
陳光宇,國籍美國,出生於1946 年4 月4 日,美國新澤西州州立羅格斯大學高級教授。


  • 中文名:陳光宇
  • 國籍:美國
  • 出生日期:1946 年4 月4 日
  • 職業:美國新澤西州州立羅格斯大學高級教授
  • 畢業院校:哈佛
簡歷,工作簡歷:,科研項目,主要學術成就,重要學術活動,特殊獎勵:,學術論文 (peer reviewed Journals):,


姓名: 陳光宇 (Kuang Yu Chen)
生日:1946 年4 月4 日
國籍:美國(2003 年入籍)
學士 台灣大學化學系National Taiwan University,Chemistry,1967
碩士 耶魯大學化學系Yale University,Chemistry,1971
博士 耶魯大學化學系Yale University,Chemistry,1973
博士後Postdoc,耶魯醫學院 藥理學系Yale Medical School,Pharmacology 1973-75
專業職務: 美國新澤西州州立羅格斯大學高級教授
從事專業: 本科生老師,博士導師
任職單位: 羅格斯大學,化學及化學生物學系。


1975-77 研究員,耶魯醫學院 藥理學系
1977-82 助教授,新澤西州立羅格斯大學 化學及化學生物系
1982-87 副教授,新澤西州立羅格斯大學 化學及化學生物系
1984-85 訪問學者,哈佛醫學院 生物物理系
1987-1995 正教授,新澤西州立羅格斯大學 化學及化學生物系
1995- 高級教授,新澤西州立羅格斯大學 化學及化學生物系


(1)多胺(Polyamines)以及eIF5A 蛋白因子的生物功能。(2)篩選具抗癌,消炎,抗肥腫或抗
1.多胺及eIF5A 計畫:多胺的新陳代謝控制在生物體極為重要,多胺功能複雜,其調控失誤是
許多病理主因。多胺在生物體中最重要功能之一是修飾eIF5A。eIF5A 為生物界唯一含有非常氨
基酸 hypusine 之蛋白質。它存在於所有真核細胞及古老細菌之中。eIF5A 上之hypusine 是經由
DS (deoxyhypusine synthase) 蛋白酶以多胺中的精胺(spermidine)加以修飾。移除eIF5A 或抑制
其修飾會導至細胞生長停止及凋亡。本小組是最早發現eIF5A 之實驗室之一,也是首先完成純
化及克隆DS 蛋白酶工作的實驗室。目前我們以不同生物模型來研究eIF5A 功能及其作用機理。
2.篩選計畫:我們利用各種細胞測定方法(cell-based assays),基因表達測定方法(gene
expression profiling)及生物信息庫資料(bioinformatics)來發展高通量篩選流程,進行天然物及
4。細胞老化機理研究計畫:我們利用人體細胞研究NF-Y 轉錄因子及多胺同eIF5A 對控制細胞


1. 我們實驗室是最早發現eIF5A 的兩個實驗室之一,是第一個發現NAD+ 在eIF5A 修飾的關鍵
功能。此發現促成我們成為最先純化並且克隆DS 蛋白酶的實驗室。我們也是第一個發現
eIF5A 可以與RNA 結合的實驗室。我們最近成功的證明eIF5A 在細胞體內與活化的核糖體
結合,是探討eIF5A 功能的一大突破。我們的eIF5A 研究連續為NIH 及美國癌症學會(ACS)
支持達20 多年。
2. 發現NF-Y 轉錄因子與細胞老化有密切關係。我們實驗室在eIF5A 及細胞老化的工作促成本
人被選為AAAS Fellow。
3. 首先發現紅茶素多酚抑制COX2 酶,具有抗癌及消炎作用。並且開發了數項高通量篩選技
格斯大學衍生的生技公司WellGen 取得使用權。
4. 我們實驗室迄今畢業有17 位博士,20 位碩士,並訓練了15 位後博士。實驗室歷年的成員


1997,2007 Gordon Conference on Polyamines,Section Chair and invited speaker
1994-1998 Member,Biological and Clinical Aging Review Committee A,NIH
1996-2000 學術期刊Biological Signal 編委
1998-2002 學術期刊Biogerontology編委
2000 Member,University Promotion Review Committee
2004-2008 Member,University Promotion Review Committee
2004 Keynote Speaker,8th National Symposium on Applied Chemistry,China
2004 Keynote Speaker,The Chinese American Chemical Society,Philadelphia
2004 陝西師範大學化學與材料學院兼任教授
2007 吉林大學生命科學院兼任教授
2008 羅格斯大學孔子學院董事


1995 Johnson and Johnson Discovery Award
1998 當選美國科學協進會 (American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)) Elected
Fellow,當選證書: “For fundamental contributions to the biochemistry of cellular aging and the
enzymatic process of hypusine formation,a reaction essential for cell survival.”
