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陳冬霞 女,漢族,四川隆昌人,1974年11月生,現任中國石油大學(北京)地球科學學院本科教學副院長,教授,博士生導師,北京市青年教學名師。1997年畢業於西南石油學院勘探系石油與天然氣地質勘查專業,獲學士學位;2000年畢業於西南石油學院礦產普產與勘探專業,獲碩士學位;2003年畢業於石油大學(北京)地質資源與地質工程專業獲工學博士學位。2004年6月至2005年6月以博士後的身份去加拿大地質調查局工作。2006年在中國石油大學(北京)開始任教,主要從事油氣田地質與勘探的教學和科研工作。北京市優秀教學團隊“石油地質學”和國家級精品課程和資源共享課程“石油地質學”主講教師之一,校優秀教研型青年教學骨幹教師,榮獲國家級教學成果二等獎一項、省部級優秀教學成果一等獎3項。主持國家自然科學基金項目5項,參加了國家973項目、國家重大油氣專項、中石油戰略專項等多項高級別項目,在國內外重要期刊上發表論文80餘篇,其中SCI收錄30餘篇,授權發明專利5項,榮獲教育部和北京市等省部級以上科技進步一等獎等6項。


  • 中文名:陳冬霞
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1974年11月
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:油氣田地質與勘探
  • 主要成就:北京高校優秀共產黨員 
科研項目,發表文章 ,科研獎勵,教學獎勵,發明專利,


1. 國家自然科學基金應急管理項目(編號:72041024)需求視角下典型行業創新型人才培養模式與路徑研究 (2020-2021)
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(編號:41972124)渤海灣盆地惠民凹陷深凹區岩性油藏異常低壓形成機制與成藏效應)(2020-2023)
3.國家自然科學基金面上項目(編號:41472110):緻密砂岩微觀孔隙結構及流體性質對複雜氣水分布的控制作用 (2015-2018)
4. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(編號:41072100): 砂岩透鏡體含油氣性變化特徵物理模擬實驗 (2011-2014)
5.國家自然科學基金面上項目(編號:40802029): 砂岩透鏡體油氣藏形成的動力學機制(2009-2011)
6. 國家油氣重大專項項目下設任務(編號:2016ZX05034-001):不同類型頁岩氣生成機理與富集規律研究(2016-2020)
7. 中石油重大戰略合作項目(編號:ZLZX2020-0-022)鄂爾多斯盆地緻密油-頁岩油富集與預測):(2020-2024)
8.國家油氣重大專項項目下設任務(編號:2011ZX05006-006) : 南堡凹陷深部油氣藏成因機制與模式及其有利勘探區預測 (2011-2015)
9.國家973項目子課題下設任務(編號:2011CB201106): 塔里木疊合盆地深層碳酸鹽岩油氣成藏主控因素與油氣富集規律 (2011-2015)
10. 中國石油化工股份有限公司勝利油田公司項目:莫西莊–永進地區地層壓力特徵及控藏作用研究(2020-2021)
11. 中國石油化工股份有限公司勝利油田公司項目:勘探層單元類型及成藏規律研究(2018-2020)
12. 中國石油化工股份有限公司勝利油田公司項目:惠民及車鎮凹陷儲層孔喉結構和評價(2018-2019)
14. 中海石油(中國)有限公司湛江分公司:文昌凹陷隱蔽圈閉成藏條件及有利勘探方向研究(2017-2018)
15. 中國石油化工股份有限公司西南油氣分公司:井研-犍為探區筇竹寺組優質頁岩儲層特徵研究 (2015-2016)
16. 中國石油化工股份有限公司西南油氣分公司:川西須五段天然氣富集規律及勘探潛力評價 (2013-2014)


1. Qiaochu Wang, Dongxia Chen*, Xianzhi Gao, Fuwei Wang , Sha Li , Ziye Tian, Wenzhi Lei , Siyuan Chang, Yi Zou. Evolution of abnormal pressure in the Paleogene Es3 formation of the Huimin Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Marine and Petroleum Geology,2021, 203, 108601
2. Fuwei Wang , Dongxia Chen*, Qiaochu Wang , Xuebin Shi, Mengya Jiang, Wenlei Du, Sha Li. Quantitative evaluation of sandstone carrier transport properties and their effects on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation: A case study of the Es3 2 in the southern slope of Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, Marine and Petroleum Geology,2021 (126), 104937
3. Guangjie Xie , Dongxia Chen*, Lu Chang, Jinheng Li , Zhijun Yin. Migration and accumulation of crude oils in the Qionghai Uplift, Pearl River Mouth Basin, Offshore South China Sea, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering , 2021,205, 108943
4. Fuwei Wang, Dongxia Chen* , Wenlei Du, Jianhui Zeng , Qiaochu Wang, Ziye Tian , Siyuan Chang , Mengya Jiang. Improved method for quantitative evaluation of fault vertical sealing: A case study from the eastern Pinghu Slope Belt of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Shelf Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2021(132), 105224
5. Qiaochu Wang , Dongxia Chen * , Fuwei Wang , Xianzhi Gao , Yi Zou , Ziye Tian , Sha Li, Siyuan Chang, Dongsheng Yao . Origin and distribution of an under-pressured tight sandstone reservoir: The Shaximiao Formation, Central Sichuan Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2021(132),105208
6. Qiaochu Wang, Dongxia Chen *, Fuwei Wang , ,Xianzhi Gao, ,Xuebin Shi, et al. Attenuating gradient of residual stratigraphic pressure and its controls on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering , 2021,196,108062. SCI
7. Qiaochu Wang, Dongxia Chen *, Fuwei Wang ,Jinheng Li , Wenhao Liao, , et al. Underpressure characteristics and origins in the deep strata of rift basins: A case study of the Huimin Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Geological Journal. 2020, 55 :4079–4096.
