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陳功(Gong Chen)博士,1987 年畢業於上海復旦大學,隨後師從中國科學院上海生理研究所馮德培院士攻讀博士學位。先後在耶魯大學和史丹福大學 進行博士後研究,暨南大學粵港澳神經再生研究院教授。


  • 中文名:陳功
  • 外文名:Gong Chen
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校復旦大學耶魯大學史丹福大學
  • 主要成就:國際上最早在成年哺乳類動物上運用大腦內源性膠質細胞原位直接轉分化為功能性神經元的先驅者之一
  • 職稱:教授


陳功博士,1987 年畢業於上海復旦大學,隨後師從中國科學院上海生理研究所馮德培院士攻讀博士學位。先後在耶魯大學和史丹福大學 進行博士後研究。2002年加入賓夕法尼亞州立大學,2013年升任維恩·魏勒曼冠名主任教授。2019年辭去賓夕法尼亞州立大學的終身教授席位,全職加入暨南大學粵港澳神經再生研究院,建立大腦修復中心,為解決重大腦疾病探索神經再生的新途徑。


陳功教授是國際上最早在成年哺乳類動物上運用大腦內源性膠質細胞原位直接轉分化為功能性神經元的先驅者之一。 近年來發表了一系列的大腦原位神經再生工作,包括首次在非人靈長類的大腦里實現原位膠質細胞向神經元的直接轉分化。陳功教授團隊還創造性地發明了小分子組合物將體外培養的人腦膠質細胞直接轉化為功能性神經元。2014 年,陳功教授在華盛頓神經科學大會上主持了世界上首次“在體細胞轉化” 的專題報告會,標誌著再生醫學領域的一個新的里程碑。2016年受邀 Neuron 雜誌發表了關於大腦原位神經再生技術的前瞻性綜述,為這一新領域的發展指明了方向。現主要研究大腦原位神經再生技術在治療腦中風,老年痴呆症,帕金森綜合症,亨廷頓舞蹈症,腦損傷,脊髓損傷,脊髓側索硬化症(ALS),以及腦膠質瘤等一系列重大中樞神經疾病中的套用。