* AAAS Fellow 是美國學術界的殊榮之一。

學術論文 (peer reviewed Journals):

Chemical Biology and Life Science
1. Wang,K.T.,Chen,K.Y. and Weinstein,B. Amino acids and peptides XV. Separation of Nbenzyloxycarbonyl
amino acids and esters. J. Chromatog.,32,591-592,1968.
2. Chen,K.Y. and Wang,J.H. Effects of manganese extraction on oxygen generation and EPR
signal II in spinach chloroplasts. Bioinorganic Chemistry,3,339-352,1974.
3. Tsai,C.M.,Chen,K.Y. and Canellakis,E.S. Isolation and characterization of the plasma
membrane of L-1210 cells: Iodination as a marker of the plasma membrane. Biochim. Biophys.
4. Chen,K.Y.,Tsai,C.M. and Canellakis,E.S. Comparison of physical and immunological properties
of plasma membranes of two mouse leukemia cell lines,P-388 and L-1210. Cancer Res.,35,
5. Chen,K.Y.,Heller,J.S. and Canellakis,E.S. Studies on the regulation of ornithine decarboxylase
activity by the microtubules: The effect of colchicine and vinblastine. Biochem. Biophys. Res.
6. Chen,K.Y.,Heller,J.S. and Canellakis,E.S. The inhibition of the induction of ornithine
decarboxylase by cations. Biochem.,Biophys. Res. Commun.,70,212-219,1976.
7. Chen,K.Y. and Canellakis,E.S. Enzyme regulation in neuroblastoma cells in a salts-glucose
medium: The induction of ornithine decarboxylase by asparagine and glutamine. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci.,USA 74,3791-3795,1977.
9. Canellakis,E.S.,Heller,J.S.,Kyriakidis,D. and Chen,K.Y. The intracellular levels of ornithine
decarboxylase,its half-life and a hypothesis relating polyamine sensitive membrane receptors to
growth. Adv. Polyamine Res.,1,17-30,1978.
10. Chen,K.Y.,Kramer,R.H. and Canellakis,E.S. Isolation and characterization of surface
glycoproteins from L-1210,P-388 and HeLa cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta,507,107-118,1978.
11. Heller,J.S.,Chen,K.Y.,Wong,W.F. and Canellakis,E.S. The modulation of the induction of
ornithine decarboxylase by spermine,spermidine and diamines. J. Cell. Physiol.,96,225-234,
12. Liu,A.Y.-C.,Fiske,W.W. and Chen,K.Y. Regulation of cyclic AMP-binding protein in N-18 mouse
neuroblastoma cells. Cancer Res.,40,4100-4108,1980.
13. Chen,K.Y. Differences in the mode of regulation of ornithine decarboxylase activity in
undifferentiated versus differentiated mouse N18 neuroblastoma cells. FEBS Letters,119,307-
14. Chen,K.Y. and Rinehart,C.A.,Jr. Difference in putrescine transport in undifferentiated versus
differentiated mouse NB-15 neuroblastoma cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.,101,243-
15. Liu,A.Y.-C.,Chan,T. and Chen,K.Y. Induction of regulatory subunit of type cAMP-dependent
protein kinase in differentiated N-18 mouse neuroblastoma cells. Cancer Res.,41,4579-4587,
16. Chen,K.Y. and Liu,A.Y.-C. Differences in polyaminemetabolism of the undifferentiated and
differentiated neuroblastoma cells. Metabolic labeling of an 18,000-Mr protein by [14C]-
putrescine and the conversion of putrescine to GABA. FEBS Letters,134,71-74,1981.
17. Chen,K.Y.,Prespe,V.,Parken,N. and Liu,A.Y.-C. Change of ornithine decarboxylase activity
and polyamine contents upon differentiation of mouse NB-15 neuroblastoma cells. J. Cell.
