- 中文名:阿不都卡的·吾甫
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:代數表示理論、Ringel-Hall 代數、量子群
- 任職院校:新疆大學數學與系統科學學院
2006.10至2007.9,丹麥哥本哈根大學,數學科學系,從事博士後研究工作,合作導師:Hans PlesnerJakobsen
1980.9 至 1985.7,原喀什師範學院,數學系,理學學士。
1985.9 至 1994.11,原喀什師範學院,數學系,助教。
代數表示理論;Ringel-Hall 代數;量子群;Groebner-Shirshov 基理論。
1. 國家自然科學基金地區基金項目:量子群,Groebner- Shirshov基理論及相關問題研究;批號:11361056;起止時間:2014.1.1至2017.12.31.
2. 國家自然科學基金地區基金項目:Ringel-Hall 代數及量子群的Groebner-Shirshov基;批號:11061033;起止時間:2011.1.1至2013.12.31.
3. 自治區高等學校科研計畫項目科學研究重點項目:量子群的Groebner-Shirshov 基與 Ringel-Hall 代數;批號:XJEDU2009I06;起止時間:2010.1 至 2011.12.
1. Rabigul, Tuniyaz; Obul, Abdukadir, Gröbner-Shirshov pair of Algebraand its Applications, (17) No.2 (2018)
2. 阿依古力·熱西提;阿布都卡的·吾甫;B3 型量子群的Gelfand-Krillov維數,四川大學學報(自然科學版),第54卷(2017),第2期:253-260.
3. Yunus, Gulshadam; Obul, Abdukadir; Gröbner-Shirshov basis ofTwisted generic composition algebra of affine type, Algebra Colloq.. B3型量子群的Gelfand-Krillov維數,四川大學學報,第 54卷(2-17),第2期:253-260.
4. 熱比古麗·吐尼亞孜;阿布都卡的·吾甫;交換代數上Zinbiel代數的鑽石合成引理,數學的認識與實踐,第47卷(2017),第22期:239-247.
5. 熱比古麗·吐尼亞孜;阿布都卡的·吾甫;量子包羅代數Uq(An) 的GelfandKriollov維數,山東大學學報(理學版),第52卷(2017),第10期:12-23.
6. 呂丹;阿布都卡的·吾甫;G2型量子群的Gelfand-Kirillov維數,數學的實踐與認識,第46卷(2016), 第7期:217–227.
7. Gao, Zhenzhen; Yang, Shilin; Obul, Abdukadir; Gröbner-Shirshovbasis for degenerate Ringel-Hall algebra of type C3. J. Math. Res.Appl. 36 (2016).
8.Yunus, Gulshadam; Obul, Abdukadir; Presenting degenerate Ringel-Hall algebras of type E6 , Afr. Mat. 27(2016),
9. Yunus, Gulshadam; Obul, Abdukadir; Gröbner-Shirshov Basis andminimal projective resolution of Uq+(An),Rendi. Circ. Mat. Palermo(2) 65 (2016),.
10. 高珍珍,楊士林;阿布都卡的·吾甫;量子群;量子群Uq(C3) 及其不可約模的Gröbner-Shirshov基,北京工業大學學報,第42卷(2016),第3期:632-636.
11. Usta, Ghani;Obul, Abdukadir;Gröbner-Shirshov basis of irreduciblemodules of the quantum group of type G2 ,Chin. Ann. Math. Ser.B 37 (2016),
12. Gao, ZhenZhen; Obul, Abdukadir;Gröbner-Shirshov basis fordegenerate Ringel-Hall algebras of type F4,Chin. Ann. Math. Ser.B 37 (2016),
13. Mao, Ling Ling; Obul, Abdukadir;Gröbner-Shirshov Basis andminimal projective resolution of Uq+(G2), Acta. Math.Sin.(Engl.Ser.)32 (2016),
14. Zikerya, Ablimit; Obul, Abdukadir; Gröbner-Shirshov basis ofthe irreducible modules over the quantum group, Uq(F4) Rendi.Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 64 (2015),
15. Yunus, Gulshadam; Gao, Zhen Zhen; Obul, Abdukadir; GröbnerShirshov basis of quantum groups, Algebra Colloq. 22 (2015),
16. Miao, YUe; Obul, Abdukadir; The Gelfand-Krillov dimension ofquantized enveloping algebra of type D4, Journal of Mathematics35 (2015),
17. 高珍珍,楊士林,阿布都卡的·吾甫;Anick分解和量子群Uq(sl2) 的一些同調性質,山東大學學報(理學版),第49卷(2014),第10期:17-27.
18. Qiang Cheng Xiu; Obul, Abdukadir; Skew-commutator relationsandGröbner-Shirshov Basis of quantum group of type F4, Front.Math.China 9 (2014),
19. Obul, Abdukadir; Riedtmann's formula for exact categories,Southeast Asian Bull.Math.35 (2011),
20. Obul, Abdukadir; Yunus, Gulshadam; Gröbner-Shirshov basis ofquantum group of type E6, J. Algebra 346 (2011),
21. Ren, Yanhua; Obul, Abdukadir; Gröbner-Shirshov basis of quantum groups of type G2, Comm. Algebra 39 (2011),
22.Yunus, Gulshadam; Obul, Abdukadir; Gröbner-Shirshov basis ofquantum group of type D4, Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B 32 (2011),
23. Kong, Junshi; Obul, Abdukadir; Gröbner-Shirshov basis ofquantum group of type B2, Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 34 (2010),
24. 孔軍士; 阿布都卡的·吾甫; Z/3Z-量子群的Gröbner-Shirshov基, 中國科學, 第40卷(2010),第8期,723-826.
25. Obul, Abdukadir; Pang, Yali; Counting the number of indecomposable representations and a q-analogue of the Weyl-Kacdenominator identity of type $\tilda{B}n$, Sci.China. Ser. A 51(2008),
26. Obul, Abdukadir; A q-analogue of the Weyl-Kac denominatorformulas of type $\tilda{F}41 and $\tilda{G}21, Algebra Colloq. 14(2007),
27. Obul, Abdukadir, Generalized tilting functors and Ringel-Hallalgebras, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 208 (2007),
28. Obul, Abdukadir; Zhang Guanglian; PBW-bases of the twistedgeneric composition algebras of affine valued quivers, J. Algebra297 (2006),
29. Obul, Abdukadir; Minimal generating system of Ringel-Hall algeb-ras of affine valued quivers, J. Algebra 297 (2006),
30. Wufu, Abudukade; Tilting functors and Hall algebras, Comm.algebra 33 (2005),
31. ObulAbdukadir; TheSerre relations in Ringel-Hall algebras, Chin.Ann. Math. Ser. B 23 (2002).
2. 新疆維吾爾自治區第十二屆自然科學優秀學術論文獎;二等獎;排名第一;頒獎單位:新疆維吾爾自治區科學技術協會;新疆維吾爾自治區科學技術廳;新疆維吾爾自治區人力資源與社會保障廳。