

1962年12月生,黑龍江人,博士,博士生導師。 2000年6月於華東理工大學化工機械研究所獲得博士學位(獲上海市優秀畢業生),2002年9月于山東 大學材料科學與工程學院博士後出站。2002.10 華東理工大學機械與動力工程學院任教。


  • 中文名:關凱書
  • 出生日期:1962年12月
  • 職業:大學教授
  • 畢業院校:華東理工大學


(1) 微試樣測試技術評價在役設備的力學性能
(2) 極端環境設備的結構完整性評價,包括設備的失效分析與預防, 高溫法蘭接頭的結構
(3) 納米塗層。


主持承擔了國家自然科學基金項目、國家“十一五”、“十二五”科技攻關項目、國家質檢總局公益性項目、失效分析與預防等項目。上海市特種設備事故應急專家,進年來完成了數百項石油化工設備失效分析案例,參加及主持了上海市組織的承壓設備重大事故失效分析工作。Engineering Fracture Mechanics、Surface and Coatings Technology、Applied Surface Science國際期刊及多個國核心心期刊審稿人。獲得二次上海市科技進步獎。


Kaishu Guan,etal.Assessment of toughness in long term service CrMo low alloy steel by fracture toughness and small punch test. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2011,241(5), 1407-1413(SCI/EI)
Kaishu Guan, Qiangqi Wang. Analysis of failed electron beam welds in ethylene cracking tubes. Engineering Failure Analysis.2011,18(5):1366–1374(SCI/EI)
Kaishu Guan. The relationship between photocatalytic activities, super-hydrophilicity and self-cleaning effect of TiO2-SiO2 films. Surface and Coatings Technology.2005,191(2-3):155-160) (SCI/EI)(被引用100次以上)
Kaishu Guan, Baojun Lu ,Y.S. Yin. Enhanced effect and mechanism of SiO2 addition in super-hydrophilic property of TiO2 films. Surface and Coatings Technology.2003,173(2-3):219-223 (SCI/EI) (被引60多次)
Kaishu Guan, Fubiao. Xu, Z.W. Wang, Hong Xu. Failure analysis for hot corrosion of weldment in ethylene cracking tubes. Engineering Failure Analysis.2005,12(1):1-12(SCI/EI)
Kaishu Guan,Xinghua Zhang, Xuedong Gu, Longzhan Cai,HOng Xu Zhiwen Wang. Failure analysis for 304 stainless bellows expansion joint. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2005,12(3):387-399 (SCI/EI)
Kaishu Guan, Hong Xu, Zhiwen Wang. Analysis of failed ethylene cracking tubes. Engineering Failure Analysis.2005, 12(3): 420-431 (SCI/EI)
Kai-shu GUAN,Yan-sheng YIN Effect of rare earth addition on super- hydrophilic property of TiO2/SiO2 composite film. Material chemistry and Physics.2005,92(1): 10-15(SCI/EI)
Kaishu Guan, etal. Cracks and precipitate phases of 321 stainless steel weld of flue gas pipe. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2005,12(4): 623-633(SCI/EI)
Kaishu Guan, etal.Quantitative study of creep cavity area of HP40 furnace tubes. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2005, 235/14 :1447-1456(SCI/EI)
Kaishu Guan, etal.Effect of aging at 700 °C on precipitation and toughness of AISI 321 and AISI 347 austenitic stainless steel welds. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2005,235(23):2485-2494(SCI/EI)
Ming Song, Kaishu Guan. Failure analysis of a weld decayed austenitic stainless steel. Engineering failure analysis. 2011,18:1613-1618(SCI/EI)
Song, M., Guan K.S., Wen Q., Jerzy A Szpunar. Comparison of mechanical properties in conventional and small punch tests of fractured anisotropic A350 alloy forging flange. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2012(247): 58-65
Bai Tao; Li Dong; Guan Kaishu. property variation and micro-structure evolution of 304L stainless steel subjected to surface mechanical rolling treatment ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA: 2011,1459-1463 (SCI)
Tao Bai, Peng Chen, Kaishu Guan..Evaluation of stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of stainless steel 304L with surface nanocrystallization by small punch test. Materials Science and Engineering: A, A 561 (2013) 498–506(SCI/EI)
Yifei Xu, Kaishu Guan Evaluation of fracture toughness by notched small punch tests with Weibull stress method. Materials & Design,2013(51): 605-611(SCI/EI)
Kai-shu Guan, etal.Effect of microdefects on load-deflection of small punch test by experimental investigation and finite element analysis. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping,2013(110):14-16(SCI/EI)
Yifei Xu, Tong Xu, Kaishu Guan. Prediction of cleavage fracture in ferritic steels by small punch tests with a modified Weibull stress model. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2014, 124-125: 97-111(SCI/EI)
Song, Ming,Guan, Kaishu,etal Size effect criteria on the small punch test for 316L austenitic stainless steel. Materials Science and EngineeringA,2014, 606: 346-353(SCI/EI)
Xiangsai Feng, Tong Xu, Yanfeng Qin, Kaishu Guan. Determination of creep properties of P91 by small punch test. Materials at high temperatures. 2015,32(4): 355-362.(SCI)
SB,Wu,KS Guan.Evaluation of tensile properties of 316L with linear hardening by modified indentation method. Material science and technology.2014,30(12):1404-1409(SCI)
Ma K, Zhang Y, Zhang L,K Guan et al. Behavior of bolted joints with metal-to-metal contact type gaskets under bolting-up and loading conditions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2014(SCI)
Ma K, Guan K, Cai R. Compression recovery performance of spring energized C-rings. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2015 (SCI)
化工設備失效原理與案例分析 華東理工大學出版社