18. Chen,K.Y. and Rinehart,C.A.,Jr. Identification of exposed surface glycoproteins in
undifferentiated and differentiated mouse N-18 neuroblastoma cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta,685,
19. Chen,K.Y.,Kyriakidis,D.A. and Canellakis,E.S. The inhibition of the serum-stimulated increase
of ornithine decarboxylase by ionophores and local anesthetics. Biochim. Biophys. Acta,716,72-
20. Viceps-Madore,D.,Chen,K.Y.,Tsou,H. and Canellakis,E.S. Ornithine decarboxylase activity in
cells maintained in salts-glucose solution. I. Requirements for Na+,amino acids and protein
synthesis. Biochim. Biophys. Acta,717,305-315,1982.
21. Chen,K.Y. and Liu,A.Y.-C. Differences in the mode of regulation of ornithine decarboxylase and
tyrosine aminotransferase of H-35 rat hepatoma cells: Effects of medium composition. Biochim.
Biophys. Acta,755,244-252,1983.
22. Chen,K.Y. and Liu,A.Y.-C. The role of polyamines in the differentiation of mouse neuroblastoma
cells. Adv. Polyamine Res.,4,743-755,1983.
23. Chen,K.Y. An 18,000-dalton protein metabolically labeled by polyamine in various mammalian
cell lines. Biochim. Biophys. Acta,756,395-402,1983.
24. Chen,K.Y.,Nau,D. and Liu,A.Y.-C. Effect of inhibitors of ornithine decarboxylase on the
differentiation of mouse neuroblastoma cells. Cancer Res.,43,2812-2818,1983.
25. Chen,K.Y. Transglutaminase catalyzed incorporation of putrescine into surface proteins of
mouse neuroblastoma cells. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry,58,91-98,1984.
26. Chen,K.Y. and Verma,R. Spermine specifically inhibits the phosphorylation of an 11,000-dalton
nuclear protein in various cultured mammalian cell lines. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.,118,
27. Rinehart,C.A.,Jr. and Chen,K.Y. Characterization of the polyamine transport system in mouse
neuroblastoma cells: Effects of sodium and system A amino acids. J. Biol. Chem.,259,4750-4756,
28. Rinehart,C.A.,Jr. and Chen,K.Y. Identification of the insulin receptor in undifferentiated and
differentiated NB-15 mouse neuroblastoma cells by affinity labeling. Biochim. Biophys. Acta,802,
29. Chen,K.Y. and Martynowicz,H. Lack of detectable polyamines in an extremely halophilic
bacterium. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 124,423-429,1984.
30. Chen,K.Y. and McLaughlin,M.G. Differences in the decay kinetics of EPR signals of
incorporated stearic acid spin labels in undifferentiated versus differentiated mouse
neuroblastoma cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta,845,189-195,1985.
31. Liu,A.Y.-C. and Chen,K.Y. Differential effects of the tumor promoter phorbol-12-myristate-13-
acetate on the morphological and biochemical differentiation of N-18 mouse neuroblastoma cells.
J. Cell. Physiol. 125,387-392,1985.
32. Verma,R. and Chen,K.Y. Spermine inhibits the phosphorylation of the11,000- and 10,000-
dalton nuclear proteins catalyzed by nuclear kinase NI in NB-15 mouse neuroblastoma cells. J.
Biol. Chem. 261,2890-2896,1986.
33. Chen,K.Y. and Chang,Z.F. Age dependency of the metabolic conversion of polyamines into
amino acids in IMR-90 human embryonic lung diploid fibroblasts. J. Cell. Physiol. 128,27-32,
34. Liu,A.Y.-C.,Chang,Z.F. and Chen,K.Y. Increased cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity in
aging human diploid fibroblasts. J. Cell. Physiol. 128,149-154,1986.
35. Chen,K.Y.,Chang,Z.F. and Liu,A.Y.-C. Changes of serum-induced ornithine decarboxylase
activity and putrescine content during aging of IMR-90 human diploid fibroblasts. J. Cell. Physiol.
36. Chen,K.Y. and Chang,Z.F. A marked increase of fucosylation of glycoproteins in human diploid
fibroblasts (IMR-90) during senescence in vitro Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.,142,767-774,
37. Liu,A.Y.-C.,Kamalakannan,V. and Chen,K.Y. Identification of functional cAMP-dependent
protein kinase in a'neurite-minus'mouse neuroblastoma cell line. Biochim. Biophys. Acta,928,
38. Chen,K.Y. and Cheng,S. Polyamine Metabolism in an obligately alkalophilic Bacillus
alcalophilus that grows at pH 11.0. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.,150,185-191,1988.