8. Qiaochu Wang, Dongxia Chen *, Xianzhi Gao, Fuwei Wang, et al. Microscopic pore structures of tight sandstone reservoirs and their diagenetic controls: A case study of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation of the Western Sichuan Depression, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2020,113,104119. SCI
9. Fuwei Wang,Dongxia Chen *, Qiaochu Wang , et al. Evolution characteristics of transtensional faults and their impacts onhydrocarbon migration and accumulation: A case study from the Huimin Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2020,120,104507. SCI
10. Jinheng Li , Dongxia Chen *, Lu Chang , et al. Quality, hydrocarbongeneration, and expulsion of the Eocene Enping Formation source rocks in the Wenchang Depression, westernPearl River Mouth Basin,South China Sea ,Energy and exploration and exploritation , 2020,38(6),2169-2198. SCI
11. Wang Ziyi, Chen Lei, Dongxia Chen, et al. Characterization and evaluation of shale lithofacies within the lowermost Longmaxi-Wufeng Formation in the Southeast Sichuan Basin , Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020,193, 107353. SCI
12. Ziyi Liu, Dongxia Chen, * Jinchuan Zhang, et al. Combining isotopic geochemical data and logging data to predict the range of the total gas content in shale: a case study from the Wufeng and Longmaxi shales in the Middle Yangtze Area, South China. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33, 10487–10498. SCI
13. Ziyi Liu , Dongxia Chen * ,Jinchuan Zhang Xiuxiang Lü. Pyrite Morphology as an Indicator of Paleoredox Conditions and Shale Gas Content of the Longmaxi and Wufeng Shales in the Middle Yangtze Area, South China,Minerals, 2019, 9(4):428-446. SCI
14. Wei Yang, Rusi Zuo, Dongxia Chen, Zhenxue Jian. Climate and tectonic-driven deposition of sandwiched continental shale units: New insights from petrology, geochemistry, and integrated provenance analyses (the western Sichuan subsiding Basin, Southwest China). International Journal of Coal Geology, 2019, 211,1-19
15. Yuchen Liu, Dongxia Chen *, Nansheng Qiu. Geochemistry and origin of continental natural gas in the western Sichuan basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2018, 49:123-131. SCI
16. Y. C. Liua, D. X. Chen *, N. S. Qiu, Y. Wang,, J. Fu, et al. Reservoir characteristics and methane adsorption capacity of the Upper Triassic continental shale in Western Sichuan Depression, China, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2017, 1342174, SCI,
17. Dongxia Chen *,Ying Zhang, Yuchen Liu..Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Micro- and Nano-Scale Reservoirs in Continental Shale Sequence of Western Sichuan Depression.Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2017,17(9).6159-6168.SCI.
