, Bo Tan, Yan-Mei Li, Yi Chen, Chang-Mei Cheng, Yu-Fen Zhao Differentiation of alpha-COOH from gamma-COOH in glutamic acids by N-phosphorylation. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 2001, 574, 163-175.




2007: 入選 2007年教育部 "新世紀優秀人才支持計畫"
2006: NJMRC Vestal Viola Coulter Scholarship
2006: Elected to Sigma Xi
2004: Nomination awards of the national outstanding Doctoral dissertations by the Ministry of Education (全國百篇優秀博士論文提名獎)and First grade outstanding Ph. D. dissertation of Tsinghua University
1992-2002: Various scholarships of Tsinghua University in every year.
Other than these,
1997: Excellent undergraduate Thesis and Honored Graduate of Tsinghua University.
1994: Scholarship from Hongkong alumni of Tsinghua University.
1993: Second Prize - 5th Mathematics contest of undergraduate course(北京市高等數學本科甲組二等獎), Beijing, 1993
1992: Quintessence Student of Fujian Province


美國晶體學協會會員中國晶體學學會終身會員, 中國生物物理學會會員。