39. Liu,A.Y.-C.,Lin,Z.,Kamalakannan,V. and Chen,K.Y. Induction and quantitation of the RI
cAMP-binding protein in clonal mouse neuroblastoma cell lines: Evidence that the increase in RI is
not related to neurite outgrowth. J. Neurosci. Res. 19,303-311,1988.
40. Chen,K.Y. and Dou,Q.P. NAD+ stimulated the spermidine-dependent hypusine formation on
the 18,000-dalton protein in cytosolic lysates derived from NB-15 mouse neuroblastoma cells.
FEBS Letters,229,325-328,1988.
41. Chen,K.Y. and Dou,Q.P. Isolation and characterization of an 18,000-dalton hypusine-containing
protein from NB-15 mouse neuroblastoma cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta,971,21-28,1988.
42. Chang,Z.F. and Chen,K.Y. Regulation of ornithine decarboxylase and other cell-cycle
dependent genes during senescence of IMR-90 and human fibroblasts. J. Biol. Chem.,263,
43. Hsu,L.,Jeng,A. and Chen,K.Y. Induction of neurite outgrowth from chick embryonic ganglia
explants by activators of protein kinase C. Neuroscience Letter 99,257-262,1989.
44. Chen,K.Y.,Chang,Z.F.,Pang,J.H,He,G.S.,Liu,A.Y.-C. Polyamine metabolism and cell cycledependent
gene expression in IMR-90 human diploid fibroblasts during senescence in culture.
Exp. Gerontol.,24,523-537,1989.
45. Dou,Q.P. and Chen,K.Y. Two hypusine-containing proteins identified by metabolic labeling in
chick embryo fibroblasts. J. Chinese Chem. Soc.,36,443-450,1989.
46. Yang,Y.C.,Chen,K.Y.,Seyfzadeh,M. and Davis,R.H. Deoxyhypusine/hypusine formation on a
21,000-dalton cellular protein in a Neurospora crassa mutant in vitro and in vivo. Biochim.
Biophys. Acta,1033,133-138,1990.
47. Dou,Q.P. and Chen,K.Y. Characterization and reconstitution of a cell free system for NAD+-
dependent deoxyhypusine formation on the 18,000-dalton eIF-4D precursor. Biochim. Biophys.
48. Chen,Z.P. and Chen,K.Y. Differentiation of a mouse neuroblastoma variant cell line whose
ornithine decarboxylase gene has been amplified. Biochim. Biophys. Acta,1133,1-8,1991.
49. Liu,A.Y.-C.,Choi,H.,Lee,Y. and Chen,K.Y. Molecular events involved in transcriptional
activation of heat shock genes become progressively refractory to heat stimulation during aging of
human diploid fibroblasts. J. Cellular Physiol. 149,560-566,1991.
50. Chen,Z.P. and Chen,K.Y. Mechanism of regulation of ornithine decarboxylase gene expression
in a variant mouse neuroblastoma cell line. J. Biol. Chem. 267,6946-6951,1992.
51. Knapp,S.,Hale,J.J.,Bastos,M.,Molina,A. and Chen,K.Y. Synthesis of hypusine and other
polyamines using dibenzyltriazones for amino protection. J. Org. Chem.,57,6239-6256,1992.
52. Mehta,S.,Hsu,L.,Jeng,A. and Chen,K.Y. Neurite outgrowth and protein phosphorylation in
chick embryonic sensory ganglia induced by a brief exposure to 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-
acetate. J. Neurochem.,60,972-981,1993.
53. Pang,J.H and Chen,K.Y. A "CCAAT" binding protein,CBP/tk,may be involved in the regulation
of thymidine kinase gene expression in human IMR-90 diploid fibroblasts during senescence. J.
Biol. Chem.,268,2909-2916,1993.
54. Yang,Y.C.,Bastos,M. and Chen,K.Y. Effects of osmotic stress and growth stage on cellular pH
and polyphosphate metabolism in Neurospora crassa as studied by 31P nuclear magnetic
resonance spectroscopy. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1179,141-147,1993.
55. Pang,J.H. and Chen,K.Y. A global change of expression of G1/S phase genes in IMR-90
human diploid fibroblasts during senescence. J. Cell. Physiol. 160,531-538,1994.