18.Dongxia Chen,Xiongqi Pang, Qingxia Yan. Geochemical and stable carbon isotope composition variations of natural gases in tight sandstones from the West Sichuan Basin,China. Geological Journal.2017, 52: 1020-1-31
19.Dongxia Chen Xiongqi Pang, Liang Xiong. Porosity evolution in the tight gas sand of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation, western Sichuan basin,China. Revista Mexicaca De Ciencias Geologicas.2014,31(4).361-375.SCI
20 .Pang Xiongqi,Chen Dongxia *, Liu Keyu. The concept of fluid potential and its practical application to petroleum exploration. Energy Exploration and Explooitation ,2012,30(60):889-914.SCI
21.Yu Yixing, Chen Dongxia *, Pang Hong, Shi Xiuping, Pang Xiongqi. Control of facies and fluid potential on hydrocarbon accumulation and prediction of favorable Silurian targets in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin, China. Petroleum Science, 2011, 8(1): 24-33.SCI
22. Chen Dongxia, Pang Xiongqi, Kuang Jun, et al. Control of Facies and Potential on Jurassic hydrocarbon accumulation and Prediction of Favorable Targets in the Hinterland Region of the Junggar Basin. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2010, 84 (5): 1256-1272.SCI
23. Chen Dongxia,Pang Xiongqi,Jiang Zhenxue, Zeng Jian Hui, Qiu Nansheng, Li Maowen. Reservoir characteristics and their effects on hydrocarbon accumulation in lacustrine turbidites in the Jiyang Super-depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2009, 26,149-162.SCI
24. Chen Dongxia,Pang Xiongqi ,Liu Keyu, Zhang Jun, Zhang Rucai.Experimental investigation of secondary oil migration along subtle pathways: A mechanism for hydrocarbon accumulation in lenticular basinal turbidite reservoirs. Journal of Geochemical Exploration,2009,101(1): 24
25. Dongxia Chen, Xiongqi Pang, Shanwen Zhang, Yongshi Wang and Jun Zhang. Control of facies/potential on hydrocarbon accumulation: a geological model for lacustrine rift basins. Petroleum Science, 2008, Volume 5, Number 3, Pages 212-222.SCI
26.XiongQi Pang, DongXia Chen *, ShanWen Zhang, Fang Hao and Zheng Liu, et al. Hydrocarbon accumulation in network and its application in the continental rift basin. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(S2): 88-100.SCI
27. CHEN Dongxia, PANG Xiongqi, ZHANG Jun . et al. Application of Quantitative Grain Fluorescence Techniques to Study Subtle Oil Migration Pathway of Lithological reservoir. Frontiers of Earth science in China. 2007, 1(4):498-504
28. Chen Dongxia,Pang Xiongqi,Li Pilong ,Jiang Zhenxue.Hydrocarbon accumulation in lacustrine turbidite in rift basin.Petroleum Science, 2006, 3 (1):12-26
29. 廖文毫, 陳冬霞*, 曾濺輝. 歧口凹陷埕北斷階區斷砂組合樣式及其對油氣富集的控制作用. 吉林大學學報.2021, 51(2).336-354.
30. 雷文智,陳冬霞*,張芮,劉子驛,張少敏. 川中地區下侏羅統自流井組大二亞段陸相頁岩層系岩性組合類型及其特徵, 地球科學,2021, doi:10.3799
32.王翹楚,陳冬霞*,宋國奇. 臨南窪陷沙河街組三段異常低壓分布特徵及成因機制.東北石油大學學報,2018,42(1):49-59
33.陳冬霞,龐雄奇,楊克明.川西坳陷深層疊復連續型緻密砂岩氣藏成因及形成過程.吉林大學學報.2016, 46 (6).1611-1623. EI.
34. 陳冬霞,劉雨晨,龐雄奇.川西坳陷須五段陸相頁岩層系儲層特徵及對含氣性.地學前緣.2016,23(1).174-184. EI.
35. 姜航,龐雄奇,陳冬霞,陳迪. 含油氣盆地深層有效砂岩儲層判別與定量評價——以塔里木盆地庫車坳陷深層為例, 石油學報,2015,36(2):112-119
36. 劉 暢,陳冬霞*,董月霞,劉國勇.斷層對南堡凹陷潛山油氣藏的控制作用,石油與天然氣地質,2015,36(1):43-50
37. 龐雄奇,陳冬霞,張俊,郭繼剛,郭豐濤. 相—勢—源複合控油氣成藏機制物理模擬實驗研究. 古地理學報,2013,15(05):575-591
38. 郭迎春,龐雄奇,陳冬霞. 緻密砂岩氣成藏研究進展及值得關注的幾個問題.石油與天然氣地質,2013,34(6):717-724
39. 陳冬霞,王雷,龐雄奇,等.斷裂對川西坳陷緻密砂岩氣藏天然氣運聚的控制作用.現代地質.2013,27(5).1137-1146
40. 郭迎春,龐雄奇,陳冬霞,朱宏權. 川西坳陷中段須二段緻密砂岩儲層緻密化與相對優質儲層發育機制. 吉林大學學報( 地球科學版), 2012, 42(21): 21-31
41.陳冬霞,龐雄奇,楊克明.川西坳陷中段上三疊統須二段緻密砂岩孔隙度演化史. 吉林大學學報( 地球科學版), 2012, 42(1):42-50. EI.
