

陳國建,男,1988年12月生,工學博士,碩士生導師。現為江蘇師範大學化學與材料科學學院副教授 。


  • 中文名:陳國建 
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1988年12月
  • 畢業院校南京工業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:子型多孔聚合物材料的構建及催化與吸附套用;介孔離子液體型多金屬氧酸鹽及其衍生材料的製備與套用;二氧化碳捕集與催化轉化、生物質轉化等綠色催化過程


近年來主要從事離子液體衍生多孔聚合物材料的構建及相關套用研究。在多孔材料設計方面,主要基於功能化離子液體(ILs)設計製備離子型共價有機框架(COFs)、多孔有機聚合物(POPs)、多面體倍半矽氧烷基(POSS)多孔雜化聚合物及多金屬氧酸鹽基(POM)介孔材料等;在套用方面,主要涉及多相催化、二氧化碳的吸附、分離與轉化,以及能源存儲與轉化等領域。近年來,主持並完成國家自然科學基金青年項目、江蘇省自然科學基金青年項目和江蘇省高校自然科學研究面上項目等項目4項,在Chem. Commun.,J. Mater. Chem. A,Chem. Eng. J.,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces等學術期刊發表SCI論文30餘篇,申請國家發明專利4件。現為Chem. Commun.,Appl. Catal. BJ. Mater. Sci.等國際期刊的審稿人。












1.Yadong Zhang,Guojian Chen*, Lei Wu, Ke Liu, Hu Zhong, Zhouyang Long, Minman Tong, Zhenzhen Yang, Sheng Dai*. Two-in-one: construction of hydroxyl and imidazolium-bifunctionalized ionic networks in one-pot toward synergistic catalytic CO2fixation.Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 3309-3312.
2.Yadong Zhang, Niu Luo, Jingyu Xu, Ke Liu, Shengqi Zhang, Qinglin Xu, Rui Huang, Zhouyang Long, Minman Tong,Guojian Chen*. Metalated-bipyridine-based porous hybrid polymers with POSS-derived Si-OH groups for synergistic catalytic CO2fixation.Dalton Transactions, 2020, 49, 11300-11309.
3.Minman Tong, Weichen Zhu, Jian Li, Zhouyang Long, Shuang Zhao,Guojian Chen*, Youshi Lan*. An easy way to identify high performing covalent organic frameworks for hydrogen storage.Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 6376-6379.
4.Guojian Chen*, Yadong Zhang, Jingyu Xu, Xiaoqing Liu, Ke Liu, Minman Tong, Zhouyang Long. Imidazolium-based ionic porous hybrid polymers with POSS-derived silanols for efficient heterogeneous catalytic CO2conversion under mild conditions.Chemical Engineering Journal,2020, 81, 122765.(ESI高被引論文)
5.Yadong Zhang, Ke Zhang, Lei Wu, Ke Liu, Rui Huang, Zhouyang Long, Minman Tong*,Guojian Chen*. Facile synthesis of crystalline viologen-based porous ionic polymers with hydrogen-bonded water for efficient catalytic CO2fixation at ambient conditions.RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 3606-3614.
6.Guojian Chen*, Lei Zhang, Yadong Zhang, Ke Liu, Zhouyang Long, Ying Wang*. Targeted synthesis of ionic liquid-polyoxometalate derived Mo-based electrodes for advanced electrochemical performance.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 7194-7201.
7.Yadong Zhang, Ke Liu, Lei Wu, Hu Zhong, Niu Luo, Yunxiao Zhu, Minman Tong, Zhouyang Long*,Guojian Chen*. Silanol-Enriched Viologen-Based Ionic Porous Hybrid Polymers for Efficient Catalytic CO2Fixation into Cyclic Carbonates under Mild Conditions.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 16907-16916.
8.Zhouyang Long, Yadong Zhang,Guojian Chen*, Jiang Shang, Yu Zhou, Jun Wang, Liming Sun*. Nitrogen-Doped Biomass Carbons Meet with Polyoxometalates: Synergistic Catalytic Reductant-Free Aerobic Hydroxylation of Benzene to Phenol.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 4230-4238.
9.Minman Tong*, Yadong Zhang, Tongan Yan,Guojian Chen*, Zhouyang Long*, Zhenglong Qin, Qingyuan Yang, Chongli Zhong. Computational Insights on the Role of Nanochannel Environment in the CO2/CH4and H2/CH4Separation Using Restacked Covalent Organic Framework Membranes.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123, 22949-22958.
10.Zhouyang Long, Liming Sun, Mingjue Zhang, Yadong Zhang, Chenghua Zong*, Zhiliang Xue, Tianyu Wang,Guojian Chen*. Metal-free photocatalytic aerobic hydroxylation of benzene catalyzed by the commercially available quinoline sulfate.Catalysis Communications, 2019, 121, 1-4.
11.Guojian Chen*, Xiaohui Huang, Yadong Zhang, Mengyao Sun, Jie Shen, Rui Huang, Minman Tong, Zhouyang Long*, Xiaochen Wang. Constructing POSS and viologen-linked porous cationic frameworks induced by the Zincke reaction for efficient CO2capture and conversion.Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 12174-12177. (Back cover)
12.Zhouyang Long, Liming Sun, Weijie Zhu,Guojian Chen*, Xiaochen Wang, Wen Sun. P-Doped carbons derived from cellulose as highly efficient metal-free catalysts for aerobic oxidation of benzyl alcohol in water under an air atmosphere.Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 8991-8994.
13.Zhouyang Long,Guojian Chen*, Sa Liu, Fangmin Huang, Liming Sun*, Zhenglong Qin, Qian Wang, Yu Zhou, Jun Wang. Synergistic combination of graphitic C3N4and polyoxometalate-based phase-transfer catalyst for highly efficient reductant-free aerobic hydroxylation of benzene.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 334, 873-881.
14.Guojian Chen, Wei Hou, Jing Li, Xiaochen Wang, Yu Zhou*, Jun Wang*. Ionic self-assembly affords mesoporous ionic networks by crosslinking linear polyviologens with polyoxometalate clusters.Dalton Transactions, 2016, 45, 4504-4508.
15.Guojian Chen, Xiaochen Wang, Jing Li, Wei Hou, Yu Zhou*, Jun Wang*. Direct Carbonization of Cyanopyridinium Crystalline Dicationic Salts into Nitrogen-Enriched Ultra-Microporous Carbons toward Excellent CO2Adsorption.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7, 18508-18518.
16.Guojian Chen, Yu Zhou, Xiaochen Wang, Jing Li, Shuang Xue, Yangqing Liu, Qian Wang, Jun Wang*. Construction of porous cationic frameworks by crosslinking polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane units with N-heterocyclic linkers.Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 11236.
17.Guojian Chen, Yu Zhou, Zhouyang Long, Xiaochen Wang, Jing Li, Jun Wang*. Mesoporous Polyoxometalate-Based Ionic Hybrid As a Triphasic Catalyst for Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol with H2O2 on Water.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 4438-4446.
18.Guojian Chen, Yu Zhou, Pingping Zhao, Zhouyang Long, Jun Wang*. Mesostructured Dihydroxy-Functionalized Guanidinium-Based Polyoxometalate with Enhanced Heterogeneous Catalytic Activity in Epoxidation.ChemPlusChem, 2013, 78, 561-569.