Liu MH, Li W, Zheng JJ, Xu YG, He Q, Chen G. Differential neuronal reprogramming of astrocytes in the grey matter and white matter. Neural Regen Res. 2020 Feb;15(2):342-351.
Lei W, Li W, Ge L, Chen G. Non-engineered and Engineered Adult Neurogenesis in Mammalian Brains. Front Neurosci. 2019 Feb 21;13:131.
Yu-Chen Chen, Ning-Xin Ma, Zi-Fei Pei, Zheng Wu, Fabricio H. Do-Monte, Susan Keefe, Emma Yellin, Miranda S. Chen, Jiu-Chao Yin, Grace Lee, Angélica Minier- Toribio , Yi Hu, Yu-Ting Bai, Kathryn Lee, Gregory J. Quirk, Gong Chen. (2019) A NeuroD1 AAV-Based Gene Therapy For Functional Brain Repair After Ischemic Injury Through In Vivo Astrocyte-To-Neuron Conversion. Molecular Therapy, Sept. 6, 2019 online published.
News Press: https://scienmag.com/gene-therapy-helps-functional-recovery-after-stroke/
Long-Jiao Ge, Fu-Han Yang, Jie Feng, Nan-Hui Chen, Min Jiang, Jian-Hong Wang, Xin-Tian Hu, Gong Chen. In Vivo Neuroregeneration to Treat Ischemic Stroke in Adult Non-Human Primate Brains through NeuroD1 AAV-based Gene Therapy.
BioRxiv preprint first posted online Nov. 1, 2019.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/816066
Brendan Puls, Yan Ding, Mengjie Pan, Lei Zhang, Cody Forsyth, Morgan Metzger, Tanvi Rana, Xiaoyun Ding, Matthew Keefe, Alice Cai, Austin Redilla, Michael Lai, Hedong Li, Gong Chen. Regeneration of dorsal spinal cord neurons after injury via in situ NeuroD1-mediated astrocyte-to-neuron conversion. BioRxiv preprint first posted online Oct. 31, 2019.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/818823
Yin, J.C., Zhang, L., Ma, N.X., Wang, Y., Lee, G., Hou, X.Y., Lei, Z.F., Zhang, F.Y., Dong, F.P., Wu, G.Y., and Chen, G. (2019) Chemical Conversion of Human Fetal Astrocytes into Neurons through Modulation of Multiple Signaling Pathways. Stem Cell Reports, Feb. 7, 2019, online publication. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stemcr.2019.01.003
News press: https://science.psu.edu/news-and-events/2019-news/Chen2-2019
Ma N.X., Yin J.C., Chen G. (2019) Transcriptome analysis of small molecule-mediated astrocyte-to-neuron reprogramming. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, accepted May 1, 2019. (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcell.2019.00082/abstract)
Lei Zhang, Zhuofan Lei, Ziyuan Guo, Zifei Pei, Yuchen Chen, Fengyu Zhang, Alice Cai, Yung Kin Mok, Grace Lee, Vishal Swaminnathan, Fan Wang, Yuting Bai, Gong Chen. (2018) Reversing Glial Scar Back To Neural Tissue Through NeuroD1-Mediated Astrocyte-To-Neuron Conversion.
BioRxiv, February 7th, 2018 online publishing.
Hedong Li and Gong Chen. (2016) In Vivo Reprogramming for CNS Repair: Regenerating Neurons from Endogenous Glial Cells. Neuron, 91:728-738. (Invited Review)
Xin Tang, Julie Kim, Li Zhou, Eric Wengert, Lei Zhang, Zheng Wu, Cassiano Carromeu, Alysson R. Muotri, Maria C. N. Marchetto, Fred H. Gage, and Gong Chen. (2016) KCC2 rescues functional deficits in human neurons derived from patients with Rett syndrome. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Epub: 2016 Jan 5.
Lei Zhang, Jiu-Chao Yin, Hana Yeh, Ning-Xin Ma, Grace Lee, Xiangyun Amy Chen, Yanming Wang, Li Lin, Li Chen, Peng Jin, Gang-Yi Wu* and Gong Chen*. (2015) Small Molecules Efficiently Reprogram Human Astroglial Cells into Functional Neurons. Cell Stem Cell, 17:1-13, E-Pub on Oct. 15, 2015.
Ziyuan Guo, Lei Zhang, Zheng Wu, Yuchen Chen, Fan Wang, and Gong Chen. (2014) In Vivo Direct Reprogramming of Reactive Glial Cells into Functional Neurons after Brain Injury and in an Alzheimer’s Disease Model. Cell Stem Cell, 14: 188-202. E-pub on Dec. 19, 2013.
Selected as one of the BEST of 2014 articles by Cell Stem Cell.
Zhexing Wen*, Ha Nam Nguyen*, Ziyuan Guo*, Matthew Lalli, Xinyuan Wang, Yijing Su, Nam-Shik Kim, Ki-Jun Yoon, Jaehoon Shin, Ce Zhang, Georgia Makri, David Nauen, Humei Yu, Cheng-Hsuan Chiang, Nadine Yoritomo, Kozo Kaibuchi, Christopher Ross, Jizhong Zou, Kimberly Christian, Linzhao Cheng, Russell Magolis, Gong Chen, Kenneth Kosik, Elmer Guzman, Hongjun Song, and Guo-li Ming. Synaptic dysregulation in a human iPS cell model of mental disorders. Nature, E-pub Aug. 17, 2014.
Zheng Wu, Ziyuan Guo, Marla Gearing, Gong Chen. (2014) Tonic inhibition in dentate gyrus impairs long-term potentiation and memory in an Alzheimer's disease model. Nature Communications, June 13, 2014.
Brennand, K., A. Simone, J. Jou, C. Gelboin-Burkhart, N. Tran, S. Sangar, Y. Li, Y. Mu, G. Chen, D. Yu, S. McCarthy, J. Sebat, and F. Gage. (2011) Modeling schizophrenia using human induced pluripotent stem cells. Nature 473: 221-225.
Fan, Y., X. Tang, E. Vitriol, G. Chen, and J. Q. Zheng. (2011) Actin capping protein is required for dendritic spine development and synapse formation. Journal of Neuroscience 31(28): 10228-10233.
Marchetto, M. C. N., C. Carromeu, A. Acab, D. Yu, G. Yeo, Y. Mu, G. Chen, F. H. Gage, and A. R. Muotri. (2010) A model for neural development and treatment of Rett Syndrome using human induced pluripotent stem cells. Cell 143: 527-539.
Gu, J., C. W. Lee, Y. Fan, D. Komlos, X. Tang, C. Sun, K. Yu, H. C. Hartzell, G. Chen, J. R. Bamburg, and J. Q. Zheng. (2010) ADF/cofilin-mediated actin dynamics regulate AMPA receptor trafficking during synaptic plasticity. Nature Neuroscience 13: 1208-1215.