56. Tao,Y. and Chen,K.Y. PCR based cloning of full length Neurospora eIF-5A cDNA:
Polyhistidine-tagging and overexpression for protein affinity binding. Biochemical Journal,
57. Tao,Y.,Skrenta,H.M. and Chen,K.Y. Deoxyhypusine synthase assay based on the use of
polyhistidine-tagged substrate and metal chelate affinity chromatography. Anal. Biochem.,
58. Chen,Z.P. and Chen,K.Y. A marked difference in the effect of asparagine on the regulation of
ornithine decarboxylase gene expression in NIH 3T3 and ras-transformed NIH 3T3 cells. Cancer
59. Tao,Y. and Chen,K.Y. Purification of deoxyhypusine synthase from Neurospora crassa to
homogeneity by substrate elution affinity chromatography. J. Biol. Chem.,270,383-386,1995.
60. Good,L.,Chen,J. and Chen,K.Y. Analysis of sequence specific binding of cis-elements in the
human thymidine kinase gene promoter during G1/S phase transition. J. Cell. Physiol.,163,636-
61. Huang,E.,Carrucio,L.,Liu,A.Y. and Chen,K.Y. Rapid activation of the heat shock transcription
factor by hypoosmotic stress in mammalian cells. Biochemical J.,307,347-352,1995.
62. Tao,Y. and Chen,K.Y. Molecular cloning and functional expression of Neurospora
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63. Pang,J.H. and Chen,K.Y. The age-dependent binding of CBP/tk,a CCAAT binding protein,is
deregulated in transformed and immortalized mammalian cells but absent in premature aging cells.
Experimental Gerontology,31,97-109,1996.
64. Yan,Y.P.,Tao,Y. and Chen,K.Y. Molecular cloning and functional expression of human
deoxyhypusine synthase cDNAs based on expressed sequence tag information. Biochem. J.,315,
65. Good,L.F. and Chen,K.Y. Cell cycle- and age-dependent transcriptional regulation of human
thymidine kinase gene: The role of NF-Y in the CBP/tk binding complex. Biol. Signals,5,163-169,
66. Good,L.F.,Dimri,G.P.,Campisi,J. and Chen,K.Y. Regulation of dihydrofolate reductase gene
expression and E2F components in IMR-90 human diploid fibroblasts during growth and
senescence. J. Cell. Physiol.,168,580-588,1996.
67. Chen,Z.P.,Yan,Y.P.,Ding,Q.,Potenza,J.A.,Knapp,S.,Schugar,H.J. Chen,K.Y. Effects of
inhibitors of deoxyhypusine synthase on the differentiation of mouse neuroblastoma and
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68. Liu,A.Y.-C.,Chen,K.Y. and Denhardt,D.T. Transcription Factors and Cell Aging. Biol. Signals,5,
69. Chen,Z.P and Chen K.Y. Dramatic attenuation of hypusine formation on eukaryotic initiation
factor 5A during senescence of IMR-90 human diploid fibroblasts. J. Cell. Physiol.,170,541-548,
70. Chen,Z.P. and Chen,K.Y. Marked elevation of hypusine formation on eukaryotic initiation factor
5A in v-Ha-ras transformed mouse NIH3T3 cells. Cancer Letters,115,235-241,1997.
71. Liu,Y.P.,Nemeroff,M.,Yan,Y.P. and Chen,K.Y. Interaction of eukaryotic initiation factor 5A with
human immunodeficiency type I virus Rev response element and U6 snRNA requires
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72. Chen,K.Y. and Liu,A.Y.-C. Hypusine formation on eukaryotic initiation factor 5A,biochemistry
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73. Caruccio,L.,Bae,S.,Liu,A.Y-C. And Chen,K.Y. Rapid activation of the heat shock factor,HSF1,
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74. Chen,K.Y. Transcription factors and the down-regulation of G1/S boundary genes in human
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75. Verma,R. and Chen,K.Y. Spermine stimulates the phosphorylation of the nuclear matrix
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76. Tiku,M.,Yan,Y.P.and Chen,K.Y. Electron Spin resonance/spin trapping evidence for hydroxyl
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77. Chen,Z.P. and Chen,K.Y. Green tea epigallocatechin gallate shows pronounced growth
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78. Chen,K.Y. Study of polyphosphate metabolism by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance
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79. Jao,D. and Chen,K.Y. Chemistry and biological function of hypusine-containing eIF-5A. J.