1. 《化工原理實驗》,秦正龍,劉颯,龍洲洋,陳國建,黃芳敏等編,科學出版社,2017年。
2. 陳國建,張亞東,朱雲霄,劉珂,董心怡,龍洲洋,一類新型雙功能化紫精離子型化合物及其製備方法,發明專利,201711113738 .9,2017.11。
3. 陳國建,徐婧語,張亞東,劉曉青,一種紫精基離子型多孔有機聚合物及其製備方法與套用,發明專利,201910166402.1,2019.03。
4. 孫夢瑤,陳國建,沈潔,黃小慧,張亞東,張珂,黃蕊,一類紫精離子單體及其製備方法與套用,發明專利,201910260476.1,2019.04。
5. 張盛旗,陳國建,張亞東,許清琳,劉珂,黃蕊,張珂,一類富含POSS衍生矽羥基的多孔雜化聚合物及其製備方法與催化套用,發明專利,202010234790.5,2020.03。
2.Yadong Zhang, Niu Luo, Jingyu Xu, Ke Liu, Shengqi Zhang, Qinglin Xu, Rui Huang, Zhouyang Long, Minman Tong,Guojian Chen*. Metalated-bipyridine-based porous hybrid polymers with POSS-derived Si-OH groups for synergistic catalytic CO2fixation.Dalton Transactions, 2020, 49, 11300-11309.
3.Minman Tong, Weichen Zhu, Jian Li, Zhouyang Long, Shuang Zhao,Guojian Chen*, Youshi Lan*. An easy way to identify high performing covalent organic frameworks for hydrogen storage.Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 6376-6379.
4.Guojian Chen*, Yadong Zhang, Jingyu Xu, Xiaoqing Liu, Ke Liu, Minman Tong, Zhouyang Long. Imidazolium-based ionic porous hybrid polymers with POSS-derived silanols for efficient heterogeneous catalytic CO2conversion under mild conditions.Chemical Engineering Journal,2020, 81, 122765.(ESI高被引論文)
5.Yadong Zhang, Ke Zhang, Lei Wu, Ke Liu, Rui Huang, Zhouyang Long, Minman Tong*,Guojian Chen*. Facile synthesis of crystalline viologen-based porous ionic polymers with hydrogen-bonded water for efficient catalytic CO2fixation at ambient conditions.RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 3606-3614.
6.Guojian Chen*, Lei Zhang, Yadong Zhang, Ke Liu, Zhouyang Long, Ying Wang*. Targeted synthesis of ionic liquid-polyoxometalate derived Mo-based electrodes for advanced electrochemical performance.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 7194-7201.
7.Yadong Zhang, Ke Liu, Lei Wu, Hu Zhong, Niu Luo, Yunxiao Zhu, Minman Tong, Zhouyang Long*,Guojian Chen*. Silanol-Enriched Viologen-Based Ionic Porous Hybrid Polymers for Efficient Catalytic CO2Fixation into Cyclic Carbonates under Mild Conditions.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 16907-16916.
8.Zhouyang Long, Yadong Zhang,Guojian Chen*, Jiang Shang, Yu Zhou, Jun Wang, Liming Sun*. Nitrogen-Doped Biomass Carbons Meet with Polyoxometalates: Synergistic Catalytic Reductant-Free Aerobic Hydroxylation of Benzene to Phenol.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 4230-4238.
9.Minman Tong*, Yadong Zhang, Tongan Yan,Guojian Chen*, Zhouyang Long*, Zhenglong Qin, Qingyuan Yang, Chongli Zhong. Computational Insights on the Role of Nanochannel Environment in the CO2/CH4and H2/CH4Separation Using Restacked Covalent Organic Framework Membranes.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123, 22949-22958.
