- 中文名:阮維斌
- 出生地:陝西省
- 出生日期:1971年6月
- 性別:男

1991.09-1995.07 北京農業大學土壤與植物營養系 本科
1995.09-2000.07 中國農業大學植物營養學專業 博士
2000.07-2002.12 南開大學生命科學學院講師
2002.12-現在 南開大學生命科學學院副教授
2004.09-2005.03 美國加州大學聖地亞哥分校進修
2006.01-2007.03 美國明尼蘇達大學植物病理系博士後
課題組已建立線蟲學、微生物學、分子生物學等研究平台,進行相關研究。主持和參加省部級項目多項,在研項目3項, 累計經費80餘萬。正在建立研究地區線蟲標本庫。已與美國明尼蘇達大學展開合作(植物病原線蟲與寄主相互關係)。已發表論文30餘篇, 其中SCI收錄論文7篇。國家授權發明專利1項,國家發明專利受理申請1項。
2)國家科技部“十一五”科技支撐項目“設施園藝退化土壤修復與高效利用技術研究”(2006BAD07B03) (參加)
3)國家973項目“重要物種的綜合生態適應對策”(2007CB106802) (參加)
1)Wei-bin Ruan*,Xue-hua Zhu,Hua-bin Li, Xin Zhang, Shi-yi Guo, Jing-guo Wang, Fu-suo Zhang, Yu-bao Gao. Soybean autotoxicity: Effects of m-hydroxy-phenylacetic acid on cell ultrastructural changes and gene expression in soybean roots. Allelopathy Journal 2009, 24 (2): 271-282.
2)Liu Siyun, Ruan Weibin*, Lijing, Xu Hua, Wang Jingan, Gao Yubao, Wang Jingguo. Biological control of phytopathogenic fungi by fatty acids. Mycopathologia, 2008, 166:93-102.
3)Xiao, Jianli, Chen, Senyu, Zhu, Jun, Ruan WeiBin. Effect of Liquid Swine Manure on Hatch and Viability of Heterodera glycines. Journal of Nematology. 2008, 152-160.
4)Xiao Jianli, Zhu Jun, Chen Senyu, Ruan Weibin, Miller Curtis. A novel use of anaerobically digested liquid swine manure to potentially control soybean cyst nematode. Journal of environmental sciences and health part B-Pestcides food contaminants and agricultural wastes. 2007, 42 (6): 749-757
5)Ruan Wei Bin*, Wang Jing, Pan Jie, Li Hua Bin, Wang Jingguo, Zhang Fusuo Gao Yubao. 2005. Effects of sesame seed cake allelochemicals on the growth cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Jinchun 4). Allelopathy Journal, 16 (2): 217-226
1.阮維斌;王靜;潘潔;李華兵;王敬國;張福鎖;高玉葆. Effects of sesame seed cake allelochemicals on the growth cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Jinchun 4). ALLELOPATHY JOURNAL 16-2-217. 2005-1-1
2.Wang, JL; Gao, YB; Zhao, NX; Ren, AZ; Ruan, WB; Chen, L; Liu, JL; Li, CL. Morphological and RAPD analysis of the dominant species Stipa krylovii Roshev. in Inner Mongolia steppe. BOTANICAL STUDIES 47-1-23. 2006-1-1
3.Wang, JL; Zhao, NX; Gao, YB; Lin, F; Ren, AZ; Ruan, WB; Chen, L. RAPD analysis of genetic diversity and population genetic structure of Stipa krylovii Reshov. in Inner Mongolia steppe. RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS 42-5-468. 2006-1-1
4.Di Cao, Fuchen Shi*, Weibin Ruan, Zhaohua Lu, Minwei Chai.. Seasonal changes and relationship between soil microbial and microfaunal communities of Tamarix chinensis community in the Yellow River Delta. African Journal of Biotechnology 10.. 2011-11-20