43.陳冬霞,李林濤,鄧克,等.川西坳陷烴源岩排烴特徵與排史.天然氣工業,2010,30(5):41-45. EI.
44. 陳冬霞,龐雄奇,邱桂強,張俊,高永進.砂岩透鏡體成藏動力學過程模擬與含油氣性定量預測.地球科學,2008,33(1):51-56. EI.
45. 龐雄奇,陳冬霞*,張善文,郝芳,劉震. 陸相斷陷盆地油氣網路成藏研究與套用. 中國科學(D輯地球科學),2008, 第 38 卷: 78- 88
46 陳冬霞,龐雄奇,張俊,等.套用定量顆粒螢光技術研究岩性油氣藏的隱蔽輸導通道.地質學報,2007,81(2):250-254. EI.
47.陳冬霞,龐雄奇,姜振學,苗盛,張俊,田豐華.利用核磁共振物理模擬實驗研究岩性油氣藏成藏機理.地質學報,2006,80(3):432-438. EI.
49. 陳冬霞,龐雄奇,邱楠生,姜振學,張俊.東營凹陷隱蔽油氣藏的成藏模.天然氣工業,2005,25(12):12-15
50. 陳冬霞,龐雄奇,邱楠生,姜振學,張俊.砂岩透鏡體成藏機理.地球科學,2004,29(4):483-488
51 李丕龍,龐雄奇,陳冬霞*,張善文,金之鈞,姜振學. 濟陽坳陷砂岩透鏡體油藏成因機理與模式. 中國科學(D輯地球科學),2004, 34,143-151
52. 龐雄奇, 陳冬霞*, 李丕龍,姜振學,郝芳. 隱蔽油氣藏資源潛力預測方法探討與初步套用. 石油與天然氣地質 ,2004, 25(4):370-376
53. 陳冬霞, 龐雄奇,翁慶萍,姜振學,張俊. 岩性油藏三元成因模式及初步套用. 石油與天然氣地質, 2003 , 24(3): 228-232
54. 陳冬霞,龐雄奇,姜振學. 透鏡體油氣成藏機理研究現狀與發展趨勢. 地球科學進展,2002,17(6):871-8
55. 陳冬霞,王興志,李凌,龐雄奇. 鄂爾多斯盆地佳縣—子洲地區上古生界儲層特徵. 古地理學報,2002,4(3):93-100 76


1. 油氣門限控藏模式、定量預測關鍵技術及重大套用成效,2020年中國石油和化學工業聯合會技術發明一等獎
2. 地下構型表征技術及重大套用成效,2018年中國產學研合作創新成果二等獎
3. 陸相斷陷盆地油氣成藏機理及其重大套用成效,2016年產學研科技創新成果一等獎
4. 陸相斷陷盆地流體活動與油氣成藏,2014年教育部科技技術一等獎
5. 疊復連續型緻密砂岩氣藏成因機制、預測方法及其在庫車坳陷的重大發現》,2014年中國石油和化學工業聯合會科技進步一等獎
6. 油氣成藏理論、評價方法與重大勘探成效,2011年北京市科技技術一等獎


1. 2018年,《全程、深度、共贏——校企合作卓越工程人才培養模式的構建與實踐》國家教學成果二等獎
2. 2017年,《油氣地質工程實踐與創新能力遞進-聯動式培養體系的構建與成效》中國石油學會省部級教學成果特等獎1項


1. 陳冬霞,龐雄奇,郭迎春.中國石油大學(北京).一種確定成藏期古孔隙度的方法. 授權專利號:ZL2013 1 0585613.1.1900-01-01.2017-09-12.(發明)
2. 陳冬霞,劉暢,龐雄奇.中國石油大學(北京).確定碳酸鹽岩潛山含油氣性的方法和裝置. 授權專利號:201410018113.4.2016-11-16
3. 陳冬霞,劉雨晨,張郢.中國石油大學(北京).利用緻密砂岩微觀孔隙結構確定氣水關係的方法. 授權專利號:201510165844.6.2016-08-24
4. 龐雄奇,姜航,陳冬霞.一種確定含油氣盆地碎屑岩油氣成藏底限的方法,授權專利號:2016. ZL201310009520.4
5. 龐雄奇,郭迎春,姜振學,陳冬霞. 2016. 確定連續型緻密砂岩氣藏分布範圍的模擬實驗裝置及方法,授權專利號:ZL201310589131.3


