- 中文名:閆樹斌
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:山西
- 出生日期:1975年10月
- 畢業院校:山西大學“量子光學與光量子器件國家重點實驗室”
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:主要從事微納光學感測及微納米製造方面的研究工作
- 職稱:教授
在 Appl. Phys. Lett.、Phys. Rev. A、Scientific Report、Opt. Express、Sensors、IEEE Photonics Technology Letters、Chin. Phys. B 等國內外重要期刊發表學術論文 143 篇, SCI 收錄 33 篇,EI 收錄 54 篇,核心期刊 56 篇;申請國家發明專利 72 項,已授權 38 項。
中國高等教育學會第七屆理事會,2017.7-2022.7,理事 ;
中國高等教育學會儀器科學技術及測控技術專業委員會,2017.8-2021.8,副秘書長 ;
中國低空安全套用(專業)委員會,2018.5-2022.5,副秘書長 ;
中國微米納米技術學會微納執行器與微系統分會,2018.5-2022.5,理事 ;
- Mengmeng Wang; Meng Zhang; Yifei Wang; Ruijuan Zhao; Shubin Yan*,Fano Resonance in an Asymmetric MIM Waveguide Structure and Its Application in aRefractive Index Nanosensor, Sensors, 2019, 19(2):s19040791.
- Yanjun Zhang,Yunchao Li,Xuwen Hu,Lu Zhang,Zhaojun Liu,Kaifang Zhang,Shihao Mou,Shougang Zhang,Shubin Yan*, Micro-fabrication process ofvapor cells for chip-scale atomic clocks, Chin. Opt. Lett., 2019, 17(4): 040202
- Shubin Yan, Meng Zhang, Xuefeng Zhao, Yanjun Zhang, Jicheng Wang, Wen Jin. Refractive index sensor based on a metal-insulator-metal waveguide coupled with a symmetric structure, sensor, 2017.12. 11, 17(12).
- Xuefeng Zhao, Zhidong Zhang, Shubin Yan.Tunable Fano resonance in asymmetric MIM waveguide structure. Sensor, 2017, 7,17(7).
- Shu-Bin, Yan,Liang, Luo,Chen-Yang, Xue,Zhi-Dong, Zhang.A Refractive Index Sensor Based on a Metal-Insulator-Metal Waveguide-Coupled Ring Resonator.[J].Sensors (Basel, Switzerland),2015,15(11):29183-91.
- An P , Zheng Y , Yan S , et al. High-Q microsphere resonators for angular velocity sensing in gyroscopes[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 106(6):063504.
- He Bing, Yan ShuBin, Wang Jing, Xiao Min, Quantum noise effectswith Kerr-nonlinearity enhancement in coupled gain-loss waveguides Physical,Review A 2015, 91(5) : 053832.
- YanShubin #*,Li Minghui, LuoLiang, MaKezhen, XueChenyang, Zhang, Wendong,Optimisation Design of Coupling Region Based on SOI Micro-RingResonator, Micromachines, 2015, 6(1):151~159
- Zheng Yongqiu, Ren Yongfeng, An Panlong, Chu Chengqun, LiXiaofeng, Xue Chenyang, Liu Jun,Yan Shubin*, Wide dynamic range experiments on a resonator fiber optic gyro based on closed-loop frequencylocking technique,Chinese Optics Letters,2015, 13(2): 020601.
- Zhenyin Hai,Libo Gao,Qiang Zhang,Hongyan Xu,Danfeng Cui,Zengxing Zhang,Dimitris Tsoukalasd,Jun Tang,Shubin Yan,Chenyang Xue.Facile synthesis of core–shell structured PANI-Co3O4 nanocomposites with superior electrochemical performance in supercapacitors[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 361:57-62.
- Wang Yonghua , Xue Chengyang , Zhang Zengxing , Zheng hua,Zhang Wendong,Yan Shubin. Tunable optical analog to electromagnetically induced transparency in graphene-ring resonators system[J]. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6(1):38891.
- Zhang Zhidong, Luo Liang, XueChenyang, ZhangWendong,Yan Shubin*, Fano Resonance Based on Metal-Insulator-Metal Waveguide-Coupled DoubleRectangular Cavities for Plasmonic Nanosensors, Sensors,2016, 16(5):s16050642.