10.Zhouyang Long, Liming Sun, Mingjue Zhang, Yadong Zhang, Chenghua Zong*, Zhiliang Xue, Tianyu Wang,Guojian Chen*. Metal-free photocatalytic aerobic hydroxylation of benzene catalyzed by the commercially available quinoline sulfate.Catalysis Communications, 2019, 121, 1-4.
11.Guojian Chen*, Xiaohui Huang, Yadong Zhang, Mengyao Sun, Jie Shen, Rui Huang, Minman Tong, Zhouyang Long*, Xiaochen Wang. Constructing POSS and viologen-linked porous cationic frameworks induced by the Zincke reaction for efficient CO2capture and conversion.Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 12174-12177. (Back cover)
12.Zhouyang Long, Liming Sun, Weijie Zhu,Guojian Chen*, Xiaochen Wang, Wen Sun. P-Doped carbons derived from cellulose as highly efficient metal-free catalysts for aerobic oxidation of benzyl alcohol in water under an air atmosphere.Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 8991-8994.
13.Zhouyang Long,Guojian Chen*, Sa Liu, Fangmin Huang, Liming Sun*, Zhenglong Qin, Qian Wang, Yu Zhou, Jun Wang. Synergistic combination of graphitic C3N4and polyoxometalate-based phase-transfer catalyst for highly efficient reductant-free aerobic hydroxylation of benzene.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 334, 873-881.
14.Guojian Chen, Wei Hou, Jing Li, Xiaochen Wang, Yu Zhou*, Jun Wang*. Ionic self-assembly affords mesoporous ionic networks by crosslinking linear polyviologens with polyoxometalate clusters.Dalton Transactions, 2016, 45, 4504-4508.
15.Guojian Chen, Xiaochen Wang, Jing Li, Wei Hou, Yu Zhou*, Jun Wang*. Direct Carbonization of Cyanopyridinium Crystalline Dicationic Salts into Nitrogen-Enriched Ultra-Microporous Carbons toward Excellent CO2Adsorption.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7, 18508-18518.
16.Guojian Chen, Yu Zhou, Xiaochen Wang, Jing Li, Shuang Xue, Yangqing Liu, Qian Wang, Jun Wang*. Construction of porous cationic frameworks by crosslinking polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane units with N-heterocyclic linkers.Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 11236.
17.Guojian Chen, Yu Zhou, Zhouyang Long, Xiaochen Wang, Jing Li, Jun Wang*. Mesoporous Polyoxometalate-Based Ionic Hybrid As a Triphasic Catalyst for Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol with H2O2 on Water.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 4438-4446.
18.Guojian Chen, Yu Zhou, Pingping Zhao, Zhouyang Long, Jun Wang*. Mesostructured Dihydroxy-Functionalized Guanidinium-Based Polyoxometalate with Enhanced Heterogeneous Catalytic Activity in Epoxidation.ChemPlusChem, 2013, 78, 561-569.




1. 《化工原理實驗》,秦正龍,劉颯,龍洲洋,陳國建,黃芳敏等編,科學出版社,2017年。
2. 陳國建,張亞東,朱雲霄,劉珂,董心怡,龍洲洋,一類新型雙功能化紫精離子型化合物及其製備方法,發明專利,201711113738 .9,2017.11。
3. 陳國建,徐婧語,張亞東,劉曉青,一種紫精基離子型多孔有機聚合物及其製備方法與套用,發明專利,201910166402.1,2019.03。
4. 孫夢瑤,陳國建,沈潔,黃小慧,張亞東,張珂,黃蕊,一類紫精離子單體及其製備方法與套用,發明專利,201910260476.1,2019.04。
5. 張盛旗,陳國建,張亞東,許清琳,劉珂,黃蕊,張珂,一類富含POSS衍生矽羥基的多孔雜化聚合物及其製備方法與催化套用,發明專利,202010234790.5,2020.03。