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80. Matuoka,K. and Chen,K.Y. Nuclear factor Y (NF-Y) and cellular senescence. Exp. Cell Res.,
81. Chen,K.Y.,Lu,Jiebo and Liu,A.Y.-C. The activation of trans-acting factors in response to hypoand
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82. Lu,J.B.,Park,J.,Liu,A.Y-C. and Chen,K.Y. Osmotic stress-induced activation of HSF1 DNA
binding activity is dramatically attenuated in senescent human cells. J. Cell. Physiol.,184,183-
83. Matuoka,K. and Chen,K.Y. Possible role of subunit A of nuclear factor Y (NF-Y) in normal
human diploid fibroblasts during senescence. Biogerontology,1,261-271,2000.
84. Lu,J.B.,Ho,C.-T.,Ghai,G. and Chen,K.Y. Differential effects of theaflavin monogallates on cell
growth,apoptosis and Cox-2 gene expression in cancerous versus normal cells. Cancer
85. Lu,J.,Chen,Z.P.,Yan,Y.P.,Knapp,S.,Schugar,H. and Chen,K.Y. 6-Aminohexanoic
hydroxamate is a potent inducer of the differentiation of mouse neuroblastoma cells. Cancer Lett.,
86. Xu,A. and Chen,K.Y. Hypusine is required for a sequence-specific interaction of eukaryotic
initiation factor 5A with post-SELEX RNA. J. Biol Chem.,276,2555-2561,2001.
87. Lu,J.B.,Ho,C.-T.,Ghai,G. and Chen,K.Y. Resveratrol analog,3,4,4',5-tetrahydroxystilbene,
differentially induces pro-apoptotic p53/Bax gene expression and inhibits the growth of
transformed cells but not their normal counterparts. Carcinogenesis,22,321-328,2001.
88. Matuoka,K.,Chen,K.Y. and Tenegawa,K. Rapid reveresion of aging phenotypes by
nicotinamide through possible modulation of histone acetylation. Cellular Molecular Life Sciences,
89. Jao,D.L. and Chen,K.Y. Subcellular localization of the hypusine-containing eukaryotic initiation
factor 5A by immunofluorescent staining and Green Fluorescent protein tagging. J. Cell. Biochem.,
90. Matuoka,K. and Chen,K.Y. Transcriptional regulation of cellular senescence by the CCAAT boxbinding
proteins CBF/NF-Y. Aging Research Reviews,1,639-651,2002.
91. Matuoka,K. and Chen,K.Y. Telomerase positive human diploid fibroblasts are resistant to
replicative senescence but not premature senescence induced by chemical reagents.
92. Matuoka,K.,Chen,K.Y. and Takenawa,T. A positive role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in
aging phenotype expression in cultured human diploid fibroblasts. Archives Gerontology and
93. Gosslau,A. and Chen,K.Y. Nutraceuticals,apoptosis,and disease prevention. Nutrition,20,95
94. Xu,A.Jao,D.L. and Chen,K.Y. Identification of mRNA that binds to eukaryotic initiation factor 5A
by affinity co-purification and differential display. Biochemical Journal,384,585-590,2004
95. Gosslau,A.,Chen,M.,Ho,C.-T. and Chen,K.Y. A methoxy derivative of resveratrol analog
exhibits potent and striking differential growth inhibitory effect against human cancer cells. British
J. Cancer,92,513-521,2005.
96. Fang,F.,Sang,S.,Chen,K.Y.,Gosslau,A.,Ho,C.-T.,and Rosen,R.T. Isolation and identification
of cytotoxic compounds from bay leaf (Laurus nobilis). Food Chem.,93,497-501,2005
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Paleography and Ancient Chinese
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2. Chen,K.Y. New interpretation of the temple name of Shang King Pan Geng. Journal of Chinese
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4. Chen,K.Y. 商代多伯多臣與肉食者 Shang Dai Duobo Duochen yu Ruoshizhe. 《花園莊東地甲骨論
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5. Chen,K.Y. 試論漢字起源定點與世界古文字溯源比較 On the dating of the origin of Chinese writing
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6. Chen,K.Y. 世界四種古文字的起源時空與文字構造 Time,space,and the structure of the four
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7. Chen,K.Y. 兒氏家譜刻辭之“子”與花東卜辭之“子”,《紀念王懿榮發現甲骨文110 周年國際學
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