- Yan YingZhan, JiZhe,Liu Jun,Xue ChenYang,Yan Shu-Bin*, Zhang, WenDong,Xiong JiJun, Humidity and particulate testing of a high-Qmicrocavity packaging comprising a UV-curable polymer and tapered fiber coupler,Optics Communications,2012, 285(8) :2189~2194.
- Yan YingZhan , Zou ChangLing , Yan ShuBin , et al. Packaged silica microsphere-taper coupling system for robust thermal sensing application[J]. Optics Express, 2011, 19(7):5753-9.
- YingZhan Yan, ChangLing Zou, ShuBin Yan*, Robust Spot-PackagedMicrosphere-Taper Coupling Structure for In-Line Optical Sensors,IEEE: Photonics Technology Letters,2011, 23(22) : 1736~1738
- Chunyu Lu, Jicheng Wang,Shubin Yan, Zheng-Da Hu, Gaige Zheng and Liu Yang.Tunable Multiple Plasmon-Induced Transparencies Based on Asymmetrical Graphene Nanoribbon Structures,Materials, 2017,10(7), 699.
- Jinli Zhou, Huibin Chen, Zhidong Zhang, Jun Tang, Jiangong Cui, Chenyang Xue andShubin Yan,Transmission and refractive index sensing based on Fano resonance in MIM waveguide-coupled trapezoid cavity,AIP Advances 7, 015020,(2017).
- Zhi-Dong Zhang, Lian-Jun Ma, Fei Gao, Yan-Jun Zhang, Jun Tang, Hui-Liang Cao, Bin-Zhen Zhang, Ji-Cheng Wang,Shu-Bin Yan, Chen-Yang Xue,Plasmonically induced reflection in metal-insulator-metal waveguides with two silver baffles coupled square ring resonator[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2017(12):316-320.
- Wang Rui-Bing, Zhang Zhi-Dong, Jiao Guo-Tai,Xue Chen-Yang ,Yan Shu-Bin,Wang Hong-Yang. Localized surface plasmon resonance modes on an asymmetric cylindrical nanorod dimer[J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2016, 30(22):1650280.
- Wang J ,Yan S, Wang Y , et al. Modulation-Free Frequency Stabilization of a Grating-External-Cavity Diode Laser by Magnetically Induced sub-Doppler Dichroism in Cesium Vapor Cell[J]. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2004, 43(3):1168-1171.
- 閆樹斌,郭澤彬, 李小楓, 薛晨陽, 劉俊, 張文棟, 安盼龍, 鄭永秋, 張成飛, 仇海濤, “基於LTCC的高Q值光學微腔耦合系統的封裝結構和封裝方法”, 專利授權號:ZL201510070081.7, 授權日期: 2018.01.12。
- 閆樹斌,張文棟, 張志東, 薛晨陽, 崔建功, 陳慧斌, 駱亮, 蘇瑩, 王瑞兵, “矽基光波導雷射表面光滑化仿真方法”, 專利授權號:ZL201510988227.6, 授權日期: 2018.08.14。
- 閆樹斌,張志東,崔建功,薛晨陽,張文棟,王瑞兵,駱亮,陳慧斌,蘇瑩,“一種基於平面環形腔的MOEMS加速度計及其製造方法”, 專利授權號:ZL201510910685.8, 授權日期: 2018.10.19。
- 閆樹斌,韓建強,何劍,侯曉娟,穆繼亮,薛晨陽,醜修建,張文棟,“磁鐵懸浮型振動驅動電磁式能量採集器”,專利授權號:ZL201610243462.5,授權日期:2019.01.04。
- 閆樹斌,張志東,崔建功,湯躍,張文棟,薛晨陽,“垂直耦合納米光波導雙光路晶片級原子鐘”,專利授權號:ZL201621203761.8,授權時間:2017.05.17。
- 閆樹斌,張志東,崔建功,湯躍,張文棟,薛晨陽,“端面耦合納米光波導雙光路晶片級原子鐘”,專利授權號:ZL201621204170.2,授權日期:2017.05.24。
- 閆樹斌,張彥軍,張志東,湯躍,薛晨陽,張文棟,“端面耦合納米光波導雙光路晶片級磁強計”,專利授權號:ZL201621318465.2,授權日期:2017.11.21。
- 閆樹斌 張彥軍 張志東 湯躍 薛晨陽 張文棟“垂直耦合納米光波導雙光路晶片級磁強計”專利授權號:ZL201621318526.5 授權日期:2018.02.02。