全國高等學校預防醫學教材評審委員會委員;教育部高等學校公共衛生與全科醫學教學指導委員會預防醫學專業教學指導分委員會委員;國家科學技術獎評審專家;國家自然科學基金項目、國家重點基礎研究計畫(973計畫)、國家高技術發展研究計畫(863計畫)評審專家;“健康中國2020”戰略規劃研究專家;中華醫學會科學技術獎評審委員會委員;中華預防醫學會科學技術獎評審委員會委員;中華預防醫學會理事;中華預防醫學會流行病學分會常務委員;中華醫學會臨床流行病學分會副主任委員;中國抗癌協會腫瘤流行病學分會常務理事;浙江省人民政府突發公共事件應急管理專家組成員;浙江省預防醫學會副會長;浙江省流行病學專業委員會主任委員;浙江省腫瘤流行病學專業委員會主任委員;《中華預防醫學》、《中華流行病學》等雜誌編委;《Health Promotion International》,《European Journal of Human Genetics》,《Metabolism: Clinical and Experimnetal》,《European Journal of Human Genetics》,《Health & Social Care in the Community》,《Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health》等國際期刊特約審稿人。
1. Individualized health interventions: the effect on behavior change and quality of life in the elderly rural population of China. Educational Gerontology, 2010. (In Press)
2. Quality of life and related factors in the elderly rural and urban population of China. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 2010. (In Press)
3. Association of selected polymorphisms of CCND1, p21, and caspase8 with colorectal cancer risk. Mol Carcinog. 2010 Jan;49(1):75-84.
4. Genetic polymorphisms of transforming growth factor-beta1 and its receptors and colorectal cancer susceptibility: a population-based case-control study in China. Cancer Lett. 2009; 275(1): 102-8.
5. Factors associated with non-use of inpatient hospital care service by elderly people in China. Health Soc Care Community. 2009; 17(5):476-84. (In press)
6. Perceived unmet need for hospitalization service among elderly Chinese people in Zhejiang province. J Public Health (Oxf). 2009; (In press).
7. Association between H-RAS T81C genetic polymorphism and gastrointestinal cancer risk: A population based case-control study in China. BMC Cancer, 2008; 8: 256.
8. Book review: Mortality, biochemistry, diet and lifestyle in rural China. Geographical study of the characteristics of 69 Counties in mainland China and 16 areas in Taiwan. Edited by J Chen, R Peto, W Pan, B Liu, TC Campbell, J Boreham, B Parpia, P Cassano. J Epidemiol Community Health, 2007; 61: 271.
9. Case-only study of interactions between metabolic enzymes and smoking in colorectal cancer. BMC Cancer, 2007; 7:115.
10. Genetic polymorphisms of the uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase 1A7 with colorectal cancer risk in relation to cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking in a Chinese population. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2006; 21(6): 1036-41.